Winter 2008 - Aldine Independent School District
Winter 2008 - Aldine Independent School District
Winter 2008 - Aldine Independent School District
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<strong>Winter</strong><strong>2008</strong>Vol. 31, No. 2Inside <strong>Aldine</strong>Discover News, Information and More about <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD’s <strong>School</strong>sFFA Show turns 50<strong>Aldine</strong> ISD’s FFA LivestockShow and Country Fair willbe turning the Big 50 in Januaryof 2009, and to celebrate,a few new twists have beenadded to one of the district’slongest-running events.Read the story on page 2Dedication ceremonyheld in honor ofA.W. JonesFamily members, friendsand colleagues gatheredwith long time <strong>Aldine</strong> ISDBoard Member A.W. Jonesduring a dedication ceremonyheld in his honorat the elementary schoolthat bears his name, A.W.Jones Elementary <strong>School</strong>,on Sunday, Nov. 2.In addition to having an elementaryschool named after him, Jones EC/Pre-K Center is also named after Mr.Jones. The two schools make upthe A.W. Jones Educational Center,located on Forest Point Drive. Bothschools opened in August.Mr. Jones served as a trustee onthe <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD Board of Educationfor 30 years before announcing hisretirement in December, 2006. Hewas appointed to the board in July,1976 to fill the unexpired term ofRay Shotwell. During his tenure onthe board, he held every board officeand chaired and served on all ofthe board’s committees.“Having a school named after meis a great honor and one, I, andmy family, will forever cherish,” Mr.Jones said. “I was so proud to haveserved with so many fine people onthe <strong>Aldine</strong> Board of Education for30 years. I have so many wonderfulContinued on page 4NONPROFIT ORG.CARRIER ROUTE PRESORTU.S. POSTAGE PAIDHOUSTON, TXPERMIT NO. 5194ALDINE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT14910 ALDINE WESTFIELD ROADHOUSTON, TEXAS 77032-3099AISD Board to conduct information meetingsThe <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD Board of Education will conductmeetings in each vertical to provide informationon the district’s core beliefs and commitments,bond projects and district achievement results. Themeetings will be held Jan. 22 at 6:30 p.m. at HoustonAcademy, Jan. 29 at 6 p.m. at Oleson Elementary,Feb. 10 at 5:30 p.m. at Magrill Elementary and March31 at 6 p.m. at Keeble EC/Pre-K Center.<strong>Aldine</strong> ISD honored in Big Apple as Broad Prize finalist— Brownsville named winner —<strong>Aldine</strong> ISD board members, administrators and other representatives were onhand in New York on Tuesday, Oct. 14, when the national winner of the BroadPrize for Urban Education was announced.<strong>Aldine</strong> ISD was one of five nationalfinalists for the award.On hand for the announcementwere <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD Board PresidentSteve Mead, Vice-president Dr. ViolaM. Garcia, Secretary Dr. AltonSmith, Assistant Secretary RoseAvalos, Board Members MerlinGriggs, and Marine Jones, SuperintendentDr. Wanda Bamberg,and Deputy Superintendent Dr.Archie Blanson. Also on hand forthe announcement were TSTArepresentative Carolyn Milton andbusiness partner Ralph Wheeler.Philanthropist Eli Broad announcedthe winner, BrownsvilleISD, at the New York Museum ofModern Art. Also in attendance forthe announcement were New YorkCity Mayor Michael Bloomberg,former U.S. Secretary of EducationRod Paige and former U.S. Secretaryof Education Richard Riley.The Broad Prize for Urban Educationis an annual award thathonors the most outstanding urbanschool district in the UnitedStates, that has made the greatestimprovement in student achievement,while reducing achievementgaps among ethnic groups andbetween high- and low-incomestudents.By being named a finalist, <strong>Aldine</strong>ISD was awarded $250,000 fromthe Broad Foundation for collegescholarships, Brownsville received$500,000.“We want to thank the BroadFoundation for their generous giftand for recognizing the strides <strong>Aldine</strong>ISD has made in educatingall of its children,” said Mr. Mead.“Wanda and her team of administrators,principals and teachersshould be commended for all ofthe effort and energy they haveput in over the years in seeing to itthat all children in <strong>Aldine</strong> receivea quality education. We are indeedproducing the nation’s best.”“We are so appreciative of theBroad Foundation for selecting<strong>Aldine</strong> as one of its five nationalfinalists and for the generous giftthey provided to help <strong>Aldine</strong> studentsattain a college education,”Dr. Bamberg said. “Even thoughwe were not the ultimate winner,being recognized on the nationallevel endorses the long hoursand hard work many have put inover the years in educating ourchildren. Our board should alsobe commended for its vision andleadership in making academicgains among all of our students itstop priority.”For the third time in five years,<strong>Aldine</strong> was one of five national finalistsfrom a field of 100 schoolAISD to launch new websiteAISD will launch a new websitethis January, featuring an easier touse design, mapping functions fordistrict facilities and schools, andmany other user-friendly functions.The development of the new sitewas guided by direct user feedbackand anticipated growth.districts who were identified bythe Broad Foundation as beingeligible candidates for the awardbased on size, low-income enrollment,minority enrollment andurban environment.Once the five national finalistswere named, the Broad Foundation’sreview board of 18 prominenteducation leaders from acrossthe country – with the help of theNational Center for EducationalAccountability (NCEA) – analyzedextensive quantitative data andused their collective knowledgeand experience to determine thefive finalists.Last May, a team of researchersand practitioners, under NCEA’sguidance, conducted a site visitin <strong>Aldine</strong> where they interviewedschool board members, staff members,community members andvisited schools in the MacArthurSenior High <strong>School</strong> vertical area,where they gathered additionalquantitative and qualitative data.Following