GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian


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~ • l "R'SBARGAINS;NIFICENT INVESTMENTSCAL. 30-40 ORIGINAL KRAG CARBINESONLY $24.95!At la s t they' re he re! Ye Old H u n t er le ft no stone untu-ned in bring.in g t o his b e lov ed fo llower s the ut tra-desn-abt o x .rasr carbtne-c-yos -t n­de ed ie , this h e r e jam-pr oof g un is th e smoot hest bo lt acti on ca r b in eIn th e w or-ld a n d c an be y ou rs fo r the unheard of low prfce of $24 .9 5 .Th e cava lryman's m ost d e penda ble fri e nd -some s m e ll o f borsestnORIGINAL U.S. KRAG "LONG TOM" RIFLESTCAL••30·40 ••• ONLY $16.95!NORWAY'S MOUNTAIN MASTERPIECE!Original Norwegian KragCarbines. Cal. 6.5mm Only $19.95!~S;e /~ ~~ '~~ki~o~l1;~ r \~i~ lglbI~~l~~} ~ rJl~'~~~s r~~ciggg a~a ~Gfn g~a:K fc:~~f,~h is \.....ry up Os lo rjorct an d c lo s od a d ea l to benefi t a ll Amer.icans h oo t er s ! OR IG I NAL N OHWEG I AN KR AG CARBIN ES in p erfe ct o p e i-,a u n z cond ition for on ly $1 9.9 5 : Th es e rifle s have b ee n p r ized b yScandin~v ia n s tioo ter-s fOI" zeucrn uons a nd w er e the key s ton e ofNorweg fan r e si sta n ce rorccs durin g- worl d w ar I I. N ow Ye Old H unterb r in g'S this mag n ificent Krag ca r bi ne to America n shoo te rs a t la s t atworld's lowe s t pr ice s . Don't co n fus e t h is w ith cru nrm v No r wegianKl'ag' 10nK r ifle s w h ich you mn y see e ts ow here. All r ifle s a r e c om p le te~1~~ ,~~g' htea~~l t~y~ ~eot l~nl ~I ;~ s~~tp~~ ~ llff.Pb';:('l e~org~a; haii ht~r:a~1sri~ r~just cannot la s t !!! Ortnr n a t issue Norwegian Kr-ag- Ammo 6 .5mm o n ly5 7.50 pe r 1 0 0 . Ch eapest p rice in U . S.A. ! Ye Ol d H unter is a ll g a ll !AUSTRIAN MANNLlCHER POLICE CARBINES!Mauser Only $19.8~~Cal. 8MM Mauser Only $19.88!Fastest Bolt Action in t.he World!An o ther barg-a in fro m ost rncrut Ye Old Hunte r ta lked the reliableAu s tria ns ou t o f th e s e be a u t if u l lig-h t w e tg h t 5 s hot24/1 bb L police ca r bi nes-a rare lot ava il a b le In standard 8 MM (8 x 57)Mauser ca li b e r - sporting- ammo ava il ab le ever v w h e r e In U . S . orGe rman GI Ammo s ta-atght from Ye Old H u n t e r fo r only $7.50 PCI' C.[I.,lag-az ine m od ified ro r use w ithout c li p loading . Rea d y to go. ti ghta n d clean, a n d on ly S19.S 8! Ach Du Li eber. What a mas terptecetGARRIBALDI'S GREATEST!ONLY 92¢ per lb.!!!TOTAL PRICE '$8.28!SSS - SERVICE SWEEPSTAKES SPECIAL Manufa ctu red a t t he ul t ra- m od ern F . N . P la nt iJ'Belgl u m f or Egyp ti a n e x p o r t , t h is 'fi n e, pre ci s e .F N B I · S •At· ·ft s m oo t h - han d lt n g ser n i-au tomati c combines the most• • e Cjlum eml- U omatlc RI e! m odern production m ethods w ith t h e r'equir-ementrINCREDIBLE AMMO BARGAINSMINI MUM ORDER 100 ROUNDS, All price s beacw pe r100 round s. All a m mo mu st b e shipped RREXPRESSCOLLECT MINIMUM ORDER 100 ROUNDS. Sensation al New sen s a t ional p r ices! Ord er