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NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2004Searching for Ippolito RelativesMy name is Caryn SimpsonBuchhorn <strong>of</strong> San Antonio, Texas. Ihave been researching both mypaternal and maternal ancestors.My maternal grandmother,Dorothea Ippolito, came fromAllesandria della Rocca, on theship, Gallia, to Ellis Island. Fromthere, she went to Ybor City. Shemet and married StephanoCosentino, possibly from Florenceor Palermo. <strong>The</strong>y had six children,five <strong>of</strong> whom are still living. <strong>The</strong>children are 93, 92, 90, one whowill be 89 tomorrow (September24, 2004), my mother, the baby -who is 80, and an uncle who diedin his 20’s. My eldest aunt and mycousin have been to Allesandriadella Rocca and have seen theCari AmiciCiao! Io sono Vincenzo P. Collura,conosciuto anche come Perry peralcuni di voi. Mi hanno chiesto chescrivo articoli in italiano per questarivista dell’Unione <strong>Italian</strong>a. Sonomolto lieto di sapere che voleteleggere, o praticare a leggerel’italiano.Spero che gli articoli, in formadi ”Lettera Aperta”, saranno moltointeresanti. Ho scoperto molti sitiitaliani nel internet da quando hocomprato per prima volta uncompiuter personale ad aprilescorso. Alcuni sono siti ufficiali deicomuni nella provincia diAgrigento, da dove la maggioranzadei nostri antenati sono venuti qui a<strong>Tampa</strong>. Aragona (Terra/Paese degliCollura di <strong>Tampa</strong>), Alessandria dellaRocca, Santo Stefano Quisquina e,certo, Agrigento, capitale dellahouse, where by grandmother wasborn. <strong>The</strong>y hired a guide and weretaken to the town. At the CityHall, the records were shown andthey found that my grandmother’smaiden name was Settecase. Inresearching, I have seen that theFire Chief <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tampa</strong> also has thatname. My family moved toMiami, Florida, before 1924. Fromwhat I have learned, mygrandfather spoke <strong>Italian</strong>, Spanish,and English. He was apparently inthe produce business in Ybor City.After moving to Miami, mygrandparents owned a grocerystore. I would very muchappreciate any help or informationyou might provide. From lookingat your website, we are <strong>of</strong> the samegeneration. I feel a sense <strong>of</strong>A Note from Vincenzo P. Colluraprovincia, Paese di Pirandello e lafamiglia Sinatra.Anche ci sono siti degli giornali piuconosciuti e della RAI, la radiotelevisionedello stato, a varie radio etiv‘u private. Infatti, la RAI ha unadivisione dedicata allo studio dellalingua e cultura italiana chiamata“ITALICA”. In quella divisione, puoitrovare libri e CD per imparare labella lingua italiana, la cultura,letteratura e il pensiero italiano.Come noi abbiamo aol e yahoo, inItalia, hanno Tiscali e Libero. Sottol’ombrello Libero hanno anche Inwinde Blu. Sono i servizi dell’internet piuconosciuti. Li puoi trovare pagine conarticoli e notizie come si trova in AOL,Yahoo, ecc. con presentazionimultimedia.PAGE 4urgency because <strong>of</strong> the ages <strong>of</strong> myfamily.I have friends in San Antonio whogrew up in <strong>Tampa</strong>. His name isFrank Fleitas. We discovered hisgrandfather was part <strong>of</strong> the SpanishSociety in Ybor City. His picture ison a website there. Frank was apilot for Eastern Airlines. Alongtime family friend, is WalterFurr, who is a district attorney in<strong>Tampa</strong>. I hope to hear from yousoon!Bueno Notte!**If you know any information that mayhelp Caryn, please contact her at thefollowing information:E-Mail - Caryntex@aol.comHome - 210-828-7341Cell - 210-601-0995Utilizando ”Search”(ricerca) puoitrovare molti di questi siti. Perquestione di spazio non possoincludere i nomi di tutti, e sono tanti, isiti.Questo ‘e tutto per ora. Speromandare altra “Lettera Aperta” nellaprossima edizione.CIAO CIAO!Newsletter SubmissionsIf you would like to submit anarticle for the Newsletter, pleasesend your submissions to thefollowing e-mail or contact the<strong>Club</strong> Office for any furtherquestions:LUnione@<strong>Italian</strong>-<strong>Club</strong>.org

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