TU SOM Syllabus Template - TMedWeb - Tulane University

TU SOM Syllabus Template - TMedWeb - Tulane University

TU SOM Syllabus Template - TMedWeb - Tulane University


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4. Utilize and master all the Study Guides provided on the Web. Provided in these guides arelecture objective, important lecture concepts, key words and phrases which should becompletely understood, and questions that test your basic understanding of the lectureconcepts. Come to class having looked these over. Revisit the guides after class to helpyou put it all together and to test yourself.5. Utilize the lecture hand outs, which include all of the lecture slides with room to makeadditional notes. These are useful in lecture so as to limit the amount of additionalwriting. Much is already in the hand outs, enabling the student to listen and digest thematerial given by the lecturers, especially true if the student has already previewed thematerial before class (as suggested above). After class, take these notes and fill in theblanks with the text, lecture recordings and study guides. With all three resources, andmuch outside study time, you should have exemplary notes that may be vastly superior tothe material supplied by the note taking service. In addition, by sheer repetition, you willhave already assimilated much of the material, thereby reducing the need to cram later.6. Utilize Attend the review sessions. At regular intervals, review sessions are scheduledduring class time. During these sessions, the course director will field general questions.If no questions are presented, the course director will ask questions to the class, askingspecific students for their answers. If you come, be prepared. This is not meant todiscourage attendance, but rather to get everyone involved. If you can explain a conceptto your fellow classmates, then you understand that concept. If you can’t explain it, thereare probably others who do not as well. Together we will all help each other.7. Study actively and test your knowledge objectively. Included in On-line resources aretextbook chapter quizzes. Look at them regularly, not just at the end of the block (tocram for the test). Don’t take the information for granted. We provide much material foryou. However, it will ultimately be up to you to learn it. Seek out help in the form of selfassessment questions, the review sessions and from the course director and lecturers.Many students are lulled into a false sense of security because everything seems there forthem. It will still take much effort on your part, including a regular assessment regimen.8. Learn in teams. At the beginning of every year, you will be assigned to a team of 5-7students (primarily for team-based learning). Use your team to self teach each other.Plan a weekly meeting. Each student can be assigned a lecture topic. They write 3-4questions on that topic, and present them to the team at the weekly session. The teamdiscusses the topic through the questions and self teaches all of the members.Understanding why the incorrect answers are wrong is as equally important asunderstanding why the correct answer is right. If everyone is committed to the process,everyone will come prepared on their individual topic. The group self learning method is apowerful way to succeed.9. Utilize the USMLE review books (e.g. BRS Biochemistry and Molecular Biology). Bykeeping up with this resource throughout both Biochemistry courses, the student will alsobe better prepared for the national licensure exam, the National Board of MedicalExaminers (NBME) Subject Exam in Biochemistry, which serves as the final for theMetabolism course. Remember that topics from both courses are tested on theNBME Biochemistry Subject Exam.10. It can not be stressed enough the fact that the course director and other instructors arehere to help you. If you feel that you do not get some topic, come see us. Do not waituntil you are inundated with too much to learn, or after you perform poorly on an exam.Asking a daily question right after every lecture is an excellent way to clear up confusingtopics. We are here to educate and guide you, but ultimately it is up to you to learn thematerial. Please take advantage of the experienced instructors that <strong>Tulane</strong> <strong>University</strong> hasprovided to you. That is what we are here for.___________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Tulane</strong> <strong>University</strong> School of Medicine - Cellular Biochemistry <strong>Syllabus</strong> and Course Information4

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