McLean's - American Shipper

McLean's - American Shipper

McLean's - American Shipper

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TRANSPORT / OCEANEvergreen’s Hatsu Sigma, its first in a line of “green ships,” made its firstU.S. call at Los Angeles in December.decided it was not commercially viable (atthat price). Maybe they see in the futuregrowing returns, but I really don’t know.”Evergreen’s businesses now include an airline,a hotel chain and a logistics division.“Every shipping line has their logisticsarms,” he said. “I think that’s a trend, becausethe shippers demand more and more.”He said the expected service level of shippershas gone from point-to-point, to doorto-door,to floor-to-floor, with some evenrequiring smart labels and radio frequencyidentification (RFID) tagging.“It’s a requirement of the shippers, and theindustry is just following on,” he said.As for vessel overcapacity worldwide,with analysts predicting as much as a 5percent gap in container slots and actualdemand, Chang appeared unruffled.“As a company, we are short of capacity,”he said. “The past three years, we have hada load factor higher than other companies,so I don’t think we’re concerned with overcapacity.”And on rates, Chang doesn’t see the rateYung-Fa Changchairman,Evergreen Group“We shouldn’t waitfor the introductionof regulations to tell uswhere to improve.”decline that some analysts predict.“Transpacific rates will be quite stable, butEuropean rates have come down,” he said.Chang also commented on the burgeoningpossibilities of expanding Asia/U.S. EastCoast lanes through the Suez Canal. Andagain, he said the market will dictate whereEvergreen goes, not the other way around.“It depends on the <strong>American</strong> and Europeanpeople,” he said. “Where are they going tobuy products from? Are they going to shiftfrom China to India? We cannot decide whichlane we are going to open. Within five years,it’s possible (that shippers will diversify theirsources of supplies). Vietnam is the onlyplace that can compete with China on cost,but the population can’t compete. Gradually,China labor costs are increasing, so low-valueproducts may go to India or Indonesia.”But intermodal costs in the Unites Statesmay make the Suez even more attractive asa way to get around rail and terminal congestionon the U.S. West Coast or lack ofcapacity through the Panama Canal.“Singapore is the mid-point for goingthrough the Panama or Suez,” he said. “Forthe more time-sensitive products, (the Suez)can be quite practical.”But Chang’s main goal was to stressEvergreen’s emergence as an environmentallysound player. And he urged the industry asa whole, not just his carrier competitors, topitch in.“We have to look at the cost of the globaleconomy against future generations,” Changtold the conference. “It is our responsibility toaddress these issues proactively. How can weinvest together to protect the environment?“If we all want to protect the environment,we all must share the cost to protectit. The success of the supply chain dependson sustainability, so you cannot expect oneparty to protect the environment and carryon the success of the carrier industry.” ■The PortOf VirginiaNew straddle carriers complementa $279 million renovation atNorfolk International Terminals,ensuring your cargo is handled inthe fastest, most efficient mannerpossible. We’ve devised the easiestway for truckers and shippers tosave time and money: a one-of-akindtruck chassis pool. A growingnumber of companies, looking forthe closest possible access toEastern U.S. and Midwest markets,are taking advantage of thePort’s ideal location and have setup distribution centers in Virginia.The Port of Virginia. It doesn’t getany better than this.TheIs HereVirginia Port Authority • 600 World Trade CenterNorfolk, VA 23510 USA • Phone 757-683-8000FAX 757-683-8500 • Toll Free 800-446-8098 •www.vaports.comAuthorityFuture© 2006 Virginia PortAMERICAN SHIPPER: APRIL 2006 73

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