Inbal Jerusalem Magazine - Inbal Hotel Jerusalem

Inbal Jerusalem Magazine - Inbal Hotel Jerusalem

Inbal Jerusalem Magazine - Inbal Hotel Jerusalem

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LegacyLost & Found. The original of the movie Adamah (Land) which deals with the lives of war-torn Jewish refugee children wasthought to be lost forever until it was discovered amongst all the reels of movies they had in storage.the video recording of Eichmann’s trial in <strong>Jerusalem</strong>, italso thrives as a reservoir holding practically everythingthat is Jewish. Thus, while the archive is the officialdepository for all the old movies produced by Hadassah(The Women’s Zionist Organization of America), KerenKayemeth LeIsrael (Jewish National Fund), Keren Hayesod(United Israel Appeal) and many other Zionist and Jewishorganizations, the archive embraces other, less “official”,type of films.“You will be surprisedto learn what moviespeople saved,” saysRobin. “The ones thatI found most amusingwere the old electioncampaign commercials.They are fun to watch…and so very differentfrom the electioncommercials of today.”These commercialssucceed in capturing themood and atmosphere ofthose early days of thePinn Hans, National Photo CollectionWriting on the Wall. Political ads of Israel’s first election oncity walls captured on film.Spring-Summer 201336State – the people, the ideas, the dress, the issues – itall comes across, so alive, so captivating.Invited to view some of the more ‘sacred’ sections of thearchive, I was a little surprised how small the premiseswere for such an important and rich cultural treasure.Apart from the few tables where films are carefullymounted, analyzed, preserved and copied by ChaimGreen – a UK-trained specialist in film-preservation,there is the main ‘vault’,where the films are storedat a controlled temperatureand finally, the projectionroom.Sittingwith GoldInterestingly, the archivemaintains the films in theiroriginal 16 and 35 mmformat, because “it is morereliable and lasts longer.We are unsure about the

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