GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian


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ELMER KEITH SAYS(Continue d from. page 9 )sider th e fine do uble rifle the finest sportingweapon mad e for close-to-m edi um rangeshooting of any big gam e.Thi s C & H .375 is sighted for 100, 200,and 300 yards, which is as far as one shouldever shoot at big game. For the ma n whowants the absol ute ultimat e in a reliablerifle wit h perf ect shotgun balance, q uickeasily pi cked up sights, and th e fastest ofall safeties, th e fine best quality double is ina class by itself .Anderol Preserva ti ves andLubricantsWe have recentl y tested some new And erolprodu cts. On e is a spray-on pr eservative forany iron or steel. To completely coat afirearm, you need only hold it out and pr essthe button on the spray ca n. A smootheven coat of this preservative grease issprayed on.We gave it a most rigid test by coatingone half of a bri ghtl y polished Colt sixgunbarrel and leaving the oth er half uncoated.Th en we h ung it lip over Edd ie Schaller'sblueing tank s. After he had blued a lot ofarm s and part s, with steam and fumes fromthe hot caustic blu eing salts rising andthoroughly coating the barrel, the barrel wasleft ha ngin g until the next session of blueing.Wh en tak en down and examined, the uncoatedsection of th e barrel was thoroughlyru sted, whil e the coated por iion was asbright as the da y we sprayed it. If t hefumes from boiling blu eing salts will notru st through the pre servative und er intenseheat and th e condensation fro m coolin g andagain bein g subjected to the same tr eat ­ment , we feel that Lehigh Chemical Co.of Chester town, Md., has a very wort hwhil eand fool proof g un pr eservative and onethat is ver v u\,ick and simple 10 aonlv,tum es trom Joiling blueing salts will notru st through the pre servative und er intenseheat and th e condensation fro m cooling an dagain being subjected to the same tr eatment, we feel that Lehigh Chemical Co.of Chester town, Md., has a very worthwhileand fool proof g un pr eservative and onethat is ver y qu ick and simple 10 app ly.We also tested their glln grease and gunoil, finding them both ver y high qualityprod ucts. T he gun grease certainly smoothedup stiff working parts aft er being blued.Barrels were coated with th eir gun oil andleft standing on end for day s in a hotattic, but the bore was still coaled fulllen gth and no ru st app eared.R uger B earcat .22 L.R.Bill Ru ger now offers an entirely new,light weight, single action sixshooter calledth e Bearcat round barrel, pattern ed aft eron e of the early Remington revolvers. Lightalloy fram e and stock straps ar e integral ando ne piece; the trig ger guard is bra ss finish;0 1her parts, steel. It has a 4" ro und barrel.Sights are fixed, patridge type, and the frontsight is amp ly high, so tha t the li ttle gunshoots a bit low. Thi s is as it should be,allowing the individu al to file down th e frontsight unt il the arm shoots exactly right forhim. Th e gun is very light (17 ounces) andvery small (built to ab out the same scaleas a .31 caliber cap-and-ball pistol) , but itis amply heavy an d strong for any and all.22 L.R. ammuniti on. T he excellent Remin g­ton-typ e single action grip is adequate fortwo fingers and, with the little finger curledunder the butt, makes a very good gr ip.The new arm incorporates the same coilspr ings throughout as the fam ous SingleSix, but has a differently shape d fra me. Thecylinder carr ies a bear and a moun tain lion,and the name Ruger Bearca t. Th e cylinderis full , no Rutes in its sides. This add s notonly to its strength bu t also to its appearance.Th e little arm has an excelle nt loadinggate, the extractor rod bu tto n is lar ge enoughto balance the rest of the assembly inappeara nce, and the base pin catch holdsthe base pin perf ectly aga inst recoil. Tr iggerand hamm er spur resemb le the Single Sixin shape and app eara nce. The bra ss trig gerguard hooks into fram e at rear and is held inplace at fro nt end by one screw and as the(Continu.ed an page 65)SHOOTI ~::: et. ~ru";~~;Bj~~k;;:~• Swaged Hand Cun BulletsFa st est, m os t accura te bullets. All popular caubel'S.N E \V ! Cas ting" kit for Jug u lar j acketed bullets; 4 4~~~~. t~ e l\1iYb\~I(fl 8 m~~~I~is &fo~ 5 7 1·tl.¥:ilo ~e F Z~l C (~~~ ~Se nd 2 5 c in co i n 01' stamps f 01" L oading T ables an dcomnt e te tn ro rr n n t to n o n 1 6 ty pe s & w e i/-:'h ts ofuuu cts ,CUSTOM LOADS•III:lire marlle!OUj--------------- ...TOP GUN BARGAINS:WINCHESTER MODEL 97CARBINE REPEATING SHOTGUN. l~ryL. ",.

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