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course synopsisDPR712 Project ManagementThis course covers the fundamentalconcepts of project management,identifying the broad projectmanagement knowledge. Studentsintroduced the management ofproject scope, time, cost, risk,quality, safety, human resources,communications and managementof externalities. They will learn theimportance of site organization andmanagement, and ways to set up aneffective and efficient site. Studentswill also understand the role of IT andlearn how to use Microsoft Projectsoftware to do project planning andscheduling.DBU706 Elements of BusinessThis course equips students withknowledge on how to start abusiness, to distinguish betweenbusinessman and entrepreneurs, toperform micro-economic analysisand break-even analysis.DPD879 Management Skills A &DPD880 Management Skills AThis course equips studentswith human resource skillsand knowledge vital for futuresupervisors and managers. Studentswill also learn about negotiationskills, business finance and workethics to prepare them for successin the workplace. This courseis covered over two semesters(Management Skills A in Semester1 and Management Skills B inSemester 2).DBI859 BIM for ArchitectureStudents should be able to apply theknowledge of Building InformationModelling, generate 3D models usingBIM and prepare documentation forfurther.DLA122 Landscape Site PlanningThis course introduces studentsto landform design site planningand implementation. In addition,the choice of plants, planting andmanagement techniques for urbansites and large tracts of land arestudied.DLA124 Skyrise GreeneryThis course covers the design andconstruction of waterscapes, roofgardens and vertical greenerywith emphasis and considerationof drainage, water management,external lighting and relevantlocal codes.DLA120 Landscape StylesThis course imparts the conceptsand principles of garden andlandscape design from earlydeveloped civilizations tocurrent trends. They will gain anappreciation of the use of designtechniques, based on functionaland aesthetic characteristics ofmaterials; the organization oflandscape elements, outdoor spacesand human activities, to create that‘spirit of the place’.DID127 Design Studio 3 – RetailThis course covers the design conceptsand requirements of retail planning,the different types of shop units,ancillary spaces and fitting out.DID128 Design Studio 3 – LeisureThis course covers the design conceptsand fitting out of the entertainmentand hospitality facilities. It alsoincludes the meeting, incentive,convention and exhibition (MICE)industry.DLA130 Landscape Design 2This course will cover the design ofmedium sized gardens and parks thatincorporate universal design principlesas well as the Green Mark for Parkscriteria in their design.DDG816 3D CADThis course teaches students how tocreate photo-realistic 3D models, viaform studies & material simulationsand rendering, as well as animationfor effective presentation andcommunication of design ideas.DCM862 TechnicalCommunicationsThis course teaches students the useof effective words and techniques inwriting technical reports, academicreports, minutes of meetings andmemorandums. Students will alsolearn how to use effective visualaids and master the skills involvedto plan and deliver powerfulpresentations.DAR131 Building RegulationsThis course introduces students tovarious regulatory requirements,building regulations and buildingcontrol system. It developscompetency in students to prepareand complete statutory documentsfor the purpose of statutorysubmissions.DBI863 Advance BIM forArchitectureThis course is an intermediatecourse in the Revit Architecture.The objective of this course is toenable students who have the basicknowledge of Revit to increasetheir productivity through theadvanced design developmenttools. Students will learn to work onand complete a unique project ofthe built environment. The coursewill cover file linking (CAD and/orRevit), creating and using In-Placefamily, loading and modifying familycomponents, and material creationand editing. Students will alsolearn how to present the buildingmodel using model rendering andwalkthrough technique.22Diploma in Design (Interior & Landscape)

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