the site visit, a selectionjury met during the summer toreview the information and selectthe winner.The three remaining finalists wereBroward County Public <strong>School</strong>s,Florida, Long Beach Unified<strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, CA, and Miami-Dade County Public <strong>School</strong>s.Dedication ceremonyheld in honor ofNadine KujawaFormer SuperintendentNadine Kujawa dedicated42 years of her life to thestudents and staff of the<strong>Aldine</strong> school district andon Sunday, Nov. 16, thedistrict and communitysaid thank you in a resoundingway when theydedicated the Nadine KujawaEducational Centerin her honor.The Educational Center encompassesKujawa Elementary <strong>School</strong>and Kujawa EC/Pre-K Center, bothlocated on Fallbrook Drive.During her 41 years in <strong>Aldine</strong>, Mrs.Kujawa served as a teacher, principal,executive director of personnel,assistant superintendent of personnel,deputy superintendent of humanresources and instruction anddeputy superintendent of curriculumand instruction before beingnamed superintendent of schools in2001 to succeed M.B. “Sonny” Donaldson.Mrs. Kujawa is a graduate of<strong>Aldine</strong> High <strong>School</strong> and was the firstfemale superintendent in the historyof <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD.Mrs. Kujawa was joined at the dedicationceremony by family members,former colleagues and friends,which she greatly appreciated.“Thank you, thank you so much forcoming to share this special day. Iappreciate your willingness to comeand spend it with me. A specialthank you to our Board of Educationfor this tremendous honor.What a humbling experience.”Mrs. Kujawa added she was honoredto have the two schools named in herhonor because of what they stand for.“These two schools are special,” shesaid. “They are the beginning of theInternational Baccalaureate programin <strong>Aldine</strong>. Called the primary yearsprogram, they form the foundationof a Pre-K through 12th grade programthat is a rigorous, challengingprogram that demands the best fromboth students and teachers.”Mrs. Kujawa encouraged the faculty,staff, students and community totake an active role in educating studentsat both schools.Continued on page 4
Inside <strong>Aldine</strong><strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Page 2<strong>School</strong>s & Community<strong>Aldine</strong> HSopened theirnew remodeledcafeteria.Dear Parents:The <strong>2008</strong>-2009 school year has beena good year so far, but it has also beenunique due to Hurricane Ike. Our studentsmissed nine days of school. Ourboard voted to have our students makeupfour of those missed days and the lasttwo make up days will be Jan. 16 andFeb. 16. Making up this time will helpour staff ensure that our students get every opportunity to be successful inmastering the learning objectives for this year.We are always working to improve academics in the district, and this year isnot an exception. In addition to the focus on reading, writing, mathematics,and social studies, we are also continuing to work on strategies to help highschool students “catch-up” in earning credits in order to graduate on time.Last year, HEB awarded the district $100,000, and the money has been spentto increase opportunities for high school students to take virtual classes toearn credit. Students can register for additional classes through their highschool to work at home, at a library or a neighbor’s house through webbasedcurriculum. Students are assigned a teacher who will provide supportand assist them with any questions along the way. This program is not newto <strong>Aldine</strong>, but the additional money from HEB has allowed us to expand toserve more students.Last April, <strong>Aldine</strong> was named a Broad Prize finalist, and this October welearned that the Broad Prize scholarship money had been doubled, whichmeans our graduating seniors have the opportunity to apply for $250,000in scholarship money.One of our many challenges is to serve all of our students as the districtgrows. This year we opened three new campuses, Jones EC/PK, Jones Elementary<strong>School</strong>, and Kujawa EC/PK and next year, we will open anotherEC/PK center. To meet the needs of our growing community, a new highschool and 9th grade center have also been planned to open in 2012 and2013. These new campuses will be located across from Plummer Middle<strong>School</strong> on Gears Road. The new high schools will relieve the crowded conditionsat the high schools, but at Nimitz High <strong>School</strong> particularly. One ofour major projects this year is to evaluate our current school boundaries, toanticipate the new schools and to relieve overcrowding as much as possiblebefore 2012. Recommendations about boundary changes will be made tothe board in January and February, and all parents who are impacted by anychange will be notified as early as possible.Recommendations will be discussed at board meetings and at our regularpublic meetings in January. On January 14th, our <strong>Aldine</strong> CoordinatingCommittee will meet at 9 a.m. in MOC, and recommendations will beshared. Also, recommendations will be discussed at the next Superintendent’sParent Advisory Meeting on February 3rd at 7 p.m. at MOC. Parentare welcome to attend these meetings, but I do recommend that you contactLori Losoya at 281.985.6202, so that we may prepare for you.In January, we will witness a historic day as President-Elect Barack Obamawill be inaugurated on January 20th. Our teachers are preparing specialstudies and activities to commemorate the day and its significance.Thank you for your support. I appreciate your work to help us “Producethe Nation’s Best.” Have a safe and happy holiday season.Sincerely,Wanda Bamberg, Ed.D., Superintendent of <strong>School</strong>sViola Garcia elected TASB secretary-treasurerAISD Board President Dr. Viola M. Garcia was electedsecretary-treasurer of the Texas Association of <strong>School</strong>Boards (TASB) during the Association’s annual DelegateAssembly and Convention in Dallas, September 26-28.She was elected to the TASB boardin September 2004, and has beena member of the Lone Star InvestmentPool Board since 2003. Shehas chaired the