GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian


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lever. But it looked very much like th eWinchester. The cartridge, naturally, wasthe same except th at , instead of "Winchester,"it was marked with th e Colt nam e.But when shooters began calling th e newlever gun the "Co lt-Winchester," th e teamdown th e ri ver in New Ha ven decided somethingshould be done. Briefly, according toIcgend , they mad e a few revolvers, tookthem up to Ha rtford, and politely askedColt' s pr esid ent Genera l Will iam B. Franklinwha t he thought of th em. Franklin couldsee the writing on th e wall , and the leveraction rifle was discontinued. Colt's t urn edinstead to perfecting a pum p acti on repeatingsystem. On hand today in th e Win chesterfactory museum are a half dozen excellentmodel revolver s, suggesting that the story ismore than ju st a legen d. There is a happyending : Win chester's revolvers were mostlymade by Hu go Borchardt, naturalized Americanof German birth. Colt's la ter hi redBorchardt, mad e him master mechanic, a jobequal to works manager in today's fa ctoryset-up.Th e sportsman's dr eam in the 1880's aswell as today, it seems, was to go to Africa.Today, American ga me la ck s the exoticvar iety it had in th e buffalo era , but eventh en th e variety an d size of Afr ica' s animalslured the U.S. gunner to far shores. SamColt's son, Caldwell Hart Colt, was caughtwith this dr eam and was instrument al insett ing th e doubl e barreled Colt r ifle intoprod uction. Cha mbere d mostly for .45-70,the Colt doub le rifle exi sts in a very fewspecimens tod ay. Th ough serial numbersover 300 ar e kn own, few sur vive. The gunwas much lik e a standard hamm er shotgun,except for the boring and sights. Thoug hnovel, it had little la sting effect on the Coltri fle program.Most importan t, in point of numbers pro ­du ced, was th e pump rifle designed by Wi l­liam H. Elli ott. Made in three frame sizes.specimens today . Though serial numbersover 300 ar e known , few sur vive. T he gunwas much lik e a standard hamm er shotgun,except for th e boring and sights. Th oughnovel, it had little lastin g effect on the Coltrifle pr ogram.Most imp ortant, in point of numb ers produced, was the pump rifle designed by WilliamH. Elliott . Ma de in three fram e sizes,in .22, .45-70, and a middl e size ta king the.32-20, .38-40 and .44-40 sizes, it was ahighly popular and fa st-shoot ing sportsman'sr ifle. Exhibition shooter Fred Elliottof the 1890's used Colts and Colt trombonerifles, and in point of finish, reliable work ­ing, and solid cons tr uction, th ey were notexcelled by any other. But at the end of thecentury the new automatic pistols of J ohnBrowning prom ised to doub le Colt's handgunbusin ess, and th e rifles were graduallydropped fr om the lin e.Colt's returned to the ri fle business in1918 with lar ge contrac ts for th e Brownin gAutomati c Rifle an d, aft er the war, continuedthe gun as the Colt Monitor. Brown ingswere mad e in the old Sears-owned MeridenFirearms F actory in Meriden, Ct., operatedby Colt's "for th e du ration." Later,New Book for frontier Owners" HOME <strong>GUNS</strong>MITHINGtha COLT SINGLE ACTIONFRONTIER REVOLVER"by LOTen W. Sm ithA do · it you rse l' in st ru cti ont ext boo k on t he operation,repair, and re w o rk of theCo lt Frontier. The book con.bin. t en ch apten dealingwi th th is w ell known einel.a ct ion revolver .lIIustratad withftL Numaraul_& ~1._&_L ...I ~ _ L _RARE CIRCASSIAN WALNUTFinest gu nst ock wood. Very dense, yet light in weight,takes sm oot h finish sharp checkering. Turned and inlettedstacks from $ 16 .5 0 up to $8 0 .00 for rare fancies.Rifle blanks from $ 15. 