2012-02-17 - Meridan State College - Education Queensland

2012-02-17 - Meridan State College - Education Queensland

2012-02-17 - Meridan State College - Education Queensland

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<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> NewsletterLearning Today, Creating Tomorrow214 Parklands Boulevard, <strong>Meridan</strong> Plains Caloundra Qld 4551Phone: 07 5490 2666 | Fax: 07 5490 2600Email: enquiry@meridansc.eq.edu.au | Web: http://www.meridansc.eq.edu.au/Subscribe online: http://meridansc.schoolzinenewsletters.com/subscribe<strong>17</strong> February <strong>2012</strong>Message from the <strong>College</strong> Director& PrincipalsDear Parents and CarersThis is an exciting week for us as we hope to have handoverof our Performing Arts Theatre. It is a beautifully designedbuilding and the Theatre Consultant who planned and installedall of the audio visual equipment has told us it’s one of the bestequipped theatres on the Coast. Our prize winning PerformingArts Program now has a most impressive home for its dance,drama and musical performances. We are planning a morningtea and tour of all of our new facilities for parents so expectinvitations in the near future.VALENTINE’S DAY SURPRISEOur Middle and Senior School students (and staff!) weresurprised and delighted when each of them received either along stemmed rose or a chocolate on St Valentine’s Day! Thislovely gesture was provided by members of the City EdgeChurch and our own Chappy Kelly. Thank you, all!SCIENCE PROGRAM AWARD!Last week we were informed that our application for fundingto provide a Science Excellence Program for academicallygifted students in Years 6 and 9 at <strong>Meridan</strong> and also Year6 & 7 at Talara Primary <strong>College</strong> was successful! Selectedstudents from both schools will engage in an exciting andchallenging program conducted by Science faculty teachersin our Science Laboratories at <strong>Meridan</strong>. We are delighted tohave the opportunity to foster a love of Science and to shareour outstanding facilities with students from other schools.Congratulations to our Head of Curriculum, Julie Elder and herteam, for their successful submission.JUNIOR & MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTPARTNERSHIP EVENINGsThank you to all the parents who attended these events lastweek. So many of the parents I spoke to said how much theyappreciate meeting the teachers and having the opportunityto hear all the information and to ask questions. Our staff puta lot of thought and effort into these evenings and it is veryrewarding when they are well attended. Research has shownwhat we all know – that the most effective way parents cansupport their child’s education is by working with the school.Please keep in contact throughout the year and help us makesure your child’s schooling is happy and successful.at this time of the year when so many parents are drivingand collecting their children by car. Hopefully once the yearsettles down more parents who are currently accompanyingtheir children to the classroom will allow them to become moreself-reliant and independent by just dropping them off. Please,please, please do your bit by not parking and leaving your carin the 2 minute drop off zone! We have already had someinstances of ‘car park rage’ which could have been avoided witha little more patience and consideration for other drivers. If youhave older Junior School children why not collect them a littlelater after the crowd has dispersed? There is not going to be aneasy solution to our parking problems and in the meantime bewarned that the local police will continue to be out in force.HEAVY SCHOOL BAGSEvery year at this time the problem of heavy school bags israised as students move into Middle and Senior Schools. Lockersare no longer supplied by <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Queensland</strong> because of arange of problems experienced by schools in the past, includingvandalism, lost keys, and food attracting vermin. Many olderschools that still have lockers no longer use them becauseof such problems. Also, lockers don’t alleviate the problemof books being required for homework so students still needto transport them to and from school. However, while heavyschool bags continue to be a concern there are a number ofthings that can be done. Firstly, please check that your childis only bringing the books required for the lessons they haveeach day, not all their books every day. Our <strong>Meridan</strong> backpacksare ergonomically designed to counteract strain on the backso please remind your children to wear them properly notjust carrying them by one hand. Also, we do provide storagefor text books, musical instruments, sporting equipment andcooking utensils if required here at school. Many publishers nowprovide discs with the text books or access to text book contentonline but unfortunately many required textbooks are onlyavailable in hard copy. If you feel that despite these precautionsyour child is still at risk of injury, please contact your subschoolprincipal so a health plan can be developed to protect your child.PLEASE CONTACTOne of the things that worry me as our <strong>College</strong> grows soquickly is that we will lose the ‘personal touch’ with our parentcommunity that is so important to us. No matter how bigwe get any concerns, questions or comments you would liketo make about our <strong>College</strong> are important to us. Please don’thesitate to contact me personally either in person, by phone oremail: Julie.Kornmann@eq.edu.au. No topic is too big or toosmall and please remember, if it matters to you and concernsour <strong>College</strong>, it matters to us!RegardsJulie & the Exec TeamCAR PARK SAFETYWe are very aware that car parking around the <strong>College</strong> continuesto be a nightmare, especially in the Junior School and especiallyJulie Kornmann<strong>College</strong> DirectorSue EspositoPrincipal - JuniorSchoolLeasa SmithPrincipal -Middle SchoolKaren McCordPrincipal -Senior School<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter

<strong>Meridan</strong> DiaryNotes to Parents & Events that are happening!Friday <strong>17</strong>Friday <strong>17</strong>Tuesday 21Wednesday 22February <strong>2012</strong>Family Group PhotographsBrainstorm Performance – Ssports PerformanceCentreCatch-up day for School PhotographsCoastal District Swimming Carnival – Cotton Tree PoolComplexWednesday 22 Parent Numeracy Workshop Year 3-69.00am -10.30amRainforest RetreatWednesday 29Friday 2Tuesday 6Tuesday 13Friday 16Tuesday 20Wednesday 21Friday 23Saturday 24Tuesday 27Year 6 Camp – Total Adventures Noosa North ShoreMarch <strong>2012</strong>Year 6 Return from CampP&C Meet and Greet – 6pm prior to Annual GeneralMeeting at 7pm – Rainforest Retreat – lightrefreshmentsYears 1 & 4 Swimming StartsNational day of Action against BullyingJunior School Parent/Teacher InterviewsJunior School Parent/Teacher InterviewsYear 1 & 4 Swimming EndsMERIDAN EASTER FIESTA – A fun filled family day notto be missed!!!! 10.00am – 4.00pm<strong>Meridan</strong> Cross CountryThursday 29 Vaccination Clinic Year 8Thursday 29Arts Excellence Daywill be paid off within the current year. Receipts for studentspaying by centrelink will be sent home via the class teacher.Please note that your receipt will show a transaction of 99centsin addition to the payment that has been made. This 99 centfee is paid to Centrelink by the <strong>College</strong> to enable you to use thisfortnightly service. Our Cashier will phone you if/when youraccount is in credit, so that you can contact Centrelink to ceaseyour payments. Please note that payment via Centrelink isnot available for extra-curricular activities.FAMILIES IN FINANCIAL DIFFICULTYFamilies unable to meet our payment deadlines, may negotiatean individual payment plan by contacting the Business ServicesManager Finance & Facilities or our Cashier.STATEMENTS<strong>State</strong>ments will be issued to parents in week 6 of each schoolterm. These statements are for your information only and willshow you balances outstanding on your child’s account.Should you wish to make a bpay payment on receipt of aninvoice, please note that our financial system will automaticallymatch that payment against the oldest invoice on your account.If you wish the payment to be applied against a particularinvoice, please contact our Cashier through Client Services, oremail accountsreceivable@meridansc.eq.edu.au<strong>2012</strong> STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEMEInformation has been sent home regarding our Student ResourceScheme for <strong>2012</strong>. Please note that due to complications withour new finance system, our payment deadlines have beenextended until the end of term 1.Friday 30 Last day of Term 1Middle and Senior School Term 1 Interim Reportsmailed homeApril <strong>2012</strong>Monday 16Term 2 StartsWednesday 25ANZAC DayFINANCE NEWSPAYMENT DEADLINESFrom <strong>2012</strong>, payment deadlines for excursions and camps are48 hours prior to the day of departure. No late payments willbe accepted. Deadlines must be met so that the <strong>College</strong> canconfirm bookings with buses, venues and other suppliers.PAYMENTSParents are encouraged to personally pay for excursions,swimming and surf skills at the finance window at ClientServices. It is unfortunate when students lose the money onthe way to school. This could result in them missing out onthese very valuable educational experiences. Teachers are notencouraged to handle money for the students so therefore it isimportant as parents you follow up with payments personally.BPAYWe are able to offer a BPAY facility to all parents when payingschool invoices. BPAY will enable parents to make paymentswhen it is convenient to them and not just during schoolbusiness hours. School invoices and statements will include acustomer reference code and biller code which you will use ifyou choose to use BPAY for payments. Please note if you makepayment via bpay you are still required to submit the permissionslip for the activity/excursion/camp to Client Services.CENTRELINKParents are able to nominate to pay for their Student ResourceScheme via Centrelink payments. Please see our Cashierfor information and a form. We ask that parents make acommitment of a minimum of $30 per deduction. Parents willalso need to complete an individual payment plan with ourCashier - this will then allow you to calculate when your feesShannan GnielBusiness Services ManagerFacilities and FinanceCOLLEGE CONTACT:214 Parklands Boulevard<strong>Meridan</strong> Plains Qld 4551Postal: PO Box 3908Caloundra DC Qld 4551Ph: 07 5490 2666Fax: 07 5490 2600Middle School Fax: 5490 2667Client Services Fax: 5490 26<strong>02</strong>Email: enquiry@meridansc.eq.edu.auWebsite: www.meridansc.eq.edu.au<strong>College</strong> Director: Julie KornmannJunior School Principal: Susan EspositoMiddle School Principal: Leasa SmithSenior School Principal: Karen McCordJunior School Deputy Principal: Jenny Williams, Lisa Cutter &Amanda WhiteMiddle/Senior School Principal: Glenn McIntoshBusiness Service Managers: Shannan Gniel & Colleen BryceAdministration Officers: Linda Fraser, Michelle Davies, LouCanov, Lee Gray & Janet Harrison, Elisa-Jayne Brown, VickiBlumskyP&C ASSOCIATIONPresident: Amanda GibbsVice President: Lee BundgaardSecretary: Thor McElligottTreasurer: Jo-Anne GrubbAssistant Treasurer: VacantThe P&C meets first Tuesday of each month at 7.00pm in theRainforest Retreat.<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter2