Resolutions Committeeand was vice-chair of the LegislativeCommittee.Dr. Garcia, an associate professorat the University of Houston-Downtown,has served on the <strong>Aldine</strong>Questions and AnswersWe hope you enjoy this editionof Inside <strong>Aldine</strong>. If you havequestions or comments aboutinformation included in this issue,our schools or operations,please call 713-756-7855 or Board for 15 years. A graduateof Leadership TASB and mastertrustee, Dr. Garcia is a member ofthe American Leadership Forum-Houston Education Class 2, is participatingin the Reform Governancein Action program with the <strong>Aldine</strong>ISD board and administrative team,and is actively involved in the NationalAssociation of Latino Electedand Appointed Officials LeadershipInitiatives. Dr. Garcia earned herundergraduate degree from TexasWoman’s University and her master’sand doctorate’s degrees fromthe University of Houston.TASB is a nonprofit associationestablished in 1949 to serve localTexas public school districts.Stephens Elementary gets new $100,000 playgroundthanks to Home Depot, KaBOOM! and Andre Johnson<strong>Aldine</strong> ISD’s Stephens Elementary <strong>School</strong> received a very special gift on Tuesday, Dec.2, as volunteers from the community, Home Depot, KaBOOM!, and Houston Texans’wide receiver Andre Johnson teamed up to build a new playground at the school.The playground, valued at $100,000,was built in a day by the hundredsof volunteers who gathered for theevent.KaBOOM! is a national non-profitorganization whose vision is tocreate a great place to play withinwalking distance of every child inAmerica.Stephens Elementary principal RaymondStubblefield, said the newplayground will provide a criticalservice to Stephens students andthe Stephens community.“Play is critical to the social, cognitive,and emotional development ofchildren,” Stubblefield said. “Thenew KaBOOM! playground will providea safe place to play for morethan 1,000 students at Stephens Elementary.We are very appreciativeto The Home Depot, the NFL andKaBOOM! for selecting our campusfor this honor. We also appreciatethe leadership of Denise Meister(former assistant principal at Stephens,now principal at WorshamElementary) and Susan HwangPo(former teacher) who were instrumentalin developing our grant.The Build Day on Dec. 2 was a truepartnership between school, communityand local businesses.”The playground build was part ofHome Depot’s NFL NeighborhoodMVP program that recognizes NFLplayers for their commitment togiving back to their local communities.Johnson was one of 17 playersselected league-wide for his help<strong>Aldine</strong> ISDBoard reorganizesThe AISD Board of Education reorganizedduring its November 18 meeting.The board’s nominating committee,chaired by Trustee Merlin Griggs,and fellow committee members RickOgden and Marine Jones, named Dr.Viola M. Garcia as school board president,Dr. Alton Smith as vice-president,Rose Avalos as secretary andRick Ogden as assistant secretary.Trustee Steve Mead, who served asboard president during the 2007-08school year and for part of the <strong>2008</strong>-09 school year, handed over the gavelto Dr. Garcia. Mr. Griggs, MarineJones and Mr. Mead will serve asmembers. Dr. Garcia will announcecommittee assignments at the Januaryboard meeting.Steve Mead hands over thegavel to Dr. Viola M. Garcia.Pictured above is Johnson taking part in the “board cutting”ceremony to officially open the new playground. WatchingJohnson were, (l-r): Stephens student Kyndal Hutto, StephensElementary principal Raymond Stubblefield, KaBOOM! projectmanager Cassie Haslett, Home Depot <strong>District</strong> Manager BrianLiczwik, and <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD Superintendent Dr. Wanda founding the Andre JohnsonFoundation, which is committed toempowering and developing youthfrom single-parent homes into responsibleand educated citizens.FFA Show to Celebrate 50th anniversaryContinued from page 1AISD’s career and technical educationdepartment has been planningfor the 50th anniversary for twoyears, according to Franklin Higgins,director of the department.“We’ve been working on this for twoyears,” Higgins said. “It has been excitingjust looking back and seeingthe progress and how this event hasevolved over the years.”Since 1996, the Livestock Show andCountry Fair has been held in theM.O. Campbell Educational Center.From 1959-81, the event was held at<strong>Aldine</strong> High <strong>School</strong> before moving tothe grounds where the Campbell Centerwould eventually be built in 1982.Higgins said two weeks of eventshave been planned for the 50th anniversary.Things will kick off on Friday,Jan. 16, with the Alumni Gala, set forFireman’s Hall. The event will beginat 7:30 p.m. and is sponsored by RandyReeves State Farm Insurance.On Saturday, Jan. 24, the first annualFFA Livestock Show and Street Festivalwill be held in the parking lot of theCampbell Center. The event, sponsoredby the Greenspoint Chamberof Commerce, will run from 10 a.m.until 2 p.m. and is open to the public.Home Depot developed the NFLNeighborhood MVP program to giveback to the communities its associateslive and work in. North HoustonBank also donated to the cause.The two-week event will wrap up onFriday, Jan. 30 with a breakfast andart auction at 8 a.m. in the foyer ofthe MOC. The Greenspoint Chamberand the Greenspoint RotaryClub are sponsoring that event. Analumni reception will be held from5-6:30 p.m. and events will concludethat evening with the Sale ofChampions at 7 p.m.Higgins, who has participated in27 of the 50 Fairs, said <strong>Aldine</strong>’s isone of the oldest in Harris County.He added, the event has receivedstrong support over the years fromthe community.Last year, <strong>Aldine</strong> ag students’ projectsnetted $174,479.50 in pledges,which eclipsed the 2007 Sale ofChampions by more than $25,000.“Over the years, I have been soimpressed with the generosity ourcommunity has shown to our students.The amount of support hasjust been tremendous,” he said.“And our community has changed.We were more rural in the 70’s and80’s and are now an urban area, butwe still have a lot of kids interestedin agriculture.”For more information on any events,contact Higgins at (281) 985-6650.