now a n d save!6.5MM SWEDISH MAUSER••• •... $7.50H ere it co m e s ! Th e finest 6 .5mm r-Ifle ca r-t r-Id g-e e verdeveloped an d p rodu ced b y th e e ve r -to v tn ' Sw e d e s t os ta n d a rds unsurpassed anywhe r e on t h e ea r th. A r e a lswee d to by any s ta n d a r d s at a GIVEAWAY b arcamr.;:~:d i n,~6~i t1[a ~~op~~ l l ~~m~~~~~ ~~:s~e il~Ss e~O ~~S~~j6.5MM ITALIAN IN CLiPS . •••••.. $5.50~itPf~~s ;Pi~~~~~~d o:ll~~~ l p6agk~ i~ta~l~f:tn~rl~ l~:~ ~lfg~read y to use in a ll t ho s e I tali a n 6 .5 mm rifles a n d ca r.b ine s . Cheape s t price e v e r off ere d for t h e se m a g n ific en ta p p ea r ing ca r tridges. Compon ents a lon e w or th double!7MM MAUSER lWIN. eTG. CO.). $2.50Gorgeous ortatn a r Winchester 7mm com merc ial e x po rta ni m o In 20 rd . b ox e s ea ch r ound g u a ran teed withr-rn c ke d neck to ena h le t oo t-tess ou n e t p u ut n a nd e ffo rt .le s s salv age. Order this "Pu llin Amm o " sensation today!7.35 MM ITALIAN IN CLiPS . . .. •• $6.00~ i~~ : tdtI~I~ t~t"~~~n fo ~~t;t i~~~~~ ~;~r a~':;,?ed~ 3t~~?~~~{ithe cli p s a lone for m or e th a n we sell t he a mmo load edin th e m, 12 S·g-r. orilZina l issue ball round . . . t h e firs tof t h e n ew 'short cartrid g es' and s t UI a m on g the finest.7.62MM RUSSIAN RIFLE......•• . $7.50Cho ice lot of Ca p tured Commun ist cartridge s pi cked u pne a r a ll eg e d Sp u tn ik rema in s In Ca lifo rn ia by Ye OldH lIn.te l'-th e m-eateat e tobe e -trc ner- o f rte m a ll. 1.")0 Gr .F P Issue load s . Order now! Do n't put it off a nother day!.30 CALIBER M1 CARBINE .. ••.. $5.00Ye Old Hu nter le ft no s tone unt u r ned to brin g you th isg le a m ing la t e date amm unition. Manufa ctured in them id 4 0 ' s , it literally s purkres as y ou lift th e li d on thes es h iny bras s ca sos, No furt her n e ed to inq ui r e ; this is o nhand with an eage r .b ea v e r ! crew r ea dy to r u s h it off ..30-06 U.S. COMMERCiAL $6.00Sensational low price o n the se supe r b ly intact d e light_full y mell owed W inche ster 1 5 0 GR FP Bullets. P erfectl~fla w .le!'s ly p re served b rass cases. 20 (I'd . Co m ­m ereta ! orl g ll1a l boxe s . Man ufact u r ed in r oarin g 20' sand j oy o.u s_. 3 0 ' s. to deli ght the e xp ensive 5 0 's withthe ir u n belie v a b le eco n omy an d di scolor ed h u e s ; Now!!!U.S••30 1.30·40 CALIBER) KRAG .. $5.50Leav e it t o Ye Old H unter to return t r iu m p h an t withtJ:i s, gr~a.te ~~ laT~e__rifl9__~ {lttrhl~e _h \lor JWl _ il\.-..Arnex t~i\th e ir u n belie va b le e co n om y an d di scolo r ed h u e s ; Now!!!U.S••30 1.30·40 CALIBER) KRAG .. $5.50Leave it t o Ye Old H unter to return t r iu m p h an t withthis greate st la r ge rifle cartridg e b a r g-ain in Am ericat oday . .ne auurut o rigi n a l Comme rci al U . S . Kra g 220g r . FP load s at fa r le s s than e ve n r et oa rn n e com ­p o nent s cost s. Su pp ly no t t n e xtiau statite . so bette r ordern ow t o be su re! Man u fa ctured b y Wincheste r . Etc.8MM GERMAN MAUSER ISSUE. $7.50Bc nu tff'ul , clean. 