Te Mata Hautū Taketake - The University of Waikato

Te Mata Hautū Taketake - The University of Waikato

Te Mata Hautū Taketake - The University of Waikato

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ABOUT US<strong>Te</strong> <strong>Mata</strong> Hautū <strong>Taketake</strong> - the Māori and Indigenous GovernanceCentre (the Centre) - is a new research centre within <strong>Te</strong> Piringa-Faculty<strong>of</strong> Law at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong>. <strong>The</strong> aims <strong>of</strong> the Centre are to:• Meet currently unmet demands for cutting edge quality research onMäori governance best practice models• Build a body <strong>of</strong> knowledge and wisdom to help improveMäori governance• Report on Mäori governance best practice models, practicesand institutions• Provide practical training for Mäori and non-Mäori who work in orwith Mäori governance organisations• Learn from Indigenous governance experiences globally as well assharing Māori successes• Work with Māori to evaluateand report on their currentgovernance effectiveness andenhancement for the future• Seek collaborative researchpartnerships with Mäori andother key stakeholders onMäori governance;Our vision is to improve Māorigovernance generally, whetherit concerns Mäori trusts andincorporations, asset holdingcompanies, iwi organisations,post-settlement governanceentities, marae and hapū committees; and Indigenous peoples’organisations globally. <strong>The</strong> Centre will engage in collaborative researchnationally and internationally by undertaking longitudinal research,in consultation and partnership with pr<strong>of</strong>it and non-pr<strong>of</strong>it Māori andIndigenous organisations.A sustainable Māori economy (approx $36 billion) demands efficientand culturally appropriate good governance with Māori organisations,hence the importance <strong>of</strong> the Centre’s research.

Whakaaro Pūkenga, HinengaroKoi, Pito <strong>Mata</strong> Mutunga KoreBold Ideas, Smart People,Unlimited Ambition<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong>Private Bag 3105Hamilton 3240New ZealandToll Free: 0800 WAIKATOWebsite: www.waikato.ac.nz<strong>Te</strong> <strong>Mata</strong> Hautū <strong>Taketake</strong> – Māori andIndigenous Governance Centre (MIGC)Ph: 07 838 4466 ext. 6727E-mail: rrewi@waikato.ac.nzToll Free: 0800 LAW STUDYWebsite: www.waikato.ac.nz/law/research/centre-for-Māori-and-indigenous-governance©<strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Waikato</strong>, 2012.

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