Inside <strong>Aldine</strong><strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Page 4<strong>School</strong>s & CommunityVisit www.aldine.k12.tx.usEisenhower’s volleyball coach named19-5A Coach of the YearEisenhower Senior High <strong>School</strong>volleyball coach Jocelyn Adams wasnamed the <strong>District</strong> 19-5A Coach ofthe Year.Adams led the Lady Eagles to an21-6 season record and a 10-2 markin district play. The Lady Eaglesdefeated Westside in the bi-districtround of the playoffs before fallingto Stratford in the area round.Jocelyn AdamsEisenhower basketball player signs scholarshipEisenhower High’s Chynna Turner, seated, signed a nationalletter of intent with Wichita State University on Nov. 12. Shewas joined at her signing ceremony by her mother, Vivian Turner,head coach Anthony Watkins, and her father, Jeff Turner.Chynna plays the post position for the Lady Eagles.MacArthur softball player signs scholarshipMacArthur Senior High softball player Alyssa Garcia, center,signed a national letter of intent with the University of Utah.She was joined at her signing ceremony by her parents, ElaineRueda and Chris Rueda. She plays catcher for the Lady Generals.Also at the ceremony were, standing, (l-r): head footballcoach Jerry Drones, MacArthur High principal Nancy Blackwell,softball coach James Grotenhuis, former softball coach RobertDelk and director of athletic services Sandra Mader.funds Raised for Galveston ISDFootball players from EisenhowerHigh <strong>School</strong> andFall was busy for AISD sports teamsThe fall semester was busy and successful for <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD varsity sports teams.In football, the Eisenhower Eagleswon their second consecutive <strong>District</strong>19-5A football title by finishing6-0 in league play. The team, underthe direction of head coach Ray Evans,defeated Westside 23-3 in thefirst round of the playoffs beforelosing in the second round to CincoRanch. The Eagles finished the seasonwith an overall record of 7-3.<strong>Aldine</strong> High finished 3-5 on the yearand 3-3 in district play and barelymissed qualifying for the playoffs.Nimitz finished with a 3-6 recordfor the season and went 1-5 in districtplay, while MacArthur finishedwith a 0-8 record and a 0-6 mark inleague play.In volleyball, two AISD teams qualifiedfor post-season play. The EisenhowerLady Eagles, under the direction ofhead coach Jocelyn Adams, finishedsecond in <strong>District</strong> 19-5A play with a10-2 league record and finished 21-6on the season. The Lady Eagles advancedto the second round of theClass 5A playoffs. The MacArthur LadyGenerals, under the direction of headcoach Linda Eastland, finished fourthin league play with a 6-6 record (12-16on the season) and advanced to thefirst-round of the playoffs.Dedication ceremony held in honor of A.W. JonesContinued from page 1memories and friendships that willremain with me forever. I was proudto have served on a board that alwayspushed to get the best educationpossible for our children. Servingon the school board was a veryrewarding experience and there isnothing that I cherish more.”The ceremony began with welcomingremarks, which were made byJones EC/Pre-K principal GladysMoton. Students Sophia Price andBevin Covington then led the audiencein the Pledge of Allegiance,which was followed by the Pledgeto the Texas flag, which was led bystudents Klark Johnson and GabrielleBishop.Cinco Ranch took the timeduring their second-roundplayoff game to participatein “Operation Heart,” a fundraising effort to collect moneyfor Galveston ISD’s athleticdepartment to help with therecovery effort from HurricaneIke. The players collected $522.Pictured are (l-r): Markes Norman,Jalen Teal, Michael Smith,JaMarcus Johnson, Bryan Heard,Marcus Livingston, and RaysonThompson.In cross country, the MacArthurGenerals, under the direction ofhead coach Kelly Silha, finishedthird at the <strong>District</strong> 19-5A meet.Runners Gilberto Alvarez, DavidGonzalez, David Reeves, JeremyMedina and Robert Garza qualifiedfor the Region III Meet. The <strong>Aldine</strong>Lady Mustangs, under the directionof head coach Lonnie Johnson, alsofinished third at their league meet.Runners Maria Arzapala, Laura Martinez,Reina Mata, Cortiza Medina,Adrianne Amillanga, Magda Reyesand Melissa Hernandez qualified forthe Region III Meet.Dr. John L. Armstrong of the GloriousChurch of God in Christ deliveredthe invocation which wasfollowed by the singing of “I Am FlyingHigh,” by the Jones ElementaryChoir.Jones Elementary principal CherylFontenot then delivered the dedicationaddress, which was followed bya performance by the Jones EC/Pre-K Dancers.