Guide for curators and tutors who must provide an annual ...

Guide for curators and tutors who must provide an annual ...

Guide for curators and tutors who must provide an annual ...

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Line 12 :Accounts receivable (notes <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> lo<strong>an</strong>s):name <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> address of debtorEnter all amounts receivable on behalf of the minor. Thiswould include sums lo<strong>an</strong>ed from his or her patrimony, hisor her share of <strong>an</strong> inherit<strong>an</strong>ce, or sums payable to him orher pursu<strong>an</strong>t to a settlement. If you do not know the exactamount, just enter $1. Also enter the name <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> addressof <strong>an</strong>yone owing money to the minor. Enter the totalamount (after all items have been calculated). If you havemore th<strong>an</strong> one item to enter under this heading, pleasebreak them down (description <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> amount) on a separatesheet <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> attach it to the completed <strong>an</strong>nual report.Accounts receivable <strong>must</strong> not be confused with accountspayable (box 42).Line 15 :BondsFor this line, you <strong>must</strong> first fill out the list of bondspossessed by the minor in Appendix: Securities. Fill outthe appendix by entering the names of bonds possessedby the minor, serial number, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> value at maturity date.The total of this section (line 320 of the Appendix) <strong>must</strong>be entered on line 15 of the <strong>an</strong>nual report.Line 16 :Stocks <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mutual fundsFor this line, you <strong>must</strong> first fill out the list of shares,mutual fund stocks, or other securities owned by theminor in Appendix: Securities. Fill out this appendix byentering the names of stocks possessed by the minor,serial numbers, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, if possible, their purchase value.You <strong>must</strong> also enter under this heading <strong>an</strong>y mutual fundshares held by the minor. The total of this section (line360 of the Appendix) <strong>must</strong> be entered on line 16 of the<strong>an</strong>nual report.Line 17 :Mortgage receivable:name <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> address of debtorEnter sums lo<strong>an</strong>ed in the minor's name against acollateral asset such as a house. It is import<strong>an</strong>t to furnishas much in<strong>for</strong>mation as possible, such as the borrower'sname <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> address <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the unpaid bal<strong>an</strong>ce of the lo<strong>an</strong>,as frequently it c<strong>an</strong> be a subst<strong>an</strong>tial sum. Not to beconfused with a mortgage payable (box 46).Line 20 :Buildings <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> l<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>: AddressDescribe the properties owned by the minor <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> indicatetheir address. In cases where a property belongs toseveral owners, indicate the portion owned by the minor.Indicate whether the value you have listed represents thecurrent market value or a municipal assessment. Youshould also include under this heading <strong>an</strong>y lots of l<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>containing no buildings. Enter the total amount (after allitems have been calculated). If you have more th<strong>an</strong> oneitem to enter under this heading, please break themdown (description <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> amount) on a separate sheet <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>attach it to the completed <strong>an</strong>nual report.Line 22 :Funeral prearr<strong>an</strong>gement contractUnless the minor has a funeral prearr<strong>an</strong>gement contract,ignore this section. If a pre-arr<strong>an</strong>ged funeral contract hasbeen signed, enter the total cost of the agreement signedby or on behalf of the minor.Line 23 :Vehicles (automobile, ATV,motor home, boat, etc.)Enter the value of vehicles owned by the the minor,including model <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> year. Enter the total amount (after allitems have been calculated). If you have more th<strong>an</strong> oneitem to enter under this heading, please break themdown (description <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> amount) on a separate sheet <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>attach it to the completed <strong>an</strong>nual report.Line 24 :Life insur<strong>an</strong>ce (surrender value)Enter in<strong>for</strong>mation about life insur<strong>an</strong>ce policies held by theminor <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, if applicable, their surrender value. It isimport<strong>an</strong>t to state whether the insur<strong>an</strong>ce was obtainedbe<strong>for</strong>e or after the institution of <strong>tutors</strong>hip, <strong>who</strong> is payingthe premium, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>who</strong> is the beneficiary. Also enter thename of the insur<strong>an</strong>ce comp<strong>an</strong>y <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the policy number.Enter the total amount (after all items have beencalculated). If you have more th<strong>an</strong> one item to enterunder this heading, please break them down (description<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> amount) on a separate sheet <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> attach it to thecompleted <strong>an</strong>nual report.Line 25 :Furniture <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> personal effectsEnter the total value of the minor's personal belongingshaving a unitary value of over $100. If you believe thatsome items are very valuable (jewellery, paintings, etc.),have them appraised by <strong>an</strong> expert.It is recommended that you <strong>provide</strong> a brief <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> precisedescription of each item, indicating their value at the timeof acquisition. If necessary, write this in<strong>for</strong>mation on aseparate sheet <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> attach it to the completed <strong>an</strong>nualreport.Line 26 :OtherEnter all other items not entered on lines 1 to 25 thatcomprise the patrimony of the minor. Provide a brief <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>specific description of each item, making sure to includethe purchase price. Enter the total amount (after all itemshave been calculated). If you have more th<strong>an</strong> one item toenter under this heading, please break them down(description <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> amount) on a separate sheet <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> attachit to the completed <strong>an</strong>nual report.Line 30 :Total assetsEnter the total of the amounts entered on lines 1 to 26.

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