1935 Comintern 7th Congress Part 3 Georgi Dimitrov Response.pdf

1935 Comintern 7th Congress Part 3 Georgi Dimitrov Response.pdf

1935 Comintern 7th Congress Part 3 Georgi Dimitrov Response.pdf

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The W orking Class Against FascismCOlllrade Oilllil ,o .... 's Spuch i t! R eply 10 t il e Dis"usion.••I•Comrades! T h e: \'(!ry full d iscllssion on my r Cl)Ort ShOW5 the:. lW el1SC interest taken by Ihe <strong>Congress</strong> in the fund:lmental t ac:oI~ I problems and tasks of the struggle of the working classtlC:ins t t he offcnsiv(' of capital a nd fa scism , against the threat of~g ptrinlist W:lT.1111 SUlIlIn ing up . t ~le cighl.d~r d i~uss i on we can state that all the. cip:l l p roposltlollS contained In the report have met with the"rill ' I (he "niOlOUS apl)TOV:l 0 t e o ng re ~. ~one of l hi: speakersuna .ob'cCted to the tactlca1 I"me weh. ave proposed or to the rcsolu-• J owh ich has been submitted.110 I venture to say that at no ne of the previous <strong>Congress</strong>es of thec ommunist I nternational has such ideological :l.Od politicalsolidarit)' been r eve."l~d as. at the prescnt <strong>Congress</strong>. lA ppla use.l'The cO l11p ~etc una n~ l~lI ty d 15pla~ed at the C~ n~ ress indicates t~ a.the necessity of revlsm g our pohcy and tactiCS III accordance With,'he ch anged conditions and with due regard for the most abun-"" (da nt and instructive expe ri ence 0 the past few years, has comebe fully recognised in our ranks.10 This cuani mity may undoubtedly be regarded as one of th l.!most im portant prereq uisitesJc:· suc~ess in so\ving.the paramount·nifllediate problem of the mternatlonal proletarian movement,lamely, u tab/islzillg u nit). of actiOI! of all sccliolls of thoU/o rking~las s i" Hi e strugglc against fascis m.The successful solution of this problem requires, first, thatcommunists skilfully wield the wcapon of Mar;dst-Lellillist111141),sis. while carefully studying the specific conditions and thealignment of class forces as they develop. and plan their activityand struggle accord ingly. W e must mercilessly root out the,,·eakness. not infrequently obse rved in our comrades, for cutand-driedschemes, lifeless formulas and ready-m ade patterns.We must put an end to the state o f affairs in which Communists,when lacking the knowledge or ability for Marxist-Leninistanalysis, substitute general phrases and slogans sllch as " therevolutionary way out of the crisis/' without making the slightestserious attempt to explain the conditions, the relationship of classforces, the deg ree of revolutionary maturity of the proletariatand the toiling masses, and the lev'el of influence of the Communist<strong>Part</strong>y necessary to render such a revolutionary way out ofthe crisis possible. Without such an analysis all these catcb-3

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