00 to $ 7 5.00 . Shot g un blanks from$10.00 to $40. 0 0. No other wood compares with RareCircassian as a gun stock. New shipment recently rec'd .EXTREMELY RARE ORECON MAPLEFROM VERY OLD BIC CNARLED TREEFin est 'we e ver no d . Limi ted s upply f an cyb lanks .oUle s tze-cor r urued & hl lc tlcd- S 50.00to S 100.00. .:o'hol,. nun b lanks, $20.00 to $35.00.FREE TO <strong>GUNS</strong>MITHS : Big 4-, 010r , hart showing Flaig 's var ied PREMIUM GUN STOCK BLANKS in natur al ,olor.BEAUTIFULLY GRAINED FRENCH WALNUT­Fr ench rifle blank s. $20.00 to $40.00. Turn ed a nd Inletted for most r ifles $5.00 more.uu $25.00 ; super Burls up t o $35.00.CURLY MAPLE RIFLE BLANKS : $7.00 to $30.00.Turn ed and inletted for most r ifles. $8.00 to $35.00.SAKO L·57& DOUGLASACETRIGGERSHOE$2.50F Ol'mostr ifles . snot­Ru n s andhandgune,ACET R IGGERSHOE52.S0F OI'mo s tr ifles . snot­Run s an dh a nd g u n s.ACE DOUBLE·SETTRIGGER . . . . . . • • . . $10 . 0 0~~\1~~ ~o6 .~gu rm~ : ~ s er or F .N .ACE DOUBLE·SETTRIGGER . . . . . , • • . . $10.0 0~ ~\1~~ ~o6 . ~ gurm ~ : ~s er or F .N.ENFIELD M1917.3 0 - 0 6 PARTSNew 5 GI'. Bar Te ls ., . . $ 1 5 .0 0Excell en t [I GI ·. B UITe l s . . 12 ,00BO LT S Co m p le l,.e. l'OEW .. 6.S0O tbcr E n fi eld i\Io d e l 191 7 pm-tsIn s tock .Oth e r g'un parts in s tock . Wr iteyo u r n e ed s.FINE ST PENNA . BLACK WALNUTBLANKS &. STOCKS :Rifle blanks. all grades. $4,00 to $20.00. Wa lnut shot gunblank s. $ 1.50 to $ 15.00. Walnut in letted stock for mostri fles; sta ndard $6.00; xx grade (butt ) $8.00 ; ot hers$ 10.00 to $ 12.00. Also Penna. burl s an d rare burl s avai t­able NOW: xxx grade $17.50-$20.00.PRECISION-CHAMBERED BARRELED ACTIONSACTIONBARRELBARRELSBOEHLER BARRELS, proof stee l. seml -cetaaon, ribbed.matted enti re length . Made by FRANZ SODIA of Fer.teen. Austria. in .22• .25• .270, 7mm. a nd .30 cali ber.Also now available in .243 and .244 cal. Highly accur ateinth e whit e. $45.00. ( Fitted to your acti on. with shearedbead . complete pri ce $60.00.)2-GR. SPRINGFIELD BARRELS $5.00, Case of 10 $40.00NEW SP RINGFIELD 4-groove BARRELS $II.OONew ! Krag 2·Groov e 30· 40 BARRELS 23" or less inlength. Fully chambered threaded. Only $15.00.4-GR. ORDNANCE BARRELS 23" long, fully ehambered,threaded. blued. $20.00.New! MAUSER ' 98-30-06 2-GR. BARRELS 23° or lessin lengt h. Fully chambere d & threaded. Only $ 15.00.Note : Any of the ab ove Barrels expertly fitt ed t o yourAction-head spaced and test-fired-$2.50 additional .STANDARD OR SERIES 400FN ACTION OR HVA ACTION BARRELED TOFINEST DOUGLAS ULTRA-RIFLED CHROME MOLY BARREL.V CHECK THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES:SPRINGFIELDM·1903New FLAIG'S AceBENCH REST STAND~ 1~(2d,~e x S i6 ~" "H)l'I)~·o~,I ~~~~l,.el ~~I'

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