GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian

GUNS Magazine December 1958 - Jeffersonian


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ACTON QUICK-DRAWHOLSTER WITHCARTRIDGE BELTLIFE'S LITTLE MOMENTSBASKETSTAMPED$ 36.00FLOWERCARVED$41.00POSTPAIDNo C.O.Do's] Inndcrnrtcd open end holst er andbelt made or hear)' d uty r usset lea th ­t'f- and rus set li ned . Lock- stt tchcdscams. Cont oured belt ca rri es 20earf.rldgc loops and poli sh ed n ickel bu ckl e.natural ta n, mahogany oil or bla ck fin ish .Choice orACTON CUSTOM LEATHER GOODS919 So. Walnut St., Dept. 29 , Troy , OhioYOU Jugr CANT PUeKA GUN Cl£ANEP WITHHOPPE'S N!9,.I),_o:::..;~......Removes all primer,po wd er , le ad a ndm e t al f ouli n g ..'iii._'Gu ard s aga i ns tmo isture a nd rust.At all spor ting goods dealers.Send 25¢ for generous trialbottle. "G un Cleaning Guide"Free on request.FRANK A. HOPPE, INC.2313 N. 8TH STREET,PHllA. 33, PENNSYlVANIA"Have a good hunt, darling 1 Or did you forget the Iikker, too1"22. L.R. caliberchromed fully extra engraved$ 42.80richly gilt-very fine high32 caliberblue $ 43.00fully chromed $ 48.50blue partial en. $ 48.70chromed fully .extraengra ved $ 56.15richlv g ilt mother of

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