8 l\'IM Ba ll a m m u n iti on , a ll bras s casesa nd b ox e r (r e load ab le ) ty p e p r imers . T r u e 0 .32 3 b u lletsa lone w orth p ractically this g ive-away pric e fo r thesecomple te M.e. ca rtr idges. Or d er today a n d s h oo t yo u rfavor it e Mau s er a t th is s h oo t ab le price , ror s to r k s o f t h isselect a m m o can no t la st forever. A s ho o ti ng ba rg ai n •9MM LUGER lPARABELLUM) ... . $5.00~~h~~r;.~ - o?o ~~r~~i g r i~~· iJ>ei.s tWin~ar~~.ii~l~ a f t a~ ~or~~~O I Pst:~~loads n-om the world's mo st fa mous factor ie s to s li det h r ough t ho se no -torurer-expenstve -to-snoo r 9mm Lu ge r-aBrownings, Ra d om s , Ma us e rs , ~r w hat -nave-vou. NOW! Ii11MM MAUSER RIFLE "Big 11" $10.00Don 't b e t r ap p ed into p ayi ng a fortune e l sewhere fo rthis m a g n ificent German Ma u ser is sue lo ad. Stan dard386 gra in lead bull et m akes ideal spo r t in g loa d fort h o se o r ig ina l Mod e l 7 1 / 8 4 Mauser ri fle s yo u ' ve b een'st e a li n g of la t e . Am m o a lmost bears B ismark' s fill gerprints, it's so o ld , but w e h av e never had a misfireto d a te so order to day w h ile" the getting's "g ood! Now!.43 ll1MM) REMINGTON........$6.00Wh o e ls e b ut Ye Old H u n t e r w ou ld hav e found thistr e a su re? Or ig inal R em in gton UMC load s in originalb ox es-375 g r . loa d b u ll e t mak e s su pe rb targ-e t orh un t ing r ou n d f or tho se shootable .4 3 Remingtonr o ll in g b lock s. Appear s m a g n ificent-shoot a bi Ii ty u n-..r!'U3 I'M1teed. Wo rt h twic e this price fo r components a lon e !.44·40 WiNCHESTER $5.00Rare orig inal 2 17 Gr. Bl a ck Powder loa d s in or ig in a lWinchester bo xe s . Function in a ll' m od e rn guns as \ve ll~~iJ~oeS~t c~~:'~ i t~ ldth1~ l tsun~~ '~c ~~~~c~~s t~ ~~v f:AfiGAI~~• •••~_flIIli . !!f!ilI 1.45. 70 GOVERNMENT MODEL... . $6.00Wt. 9 Ibs. ONLY 62¢ per lb.TOTAL PRICE ONLY $5.5B!for r ig o r o u s front line assau lt f unction ing. V E H Y. ') GOOD c o n d itio n thro u g h o u t, t ypical F . N. quality,~,_ _ ITt:·'-·-,7';$ ;; a ll mi ll e d p art s , 23 72" 4 -g r . b b L, a nd standar d 8111 111.c a l ib e r p lus t h e ext r'e rn e ly lo w p r ic e o f $69 .5 0, 111a, liT&A> .'.~,\;tJ~ · CA L. ~MM MAUSER ••• ONLY $69.50 ;'~~~'k~~e t~f~~ ! S08~,~ ~~t ~:~~~ e~e l~ ~l~ u ~~~~ ~~it~~n tI; ,~. . . S~ OC l { ~ t ~m l y $ 7.5 0 p e l' 100 r ound s. .Li m.ited prod uc -(Collectors: Note ArabIC Egyptian markmgs) t ton : l i m i t ed s upply. A co lIe c to t-t s 111U :st. Order t od ay !Ye Old H unter -illustrat es all we apons by actual wnretouchcd photo graphs so )'Oll call see 110':(1 they REALLY look /...... ••- ..1CALIBER .303 BRITiSH $7.50Only $9.95 complete with100 rds of original ammo!