<strong>Aldine</strong> ISD Board President SteveMead presented the school on behalfof the district, which was thenfollowed by the acceptance of theschool by students, staff members,parents and community members.Students who accepted the schoolwere Saniah Jenkins and Acelyn Landry.Staff members who accepted theschool were Jennifer Velando andSonia Castro. Parents who acceptedthe school were Trevor and CarolynCalhoun and Bethel Covington andDenise Sowders. Community memberswho accepted the school wereMichael Ward and Carey Alfred.Following remarks from Mr. Jones,students Faith Diaz and Dylan Taylorunveiled the portrait of Mr. Jonesthat will hang in the school.That was followed by a performanceby the Praise Dancers, who consistedof JoAnn Valley Rush and AyannaSims.The event concluded with closingremarks by <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD SuperintendentDr. Wanda Bamberg.Dedication ceremony held in honor of Nadine KujawaNimitz duo sign scholarshipsNimitz Senior High <strong>School</strong> basketball players Jessica Diamond,left, and Brittney Griner, right, were joined by girls’ head basketballcoach Debbie Jackson, center, for their signing ceremony.Diamond the Lady Cougars point guard, signed with WichitaState University, while Griner, the Lady Cougars center,signed with Baylor University. Griner is the top-ranked femalebasketball player in the country and has been one of the mostsought-after players in the country.Continued from page 1“It does take a village to raise a childand each group has its job to doto see that every child learns,” shesaid. “This is our village and it willtake all of us to make the childrenin our village successful. Learninghas to be a partnership betweenthe students, parents, school andthe community. Thank you so muchfor coming to our village today andsharing this day.”Kujawa Elementary principal DeberaThomas began the dedicationceremony with welcoming remarksand introductions of the stageguests. Her remarks were followedby the presentation of the colors bythe Eisenhower Senior High <strong>School</strong>J.R.O.T.C. Kujawa Elementary studentsNafisah Stevens and JosiahLewis and Kujawa EC/Pre-K studentsChelsea Lewis and Monserrat Cordovaled the audience in the Pledgeof Allegiance and the Pledge to theTexas Flag.Rev. Edwin Davis of Galilee MissionaryBaptist Church then deliveredthe invocation, which was followedby a performance of the Kujawa EC/Pre-K “Singing Koalas.” Debbie Hagood,principal of Kujawa EC/Pre-KCenter, then delivered the dedicationaddress, which was followedby a performance of “Don Gato,” byKujawa Elementary students.<strong>Aldine</strong> ISD Board of Education PresidentSteve Mead then presented theschool on behalf of the board anddistrict, which was followed by theacceptance of the school by a numberof individuals. Kujawa Elementaryassistant principal, Sonia Pace andKujawa EC/Pre-K assistant principalAndrea Davis accepted the schoolon behalf of the staff, while studentsMatrell Vigers and Mariah Lane ofKujawa Elementary and ChristianaPrieto and Darius Cook of KujawaEC/Pre-K Center accepted the schoolon behalf of the students. ParentsArlyn Jackson of Kujawa Elementaryand Karel Cook of Kujawa EC/Pre-KCenter accepted the school on behalfof parents, while Aldo Ochoa andShane Clotiaux of AXA Equitable acceptedthe school on behalf of thebusiness community.Following Mrs. Kujawa’s remarks,students Miguel Garza of KujawaElementary and Arizon Garza ofKujawa EC/Pre-K Center unveiledthe portrait of Mrs. Kujawa that willhang at both schools.The Kujawa Elementary DrumCorp and Percussion group thenperformed, which was followed byclosing remarks from <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD SuperintendentDr. Wanda Bamberg.
