TU SOM Syllabus Template - TMedWeb - Tulane University

TU SOM Syllabus Template - TMedWeb - Tulane University

TU SOM Syllabus Template - TMedWeb - Tulane University


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- For each assigned lecture, students receive 1 point added to their final course average forsubmitting a practice exam question in the correct format within the two day timelimit.- Submitted questions will be used to generate a one hour on-line practice exam prior toeach block exam. If a students takes and passes the practice exam (70%), the studentwill earn another point extra credit. With three practice exams, an additional three pointscan be earned.- 5 points extra credit can make the difference between passing and conditional passing thecourse.Medical Biochemistry Wiki.As an innovative learning exercise, the students will combine resources to create a medicalbiochemistry wiki. Each TBL team will be assigned specific learning assignments during thecourse. The assignments will be posted on the Blackboard and <strong>TMedWeb</strong> Biochemistry sites.It is the student’s responsibility to know their assignments, and to complete theassignment within a week of the learning session. The completed assignment is 5% ofyour course grade, and should not be confused with the earn credit that you can earn(see bottom of page 5 of the course information file). Assignments turned in late willbe used to construct the Wiki, but no credit will earned for the entire team. If a studentdoes not wish to participate in the assignment, they can opt out, without affecting theirteam’s ability to earn the credit. This opting out must be forwarded to the coursedirector before the assignment deadline. However, the student opting out loses 5% oftheir course grade.Once the assigned lecture is determined, the team will divide into two tasks.1. The first task is to provide a written summary for each learning objective. You must state thelearning objective, and provide information that you glean from the lecture slides, figures, readingsynopsis, recording, study guides and more. You must also state from where you got theinformation (which slides, figures, reading synopsis pages, study guide, etc…). You cannotcopy/past from any provided or external text. The summary should be yourunderstanding of the topic to address the learning objectives, in your own words, andbased upon the provided learning resources. You can copy/paste the figures as neededto help illustrate the text, although you can also find outside figures if you want (youmust reference from where these figures were taken). You should define important termsused in your summary, especially if these terms apply to the key phrases found in your studyguide, or are mentioned on the slides in question (aliphatic, polar, non-polar, amphipathic, etc…).You do this for each learning objective you are assigned. You can also include some interestingwebsites, videos or outside information that you feel is useful to understanding the learningobjectives. However, if you include outside material, you must provide proper source referencesfor this information. If you provide at well thought out summary for each learning objective, withfull explanations, and proper referencing, you will have completed the task.For example, if the learning objective is to understand the 5 major categories of amino acids, andthe basic characteristics of each group, you should state that first. Next provide a summary ofeach group, the amino acids found in each group, the basic characteristics of each group, etc…2. The second task is to provide questions that help to assess the understanding of the learningobjective and your summary. You should provide a question in a standard multiple choice formatwith minimally 4 choices, preferably 5. You can make the question clinical in nature if you sodesire (and especially if the learning objective is one with clinical relevance), although we realizethat some learning objectives are more basic science in principle. You must provide at least one(preferably two) question for each learning objective. Often, you can simply turn the learningobjective into a question. In the above example, the learning objective can be restated as___________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Tulane</strong> <strong>University</strong> School of Medicine - Cellular Biochemistry <strong>Syllabus</strong> and Course Information6

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