GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian


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'. . 1;1¥.~TRIGGERTALKPUTTI NG togeth er a new issue of <strong>GUNS</strong>is always an ad venture ; an adventurecomplete with head aches, of course, but completewith reward s as well. Th e headaches?Well, which story should we run now, whichlat er, in order to give thi s and later issuesthe balanced-diet content we strive for inthe hope of pleasing as man y of you aspossible each month; how to illu strate th estory to make it as attra ctive, as graphic aspossibl e-- and man y others.Th e rewards? Sometimes it's th e possiblysmug, possiby wrong, but nevertheless sincerefeeling that "This is good." We feel that waywhen we give you a really new story, whetherin the "how-to" field or in a new firear msdevelopm ent. We feel it when we can giveyou "a big name," as in the story by ColonelWhelen in the last issue. We feel it whenyou wr ite us (as so man y of you do so often)to say "S uch-and-such a story (or issue) wasfine." Th ank you for those letters.You write us too, some tim es, to say thatyou didn' t lik e a story, or an issue. "Yo urlast issue was a disappointment ; nothing init for me." Our only answer is, "There aredozens of special int er ests inside the overallfield of guns and their uses. Some includeman y th ousands of readers or potential readers; oth ers have only a few enthusiasts.(There are some sixteen mill ion hunt ers ;perhaps only a few score cartridge colle ctors,ju st for example.) We try to tou ch all ofthose interested as often as possibl e ; but\ .I. I I GI C > Q .l G -="U lll..... O"I A lCCU U IU.l.lUJ.l .11 U U lll; .l ~ ,per hap s only a few score cartridge collecto rs,just for example.) We try to tou ch all ofthose interested as often as possible; butwe can't hi t them all in each issue.You wri te us some tim es, too, to tell usthat we've blund er ed; that "nobody but anignoramu s could have mad e the error youprinted." Usually, you're so right! Ri ght notonly in correc ting the error but ri ght also insaying that nobody but an ignoramus couldha ve mad e it ! Our editorial staff adds up entoto to a lot of years of gun experience, muchof it pretty inten ive, some of it highlyspecialized. But we don't know it all ; nobodydoes. And most erro rs in print areerrors of oversight rath er th an ignorance.Ben Franklin is said to have said, " 0printed volume is comple te till Error hathcrept in and affixed to it his sly imprirnature."We try to dispro ve Franklin, but hiswas a wisdom of much experience. Readproof time aft er time (as we do) , stress accuracyhowever much you may, mistakes dohapp en. We mak e them. We make th em lessoften, we do believe, than most others ; butwe'r e trying to do better.Th is, we think, is a good issue. Th e storyof "The Comeback of th e Colt Rifle" is byour own Bill Edwar ds, the "man who wrotethe book" about Colt ("The Story of Colt'sRevolver." pu blished by Sta ckpo le, 1953)and is a terse, fact-packed resum e of . S.gun history. "The Man-Rifle Weapon inAtomic War " is a declarati on by an au thorityof the rifle's place in modern war and wha tK e are doing about it. Three stories ("DovesAre the Wingshot's Best Ego-Deflat er," "ItAin't Th e Rifle, It's You," and "A merica'sNo.2 Game Tar get" ) are for the huntersshotgun,rifle, or both. Oth er stories ~and departments aim at other tastes. ~THE COVERIn the lusty, lawless boomtownsof the West-on battlefieldsaround the world-on countlessta rget ranges, and as a weaponof law enforcement, Colt hand.guns have earned honor and acclaim.Today, Colt rifles arebidding for like honors in theworld of sport, as Fred Roffrecreates the Sam Colt dream.INT H I S ISSUEguns americana ••.THE COMEBACK OF THE COLT RIFLE .HANDICRAFT WITHOUT HANDS.DECEMBER, <strong>1958</strong>VOL IV, 12-48. ..William B. Edwards..... .. ....... . . . . .Edith Markshooting ...DOVES ARE THE WINGSHOT'S BEST EGO-DEFLATER William Curtis 18IT AIN'T THE RIFLE-IT'S yOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Cramond 26AMER ICA'S NO.2 GAME TARGET . . . . . . . .Carlos Vinson 29military ...THE MAN-RIFLE WEAPON IN ATOMIC WAR Howard C. Sarvis 22ballisticsWH ICH BULLETS ARE BEST? Robert V. Thompson 30guns of the monthPRESENTATION COLTTHE 17 JAVELINA .deDartmen+s . . .PRESENTATION COLTTHE 17 JAVELI NA.George E. von RosenPUBLISHERSidney BarkerART DIRECTORLouis SanCI RCULATIO NCOL . GEORGE M. CHINNROGER MARSHWilliam B. EdwardsTECHN ICA L EDITO RMarvin GinnADVERTISING SALESElmer KeithSHOOTING EDITORLou WebberADVERTISING1420. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Charlene Shore 32... . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . . . .. . . .. Robert M. Hyatt 33. Charlene Shore 32. Robert M. Hyatt 33departments • . .MY FAVORI TE GUN , . . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . . . . ... . . ... 4TRIGG ER TALK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<strong>GUNS</strong> IN THE NEWS. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. ... . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . 6ELMER KEITH SAyS Elmer Keith 8CROSSFIRE , . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10ARMS LIBRARy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12PULL! Dick Miller 36SHOPPING WITH <strong>GUNS</strong> .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 56THE GUN MARKET . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 64PARTING SHOTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66E. B. MannEDITOREditorial Advisory BoardCARO LA MANDELROY G. DUN LAPSTUART MILLERVAL FORGETTArt ArkushEDITO RIAL DIRECTORFred McLarenART EDITORL R. PectorPRODUCTIO NALFRED J . GO ERGKENT BELLAHREPRESENTATIVES: NEW YORK, Eugene L. Poll ock, 40 East 40th St., New York 16, N. Y., YUkon6-9280. MI DW EST, Lee Salb erg, 8150 N. Cent ral Park A ve., Skokie, III., O Rchard 5·6967. CA LI­FORNIA, The Ren A veri ll Co. , Ren A veri ll , 232 N. Lake St. , Pasadena, Calif. RYan 1-9291.<strong>GUNS</strong> magazine 18 published mon t.hly at 8 150 N. central Par k Ave nue Skokie. Illinois . second cl ass mall~~I/A?se:: aj~~rI~~k:.t ~okt~~~e'r I1Jl~~s'onSt~~lS~~~:~N§e~~eO ldea;d d~8~Oa8 s~~'l ea~~~w~O~ON~HR~~3¥oR~f~8~m~~J~~p~nn~~Sif~p~~r~ ~ ~r pdA~~l~JS~ ~Ilfob:t ~~a~ ~t~~I:kcu~~~rl:t ~~~O~b:~=~ ~:ciwill cover reprod ucti on in any or a ll GUN S m agazi ne ed itions. ADVERTIS ING RATES fu m ls h ed on reque. t.

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