FM 101-5 Staff Officers' Field Manual The Staff and Combat Orders

FM 101-5 Staff Officers' Field Manual The Staff and Combat Orders

FM 101-5 Staff Officers' Field Manual The Staff and Combat Orders

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16 STAFF DOCTRINES AND FUNCTIONS(b) Preparation of estimates, reports, <strong>and</strong> recommendations based on the tactical situation.(c) Preparation of plans for <strong>and</strong> supervision of activitiesconcerning—1. Reconnaissance <strong>and</strong> security measures. (Coordination with G-2 for Intelligence missions of combattroops.)2. Troop movements. (Coordination With G-4 formovements requiring transportation in additionto organic transportation <strong>and</strong> for routes.)3. Tactical employment of units. (Coordination withG-4 for influence of supply <strong>and</strong> evacuation onoperations; G-2 for capabilities of enemy; O-lon morale of troops.)4. Defense of administrative installations <strong>and</strong> lines ofcommunication. (Coordination with G-4.)5. Tactical measures to preserve secrecy <strong>and</strong> effect surprise. (Coordination with G-2.)(d) Preparation <strong>and</strong> authentication of field orders <strong>and</strong>operation maps required to carry out the tactical plan, <strong>and</strong>their transmission to units <strong>and</strong> staff officers concerned (par.62). (Coordination with G-2 for maps <strong>and</strong> for paragraphs<strong>and</strong> annexes dealing with enemy information, reconnaissance,<strong>and</strong> counterintelligence measures; G-4 for paragraph dealing with administrative matters.)(.e) Maintaining contact with the comm<strong>and</strong>ers of subordinate units; observing or supervising troop movements <strong>and</strong>tactical operations as directed by the comm<strong>and</strong>er.(/) Establishment of liaison with adjacent, higher, <strong>and</strong>subordinate units.(0) Supervision of signal communication.(ft) Preparation of tentative plans for subsequent phasesof a tactical operation <strong>and</strong> for future tactical operations.(Coordination with G-2 for enemy capabilities; G-4 for practicability of operations from a supply point of view.)(4) Recommendations to the comm<strong>and</strong>er of priorities forassignment of personnel <strong>and</strong> equipment. (Coordination withO-l for assignment of personnel; G-4 for allocation ofequipment.)14

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