20 November 2004 - King Edward VII School

20 November 2004 - King Edward VII School

20 November 2004 - King Edward VII School


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The shop keeps all the relevant <strong>King</strong> <strong>Edward</strong> Stationery and Clothing/Sport uniform and is open throughout theyear during term time.Once the school year has commenced (9 th January) boys are encouraged to come to the <strong>School</strong> Shopthemselves, to collect textbooks ordered in <strong>20</strong>12 (pre-ordered) or to purchase KESbooks and Stationery.Any new item introduced during the year will be available in the <strong>School</strong> shop as soon as it can be procured.Throughout the year money may be deposited into accounts for the boys use when needed. This is particularly helpfulfor boarders who may need an item at the last minute and parents are not able to assist.The <strong>School</strong> Shop does not accept orders – except for Text books in September.ALL PURCHASES – FROM NOVEMBER ONWARDS all purchases MUST BE DONE IN THE SHOPNo electronic orders (stationery and clothing) will be accepted/ processed / copied or recorded. If you choose to ignorethis please appreciate it will give you great frustration as the Shop staff are not allowed to access the electronic records.NB :PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL/FAX forms for KES books/Stationery or Clothing –emails will not be acknowledgedas all the staff will be involved in over the counter sales.If you make an Electronic payment (from 16 Nov until end January) - please be aware that you will needto produce the PROOF OF PAYMENT when you come to make the purchases. The work load at thebeginning of the year on the shop staff is immense and even if you have emailed the proof to the shop, it isunlikely it the email will have been opened and recorded.The Cashier will have access to boy’s accounts but not to the shop computer, emails and electronic records.Please do not ask the sales staff to check payments as they are not permitted to access Shop records.PAYMENT- over the counter sales‣ The <strong>School</strong> Shop accepts payment by cash, credit/debit card and electronic payments (proof required)‣ Credit/debit card payments must be made by the card holder. Credit Card payment will not be acceptedif presented by the learner.‣ We regret that we do not accept Diners Card and American Express. Should a Dinerscard inadvertently be processed then the owner will be liable for the extra costs incurred.‣ We regret that the <strong>School</strong> Shop no longer accepts Cheques.‣ Electronic payments must be paid into the <strong>School</strong> Fund no1 account.Standard Bank Killarney branch code 00 72 05 Current Account # 00 166 8501‣ It is essential that you include SS before the reference (Surname and initial)‣ Electronic Proof of payment MUST be produced when you come to the shop.TEXT BOOKS - <strong>20</strong>12 orders ONLYCollections‣ <strong>20</strong>13 textbook orders (placed in <strong>20</strong>12 September) can only be collected, in the Hugh Wilson Theatre.‣ Collections: Gr 8 from 3 rd January and all others from 4 th Jan as per the schedule above. We encourageboys to collect their books themselves after the end of the school day.‣ The shop will have a copy of your receipt. Please bring email acknowledgement of order and payments.‣ Over the counter orders must please bring the original acknowledgement and subsequent payments‣ The shop will not keep extra stock of Textbooks although 1 or 2 returns may be available from 16th‣ If you failed to order text books then please make sure that the ISBN (book barcode) of the book you arepurchasing matches that on the form. Orders can still be placed at www.amandajohnson.co.za or bookssourced from bookshopsPlease take note :- the Grade 11 syllabus has changed for <strong>20</strong>13.Please do not be tempted to purchase second hand Gr 11Textbooks as the content will beincorrect. Second hand literature books may be purchased. Check the ISBN to ensure you are purchasing thecorrect book.Purchases: KES BOOKS - enough stock is available for all boys.‣ <strong>20</strong>13 KES books will be sold over the counter from January NO ORDERS ACCEPTED .‣ Please check your <strong>20</strong>12 Sept order to see if you ordered KES Shop only books. Do not purchase 2 sets ofbooks.

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