~:;~, tra~t a ~~~~rl~i b l ~ n ~ ~~~ lr~[~ ce s: ~ -s~i~i ! ie~~atf~a z iG'XLt¥BaArbI~gG~EATEST can be b o ught for ON LY $ 9 .9 5 , COMPLETE "w it h onenu ndrod rounds of a mmo in orig ina l c li ps . This is th e rifle thatCOULD HA VE WON THE KOR EAN WAR ifunarme d . En jo y the g rea test and c heapestt hebi gCh in ese had b eenb or e sh oo t in g ofYOUI'li fe w ith t his bl oop condi tion Garribald i' s Gr eatest Repeater! No w !PANCHO VILLA SPECIALSCAL . 7MM REMINGTON ROLLING ~ LO C KSFAMED .43 ORIGINAL REM. ROLLING BLOCKS1You can' t buy prim e hamburger at this price . Con d ition of a lls;. 'Q.niQP .-, .~ t . ~ Alexandria.'2; ·V~! , .HERE IT IS! Le a ve it t o Ye Old H unter to brin g g-l ea rn ;irr g- perfect fr e s h s t ock .3 0 3 Br itis h ba ll 170 g r . m a g ­n ifice n t iss u e loa d s to you a t low e s t e ve r p r ice ! Stock u pnow to s hoot t h o se s ensauonatbunratn Roya l Enflelds foralmost n othing ! All bras s f u ll y r e load a bl e cases! Th iss p a r k li n g a mmunition on h a nd fo r im m e d ia te d e live ry.Ye Old H unter now re-o ffe l'S t h e fa m o us s e ll ·out of la s twinter-fine st r ound sa le eve r m a de in t he United Sta te sThe se are or lg-ina l 4 0 5 -Gr . le ad. b lack powde r load s. lri.or ig in a l sc a le d \Vin ch ester bo xes. Re ady for co ll ector an dr e loader, (s av e , save , save) as most p rimers ind en t w ithp e r fect symmet!'y an d com p lete s ilence . At t h is priceyo u arC a lways AH E AD, AHEAD. AHEAD, AHE AD.ORIGINAL G 33/40 MAUSER CARBINES8 mm Ma us er P eauierwe tenr Ca rb i ncs t Yes. we k no w t h a t it '\ '1I bealmost too fa n tastic to belfev o , but again, Ye Ol d Hunter has made asc oo p that w ill benefit a ll d e v o te e s of fi ne rru ns . Or ig in a l G 33/408 m m Mau se r re a t he rwctan e c artunes. the joy o f t he Germa n MountainT roops. Ve ry li ":l i ~ d s u p p ly . Do n ' t lose .ou t on th is mag n ifi ce nt b ar ­g a i n . Good condtuio n t S u p p ly No t tr n t tm ttcd t Order t od ay and s av e r!GERMANM98 COSTA RICAN MAUSERS!RARE M93 SPANISH~,ii~-f~leiStl;;~l~l~lh C[~~\ ·~rtec~~I~ "y~ea~1i~gs:~afjgtN[ t~l;~~~~ \1 eclg~~~ .45 lACP) COLT AUTOMATIC ... $5.00Little of t ha t o ld e lbow grease w ill clean t h is fan tastic ba l'l:~ain to NRA Unbe peva ~ le d i sc~ve ~'Y of enormous und erg ro u n d sup p ly~~~~d~~ndli i~~ . g~l~k l ~ d P~~~d~~~q~~~\t~~'i~~e ~;I~~~ nO faia ~~tlia~k~Jk; ~rrnu~ J~ I~n ~~~~~~~~~ ~.~5. b~~ t~"1 l daft~r : ~ldY?~ 'S't~ l :~ og~~:s~~A ~~?~ J:.~i~i.le1do~~ t~~is al~?~t~l'i~'gr~~e l ~~i~v{t~V~~\'~~i J~~cle ·b a~o~~l£ rl; i ~~'t litr° ~st1 l~ry Cl~~~u ~~~ ~~~~n ~U[o · ri:e . < ' ~f2~ ~n U~m~~i';eon ~ y $1.00, when ordered w ith t h is I·ifle. Supply not in exhausti b le . t h e s tock in's good. as Sllpp ly is n ot unli m it e d! TO DA Y." W ORLD'S BIGGEST GUN HOUSE." " W ORLD'S LOWEST PRICES.")flicial letterhead for new sensational discount lists.MODEL 98 "BOLTLESS" MAUSERSLONG RANGE MAUSERS!7MM MAUSER .•. ONLY $9.95!. CAL. 7MM MAUSER .•. ONLY $9.95!Y.E. OLD He NT EH co u n ted it the t u ck tos t. day o f h is li fe whe n this~1.e

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