A New Dynamic: Private Higher Education

A New Dynamic: Private Higher Education

A New Dynamic: Private Higher Education

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Financial consideration2Box 2.3. Surpluses in BRAC University and the Independent Universityof BangladeshBangladesh has over 50 private universities; some such as BRAC University are notfor-profit- being an arm of the well known large non-governmental organization(NGO) - while most of them are like the Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB)and are profit making. The Annual Reports of both institutions for 2002-03 illustratesome of the financial differences. All figures are in millions of taka.Income BRAC IUBTuition and other fees 82 241Interest from deposits 10 30Total income 92 271ExpenditureAcademic salaries and benefits 39 59Personnel, management 28Rent 21 12Depreciation 11 10Maintenance of premises and services 7 8Other 14 24Student accommodation 5 -Total expenditure 97 141Surplus or (Deficit) (4) 130IUB had accumulated similarly large surpluses in the years preceding 2003 and these werebeing used to finance the construction of a new campus as required by the government.In 2009 the tuition fees in both institutions are similar, at between 4,000 and 4,500 takaper semester credit; however, fees for access to the computing centre and the library areextra in both cases.37

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