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McLean's - American Shipper

McLean's - American Shipper

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Corporate Appointments(800) 876-6422, FAX (904) 791-8836, e-mail gburrows@shippers.comLogisticsAudacious Inc.The Nevada-based transportation managementservices provider has appointedBill Jones as senior vice president of salesand marketing.Jones was vice president and generalmanager of transportation services at RyderIntegrated Logistics, after Ryder acquiredhis own company, BFJones Logistics, in1998.In his new position, he will be responsiblefor strategic direction, planning and executionof marketing and sales programs for Audaciousand its sister company, NTE LLC.Ozburn-Hessey LogisticsThe Tennessee-based third-party logisticsprovider has appointed Frank Eichler to thenewly created position of executive vicepresident and general counsel.Eichler was senior vice president andgeneral counsel for Dex Media Inc. inColorado, overseeing the company’s publiclisting in 2004 and its sale to R.H. Donnelleyearlier this year.At OH Logistics, Eichler will be responsiblefor contract administration, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, analysis and counselon legal and policy issues as well as beinginvolved in acquisition activities.Ryder System Inc.The Miami-based logistics and transportationprovider named Mark T. Jamiesonexecutive vice president and chief financialofficer. He replaces Tracy Leinbach, whoretired.Jamieson comes to Ryder from SammonsEnterprises Inc., where he spent nearly 30years and eventually reached the position ofexecutive vice president and CFO.Ryder System has also appointed RobertBrunn vice president of investor relationsand public affairs.Brunn was Ryder’s group director of investorrelations. He will report to Jamieson.ForwardingGeoLogistics Corp.The Santa Ana, Calif.-based global freightforwarder and logistics services providerhas appointed John Kincheloe senior vicepresident, sales and marketing, Americas.Kincheloe was vice president, South Asiaat Eagle Global Logistics in the Houstonbasedcompany’s Singapore office.AirLufthansa CargoStefan H. Lauer has been named interimchairman, following the decision of Jean-Peter Jansen to step down from the Germanairline’s board March 31 for healthreasons.Lauer is Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s chiefofficer, aviation services and human resources.At the same time, Karl-Heinz Kopflewill take charge of operations at LufthansaCargo.SAS CargoSoren Busk has been named chief financialofficer, replacing Hans Ove Dahl wholeft the Scandinavian airline in January.Busk has worked within the SAS Groupsince 1981, most recently as CFO for SASScandinavian Airlines Danmark A/S.MaritimeMOL (America) Inc.After clocking up about 50 years in theshipping industry, Ray Keene has retired asexecutive vice president and chief operatingofficer at MOL (America).Prior to joining MOL in 1995, Keenewas executive vice president of MOL’s linerservices agency, Williams, Dimond & Co.He has also held executive positions atcompanies including Inchcape Shipping,Seatrain Lines, and Seapac ContainerService/OOCL.Keene will be succeeded by Tom Kelly,presently responsible for corporate operationsat MOL (America). Kelly joined thecompany in 1999 after stints at APL andLykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc.InlandCanadian Pacific RailwayChief Executive Officer Robert J. Ritchieand Chairman J.E. Newall will leave thecompany after its annual general meetingMay 5.Fred Green, appointed president of CPR inNovember, will take over from Ritchie. DirectorJohn Cleghorn will replace Newall.PortsCopenhagen Malmo PortDanish-Swedish port complex CMP hasappointed Peter Maskell as chairman of theboard of directors.Maskell has been a member of CMP’sboard since 2001 and is a professor inbusiness economics at Copenhagen BusinessSchool.Port of HuenemeExecutive Director Bill Buenger said hewill step down in April.Buenger, the longest serving port directorin California, has served as port chief since1994 and presided over a port whose cargovolume increased 50 percent over the lastdecade. The port is the West Coast’s biggestimporter of bananas and citrus fruits and receivesnearly a quarter-million automobilesmanufactured in Asia and Europe.GlobalSolutionsfor contract managementand tariff services.eztariff offers a full range cost-effectivesystem that reduces costs and increasesprofit potential. With our user-friendlysoftware and intuitive search capabilities,you can turn your tariff and contractinformation into vital planning tools.Set up is quick and easy, with secureweb access through an easy login.Start today !For more information call,1-877-580-GMTSwww.globemar.com 1-954-340-8886 1-877-580-GMTSMADISON, NEW JERSEY CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDAOAKVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADAAMERICAN SHIPPER: APRIL 2006 93

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