Inside <strong>Aldine</strong><strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Page 6Business PartnershipsFor more informationon student internshipprograms, call FranklinHiggins, director ofcareer and technologyeducation, at281-985-6650.First StopFlower ConnectionFluor Corporation FoundationFMA Alliance, Ltd.FMC TechnologiesForest Park LawndaleFrost BankFry’s North FreewayFuntasiaFuture Group World Cricket PremiereG. Ian Smith III, CPAG. K. Pillar - CPAG. Pillai - CPAGallery FurnitureGarnett AviationGayla CorporationGEN X UniformsGenesys WorksGirl Scouts of San Jacinto CouncilGirls Scouts - ExplorerGlaxoSmithKlineGleanKing Janitoral ServicesGloria Jean’s CoffeeGo Go GomezGodfather’s <strong>Aldine</strong> Mail Rte.Good EatsGotcha KoveredGreat Time SkateGreater Commission MissonaryBaptist ChurchGreater Inwood PartnershipGreensheet for EducationGreenspoint MallGrimes BakeryGulf States Financial ServicesGulf States ToyotaH.E.B. <strong>Aldine</strong> Westfield Rd.H.E.B. WindfernHalliburtonHarbor Capital GroupHarris County Library (<strong>Aldine</strong> Branch)Harris County Sheriff’s Dept.Harris County Utility <strong>District</strong> #15HBB Piano StudioHCDE - CASEHCPHESHess CorporationHigh Meadows Branch LibraryHilda’s DeccoracionesHoliday Inn Houston IAHHoly Bears Inc.Home Depot North FreewayHouston AerosHouston Airport SystemHouston Associationof Professional LandmanHouston AstrosHouston Bar AssociationHouston ChronicleHouston DynamoHouston Food BankHouston NorthwestChamber of CommerceHouston Police DepartmentMounted PatrolHouston RocketsHouston TaeKwonDo AcademyHughes ChristensenProduct EngineeringHumble Family SkateI. Scott Lidji & Associates Law OfficeIBMImmigration CustomsInstitute for InternationalEducation - Houston OfficeIntercoastal PaintIntergrated Airline ServicesInvesTex Credit UnionITT Technical InstituteITZ- Family Food and FunJ.C.’s Office SolutionsJ.L. TruckingJ&B TechnologiesJack-in-the-Box <strong>Aldine</strong> Westfield Rd.Jack-in-the-Box JFK Blvd.Jack-in-the-Box Will Clayton Pkwy.Mangum-howell centerSixty-six SNAPP (Students Need a Pat anda Push) students from Calvert Elementarywere recently treated to a holiday party atthe Mangum-Howell Center. The studentsenjoyed a hayride, had their pictures taken,played games, decorated cookies and receiveda present. In return, the studentsmade ornaments, decorated a tree and presentedhand-made cards to senior citizenswho are served by the Center.DHL andConley ElementaryDHL donated school suppliesfor the entire student bodyat Conley Elementary. Pictured,front row (l-r): Conleyprincipal Katherine Roede,DHL employees Kathy Fluker,Latonia Amerson, and Conleyassistant principal, OscarHerrera; Back row (l-r): DHLemployees Lisa Broussard,Lonah Walters, Nicole Barrow,Glenda Johnson, andConley Elementary counselorChad Thackston.InvesTex Credit Union Supports <strong>Aldine</strong> I.S.D.Warm Upto these Hot Deals!Sizzling Car Loan Refinancing ProgramSmoking Low Vehicle Loan Rates(as low as 4.29% APR* for 48 mths)Hot 7.5% APR* Platinum MasterCard“Credit unions are probably a safe harbor…they are federally insured…very conservativelymanaged…in most cases, you will get a little bit more on your savings and get a little bit lowerloan rate…that is probably what you want.”CNN Interview on 9/18/08 with Forbes Magazine Senior Editor, Neil Weinberg6 Locations905 <strong>Aldine</strong> BenderHouston, TX 77032*APR means Annual Percentage Rate. Ratesand terms are subject to change withoutnotice. The terms and amounts for which youqualify will be determined by your credit andcapacity at the time of application. Otherrestrictions may apply.Visit or call(281)449-0109KPRC, Channel 2and Nimitz 9thDaniella Guzman from KPRC,Channel 2 participated inNimitz 9th grade school’s careerday on November 19th.Tie Requiredand Nimitz 9thMichael Williams, founder ofTie Required recently spoketo Nimitz 9th grade students.Tie Required is an organizationthat teaches professionaletiquette to teenagers andhelps them develop interviewingand work skills.Ryan Technologiesand Nimitz 9thBilly Thomas of Ryan Technologiesis a mentor atNimitz 9th Grade school andan active supporter of CareerDay at the campus.AXA Financial andJones ElementaryAXA Financial donated $800to A.W. Jones Elementaryfor T-shirts for the CHICKENClub. Pictured are CherylFontenot, principal of A.W.Jones; and Aldo Ochoa, AXAFinancial Representative.
