FM 101-5 Staff Officers' Field Manual The Staff and Combat Orders

FM 101-5 Staff Officers' Field Manual The Staff and Combat Orders

FM 101-5 Staff Officers' Field Manual The Staff and Combat Orders

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68-70 COMBAT ORDERSmay be confirmed wben desirable by a written order embodying all changes made./. Authentication.—Administrative orders are authenticatedbyO-4.g. Annexes.—(1) An administrative order may be completewithin itself or it may include annexes (par. 70).(2) When used, annexes are listed at the end of the orderby number <strong>and</strong> name <strong>and</strong> are referred to in the properparagraphs.• 69. LETTERS OF INSTRUCTION.—Letters of instruction dealwith the strategical phases of operations of large units <strong>and</strong>regulate operations over a large area for a considerable periodof time (PM 100-15).• 70. ANNEXES TO COMBAT ORDERS.—a. General.—(1) Annexes include—(a) Those accompanying an order for purposes of brevity,clarity, <strong>and</strong> simplicity, for example, maps <strong>and</strong> overlays.(b) Those used to amplify an order when the volume is toogreat for Inclusion in the order itself.(2) Examples in connection with field orders are antiaircraft defense, antimechanized defense, artillery, aviationchemicalwarfare, engineer, intelligence, machine guns, organization of the ground, <strong>and</strong> signal. Such annexes are usedordinarily only in operations which are prepared deliberately<strong>and</strong> in great detail. <strong>The</strong> time <strong>and</strong> labor involved in preparing annexes may be saved in many cases by distributing theorders of certain units, such as engineer <strong>and</strong> signal units, tothe other units concerned. Volume can be reduced by theadoption of suitable st<strong>and</strong>ing operating procedure.b. To whom issued.—Annexes (or corresponding unit orders) are issued to all units whose actions or movements areaffected by the information <strong>and</strong> instructions containedtherein.c. Form.—Annexes may be—(1) Written instructions.—<strong>The</strong>se usually follow the formprescribed for the complete field order, except that information <strong>and</strong> instructions already given in the field or administrative order need not be repeated in the annex thereto.48

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