Volume 8 Surah 9 - Enjoy Islam

Volume 8 Surah 9 - Enjoy Islam

Volume 8 Surah 9 - Enjoy Islam

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43434They respect neither agreement norobligation of honour with regard to anybeliever. Those indeed are the aggressors.(10)Zπ¨ΒÏŒŸωuρ~ωÎ)?⎯ÏΒ÷σãΒ’Îû∩®∪ tβθè=yϑ÷ètƒtβθç7è%ötƒŸωYet, if they repent, take to prayers and paythe zakāt, they are your brethren in faith.Clear do We make Our revelations topeople of knowledge. (11)But if they break their pledges after havingconcluded a treaty with you, and revile yourreligion, then fight these archetypes offaithlessness who have no [respect for a]binding pledge, so that they may desist.(12)Will you not fight against people who havebroken their solemn pledges and set out todrive out the Messenger, and who were thefirst to attack you? Do you fear them? It isGod alone whom you should fear, if youare true believers. (13)Fight them: God will punish them at yourhands, and will bring disgrace upon them;and will grant you victory over them andwill grant heart-felt satisfaction to thosewho are believers, (14)removing all angry feelings from theirhearts. God will turn in His mercy towhom He wills. God is All-knowing and∩⊇⊃∪ šχρ߉ tG÷èßϑø9 $# ãΝèδ šÍׯ≈ s9 'ρé& uρ(#âθs?# uuρnο4θn=¢Á9 $#(#θãΒ$s%r& uρ(#θç/$s? βÎ* sùã≅Å_ÁxçΡuρöΝÏδωôγ tãÇ⎯ƒÏe$!$# ’Îû öΝä3çΡ≡ uθ÷zÎ* sùnο4θŸ2¨“9$#∩⊇⊇∪ tβθßϑn=ôètƒ 5Θöθs)Ï9 ÏM≈ tƒ Fψ$#ω÷èt/.⎯ÏiΒ Νßγ uΖ≈ yϑ÷ƒ r&(#þθèWs3¯Ρ βÎ) uρsπ£ϑÍ←r&(#þθè=ÏG≈ s) sù ôΜà6ÏΖƒÏŠ ’Îû(#θãΖyè sÛuρöΝßγ¯=yès9 óΟßγ s9z⎯≈ yϑ÷ƒ r&Iω öΝßγ¯ΡÎ) Ìøà6ø9 $#∩⊇⊄∪ šχθßγ tG⊥ tƒóΟßγ uΖ≈ yϑ÷ƒ r&(#þθèWs3¯Ρ $YΒöθs%šχθè=ÏG≈ s)è?Ÿωr&öΝà2ρây‰t/ Νèδuρ ÉΑθߧ9 $# Æl# t÷zÎ*Î/(#θ‘ϑyδuρβr& ‘,ymr&ª!$ sùóΟßγtΡöθ t±øƒ rB r&Bο§tΒš^¨ρr&∩⊇⊂∪ š⎥⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σ•Β ΟçFΖä. βÎ) çνöθt±øƒ rBöΝà6ƒÏ‰÷ƒ r'Î/ª!$# ÞΟßγö/Éj‹yèムöΝèδθè=ÏF≈ s%u‘ρ߉߹ É#ô±o„ uρ óΟÎγøŠn=tæ öΝä.÷ÝÇΖtƒ uρ öΝÏδÌ“øƒä†uρ∩⊇⊆∪ š⎥⎫ÏΖÏΒ÷σ•Β 7Θöθs%4’ n?tãª!$# Ü>θçF tƒ uρóΟÎγÎ/θè=è%xáø‹xî ó=Ïδõ‹ãƒ uρ27

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