Inside <strong>Aldine</strong><strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Page 7Business PartnershipsEducationis Everyone’s BusinessYMCA andJones ElementaryYMCA provides after school care at A.W Jones for about 200children. (L-R Back row) Jessica Cardenas, Ryan Hopkins, GerleahSmall, Amaya Galvez. (L-R Front Row) Steven Vonner, TorionTorres, Kylee Mangoma, David Higginbotham and LaquanaLang, North Harris County YMCA - Child Care Director.Business Partners of Hinojosa EC/PKFor the 3rd yearin a row HinojosaEC/PK won theprize for the MostParticipants at theTurkey Trot <strong>2008</strong>.Business partnerswho made it possiblewere: InvesTex,AXA Advisors,Imagewear,Me N’ My PalPortraits, TuttleDevelopment Co.and Early Initiatives.North Houston Bankand Stephens ElementaryJane Grothe of North Houston Bank, pictured with principalRaymond Stubblefield, helped fund the KaBOOM! Playgroundat Stephens Elementary.Tuttle Development Companyand Hinojosa EC/PKCharlotte Benson, center, of Tuttle Development Company ispictured with Hinojosa EC/PK staff members Diana Moralesand Pam Herron. Benson donated her time to the annual FallFestival at Hinojosa EC/PK in November.Joe’s Crab Shack andJones ElementaryJoe’s Crab Shack donated Student and Teacher Gift Certificatesto Jones Elementary. Pictured are Sonia Castro, assistant principal,Bernetta Romero from Joe’s Crab Shack, Marcus Galvez1st grade student, Kiera Stovall 1st grade student, and DanitaSawyer, counselor.Back To <strong>School</strong> BBQ BASHAT Francis ElEmentaryFrancis Elementary openedthe <strong>2008</strong>-2009 school yearwith a Staff / Business PartnersBack to <strong>School</strong> BBQBash. The following businesseswere representedat the bash: Charles Transports& Associates LLC,Chase Bank (Fall Creek),Chick-Fil-A (Fall Creek),CiCi’s (Humble), Forest ParkLawndale Funeral Home,Law Office of Angela Aaron,Right Now Pest Control, TripleJ’s BBQ & Catering, andWachovia Bank (Fall Creek).Dr. William Allan Kritsonis,professor from Prairie ViewA&M University, was theguest speaker.Business Partners fromChase Bank supported theBBQ as well. tTriple J’s BBQ & CateringDr. William Allan Kritsonis,professor from Prairie ViewA&M UniversityJason’s Deli FM 1960 W.Jed’s HardwareJesse Jones ParkJet Machine WorksJMW ProductionsJo AderholdtJohnson Space CenterJose’ MoralesJoslin ConstructionJosten’sJunior AchievementKansas City Art InstituteKeller Williams RealtyKid’s and PlayChild Development CenterKIDZFITKings and Queens Barber & BeautyKingwood CollegeKroger <strong>Aldine</strong> Mail Rte.Kroger Gift Imperial ValleyKroger GulftonLaguna College of Art and DesignLarry’s Photos & VideoGraduate PhotosLaser QuestLaw Office of Angela AaronLaw Offices of Mari GianukosLawemax Truck & Trailer RepairLe Petite BistroLearning BlocksLeslie KnetsarLeukemia and Lymphoma SocietyLiberty Tax ServiceLifetouchLisa ReadLittle Angels Day CareLittle Angels of PraiseLittle Caesars W. Little York Rd.Little Caesars W. Sam Houston Pkwy.Living Word Fellowship ChurchLMS GroupLone Star College - North HarrisLoneStar College - TomballLoxanna PhotographyLuby’s Cafeteria Eastex FreewayLuby’s Veterans Memorial Dr.Luby’s W. Greens Rd.Lucia & Cesar DiazLunchbox DeliLupe TortillaM&J CustomsMac Haik ChryslerMac Jr. Steel ErectorsMAES Inc.Main EventMain Street TheaterMapulaMASS ArtMATTCO Mfg.McCullough Kwik Air & HeatingMcDonald’s <strong>Aldine</strong> Bender Rd.McDonald’s FM 1960McDonald’s Greens Rd.McDonald’s N. Sam Houston Pkwy E.McDonald’s North FreewayMcDonald’s Southwest FreewayMcDonald’s W. Mt. Houston Rd,McDonald’s West Rd.McDonald’s-Kelly QSR GroupMcDonalds FM 1960 E.MD AndersonMe and My Pals PortraitsMelcon VendingMenzies Aviation GroupMercer ArboretumMex. Institute of Greater HoustonMIADMichelle MoosallyMine Beads & MoreMission GreenspointMISSION- REAL ESTATEMister CarwashMonterey’s Little MexicoMoore College of ArtMrs.Bairds BreadMRT Auto & Diesel Repair
Inside <strong>Aldine</strong><strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2008</strong>Page 8Business PartnershipsFor more informationon student internshipprograms, call RobertThomas, programdirector of businesseducationpartnerships,at 281-985-7230.Mt. Olive Baptist ChurchMuseum of Fine ArtsNappco Fastener CompanyNew hope Community ChurchNorth Houston BankNorth Houston GreenspointChamber of CommerceNorth Park Baptist ChurchNorth Star Interests, L.C.Northside KarateNu Faith CommunityUnited Methodist ChurchOaks Christan ChurchOffice Depot North FreewayOfficeMax Clara Rd.OfficeMax Eastex FreewayOtecoP&S AUTO SALESPam’s Prints & MorePan RikoPancho’s (Humble)Pancho’s North FreewayPanda Express North FreewayPanera Bread Company FM 1960 W,Panhandle EnergyPapa John’s FM 1960Papa John’s North FreewayPappasito’s North FreewayPepsi Bottling GroupPheido AdvertisingPhillip Townsend AssociatesPhoenix FastenersPhoto PlusPier OnePizza Hut FM 1960 W.PLANET FORD.COMPopeyes FM 1960Popeyes Imperial ValleyPozada RestaurantPrecinct 1 Constable’s OfficePrimerica Financial ServicesPrint MailersProducer’s Cooperative AssociationProgress Art Group, Inc. - Art FestivalQSP Readers DigestQuiznos N. Sam Houston Pkwy.Rainbow FishRAM Winch and HoistRandalls KingwoodRCW Nurseries, Inc.Real Estate ResourceReasoning MindsRecycle RewardsRice University<strong>School</strong> Mathematics ProjectRight Now Termite and Pest ControlRiskbytes, Inc.RITERonnie & Cathy Matthews, LTD.Ross Dress for LessRyan DrillingSAFE Kids Greater HoustonSalvation Army Boys & Girls ClubSam Houston State Univ. EducationalLeadership & Counseling Dept.Sam Houston State UniversitySam’s Club FM 1960Sam’s Club FM 1960 BypassSam’s Club Richey Rd.Saturn of North HoustonSB&B Business ServiceSchlumbergerShell OilSheraton Hotel JFK Blvd.Shipley Do-Nuts FM 1960Showcase AwardsSilvatechSmart Financial