Next* Magazine, Issue 4 - Chevron

Next* Magazine, Issue 4 - Chevron

Next* Magazine, Issue 4 - Chevron

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Here and NowEnvisioning perfectoil fields, growingfuture energy streamsINTERSECT: This speedy, next-generationreservoir simulator helps maximize future flowPicture a mass of rock the size ofManhattan and the shape of a giganticice-cream sundae, two miles (3 km) under-game, earth scientists and engineers blendgeology, geophysics, chemistry, mathematics,software and know-how to cram powerfulrecovery, we should be able to improveour plan. We can put wells in more orbetter locations and recover 38 percent orground, crisscrossed with cracks, andcomputers full of data and make them reveal42 percent. Over the life of a billion-barrelsaturated with a high-pressure soup ofhow to capture the most energy from oil andfield, the potential gains are enormous, anddissolved minerals, hot water and rawgas fields.most of the world’s oil fields have not beenpetroleum—say, a billion barrels.In Kazakhstan, Australia, China, the Unitedfully optimized with simulators.”Next, build a computer model of thisremote geologic wonder. Now, insert a virtualStates—and soon in many other countries—<strong>Chevron</strong> is stepping up to this criticallyProving the potentialnetwork of pipes, some to produce crude oilimportant job with a powerful, next-generationINTERSECT is steadily proving its potential,and natural gas, some to inject water, eachsimulator named INTERSECT. Developedespecially to support ongoing field man-placed perfectly among the jumbled layersover 10 years under a continuing partnershipagement and planning for large, complexand hidden pockets of energy. Start circu-with Schlumberger, a top international oil fieldstructures such as the giant, high-pressurelating the fluids and make the model movethrough the future like a living creature.“Kind of like imagining blood flowingthrough bone marrow,” said Paul Fjerstad,a petroleum engineer and simulation expertwith <strong>Chevron</strong> Energy Technology Co.Boosting world oil suppliesCongratulations. You have just constructeda reservoir simulation model. In this obscureservices company, this speedy, new tool inassociation with other proprietary tools andtechniques promises to help <strong>Chevron</strong> optimizeproductivity in new fields and make maturefields give up more of their resources.“Once we can predict how much oil andgas we can capture, we can start designingways to get more,” said Fjerstad, whois managing <strong>Chevron</strong>’s phased rollout ofINTERSECT. “If we can predict 36 percentTengiz reservoir in Kazakhstan, site of<strong>Chevron</strong>’s most extensive INTERSECT deploymentso far. Greg King, a Tengiz reservoirengineer, said, “The simulator has improvedrun time of simulations and has deliveredbetter results and better grid and well-borephysics. We’ve also reduced the time requiredto build the reservoir’s actual behavior andproduction into our model, which greatlyincreases the accuracy of simulations.”GRAPHIC: CHEVRON ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.2 | <strong>Next*</strong>

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