BankSMFA, BostonSnowflake Donuts North FreewaySonic Drive-In FM 1960Sonic Drive-In North FreewaySonic Drive-In Oklahoma CitySonic Drive-In Veteran’s MemorialSonic Drive-In W. Little York Rd.Southern FloralBusiness Partnership BriefsTeam physician Dr. Bruce Moselyof the Richmond Boneand Joint Clinic, donatedT-shirts to MacArthur High<strong>School</strong>s student trainers.Dr. Mosely has also donatedmany hours of his services tostudent athletes.HEB grocers donated 50cases of water to MacArthurHigh <strong>School</strong> students andfamilies recovering from HurricaneIke.Jan Winn of North HoustonBank and the <strong>Aldine</strong> NoonOptimist Club donated $100each to FCCLA Chapters at<strong>Aldine</strong> High and MacArthurHigh <strong>School</strong>, and MacArthur’sNational Honor Society.Winn made the contributionsbecause students who aremembers of all three organizationsserved as volunteersat the district’s CHICKEN ClubBanquet which <strong>Aldine</strong> NoonOptimist Club sponsored.HighMount Exploration andProduction LLC recently becamea new business partnerof Parker Intermediate whenthe company donated alarge amount of school suppliesto the school’s needieststudents. Parker plans toRice University andMarcella IntermediateDuring the fall, students at Marcella Intermediate attendedthe Sally Ride Science Festival at Rice University. Students tookpart in activities and had the chance to learn more about sciencefrom Rice instructors.Sam Houston State University,Texas A&M University and Keeble EC/PKAll students at Keeble Early Childhood/Prekindergarten Centerreceived free T-shirts from Sam Houston State Universityand Dr. Beverly Irby, and Texas A&M University and Dr. RafaelLara. The donations were part of a massive effort to promotecollege and post-secondary school enrollment to <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD’s60,000 students.expand the partnership toinclude mentoring, tutoringand additional financial supportopportunities.Raymond Academy calledon several businesses tohelp support its after-schoollearning center this schoolyear. The response accordingto the campus, was“amazing.” Flour CorporationFoundation donated$15,000, Lone Star CollegeGreenspoint Center-AdultLiteracy contributed $7,786,Triten Corporation donated$1,600, and Stanley’s EagleTire Company gave $500.AISD saysthanks to localbusinessesthat pitchedin during Ikecleanup<strong>Aldine</strong> ISD has alwaysbeen grateful for the supportthe local businesscommunity has providedthe district over the years,and that was never moreevident than in the aftermathof Hurricane Ike.While district personnel were gettingthe district back on its feet inthe weeks following the hurricane,<strong>Aldine</strong>’s business partners alsostepped up and provided supportto help our employees by providinggoods and services.The district would like to say a big“thank you” to the following businessesthat provided support afterIke wreaked its havoc:• Pepsi• Fred’s Helping Hand• McCauley’s Lumber• Grainger• JLM• Remodelers Unlimited• C&B Wholesale Plumbing Supplies• Con-Tex Roofing• Lange Mechanical Services• Lindsey Electric• United Environmental Services• Italiano’s• Jason’s Deli• Pappa John’s• Netversant• Solid IT Networks• Sun Coast Resources, Inc.Southwest Teachers SupplySpecial OlympicsSplashtownSpring ISD - Wunsche H.S.Child Studies & Teacher PreparationSRAStarbucks North FreewayStarbucks Tomball Pkwy.Starbucks Veteran’s Memorial/1960State Farm Louetta Rd.State Farm Willow CenterSubway Antoine Dr.Subway W. Little York Rd.T B & D ServicesT-MobileTaco BellTaco Cabana College ParkTaco Cabana Little YorkTaco Cabana Tomball Pkwy.Target (Humble)Target North FreewayTatoo Your RideTCBTexans TogetherTexas A & M University HoustonRecruitment OfficeTexas A&M - MSC Lead ProgramTexas A&M UniversityTexas Children’s Health Plan Inc.Texas Department ofRehabilitation ServicesTexas Executive WomenTexas Road HouseThe Bimmer WorkshopThe Fastener ConnectionThe Visualization ProgramThe WaterWorks MuseumTin Star JewelryToni AndersonTotal Construction InspectionsToys for TotsTrinity Training and DevelopmentTriple J’s BBQ and CateringTriten CorporationTuttle Development Co.TweezermanU of H Hispanic BusinessStudent Assoc.U.S. ArmyUBS Investment BankUniversal Essentials GymnasticsUniversity of HoustonUniversity of HoustonCollege of EducationUniversity of Houston DowntownUniversity of PhoenixUnivision RadioUrgeworksVerizon WirelessVincent Gonzales RestorationWachovia Bank (Fall Creek)Wachovia Bank Greenspoint Dr.Walgreens <strong>Aldine</strong> WestfieldWalgreens West Rd.Walmart FM 1960 BypassWalmart N. Sam Houston Pkwy.Walmart North FreewayWashington Group InternationalWashington Mutual FM 1960 W.Washington Mutual FM 2920Washington Mutual Greens Rd.WaterWise Water SmartWells Fargo BankWendy’s North FreewayWeyerhaeuserWhat-A-Burger FM 1960 W.What-A-Burger San AntonioWhat-A-Burger West Rd.What-A-SnackWhite Flamingo RestaurantWomen’s Business Enterprise AllianceWriters in the <strong>School</strong>sWurth AdamsYMCA of Greater HoustonYoung Audiences of HoustonZio’s Italian Restaurant North Freeway