EXECUTIVE CENTRE OFFICE HOURSMonday to Friday 8.00am - 3.30pmCLIENT SERVICESMonday to Friday 8.00am - 3.15pmMIDDLE SCHOOL OFFICE HOURSMonday to Friday 7.30am - 3.00pmCASHIER OFFICE HOURSMonday – Friday 8.00am – 11.30amPlease Note: The minimum amount for a credit card transactionis $10.00UNIFORM SHOP HOURSMonday, Wednesday & Friday 8.00am - 10.00amPRE-LOVED UNIFORM SHOPTuesday: 2.00 - 3.30pmThursday: 2:00 - 3.30pmFriday: 8:15 - 10.00amSituated in the Old Tuckshop in the large undercover areaRAINFOREST CAFÉOpen Monday - FridayConvenor: Jo LundieAssistant Convenors: Julie Allen, Melanie DeanPh: 5490 2668Fax: 5490 2669ASSEMBLYMonday Year 4 - 6 (Junior School) 2.20 pmMonday Year 7 - 9 (Community - Middle) 8.45 amMonday Year 10-11 (Senior School) 8.45 amTuesday Prep - Year 3 (Junior School) 2.20 pmFriday Year 7 - 9 (Mentor -Middle School) 8:45 amSTUDENT ABSENCE LINESJunior School Prep - Year 6 5490 2660Middle School Year 7, 8 & 9 5490 2688Senior School Year 10 & 11 5490 2799Message from the Junior SchoolPrincipalDear Parents and CarersThank youWe were very pleased with the parent attendance at our recentParent Partnership evening. If you have any feedback sendit to me via email so I can consider it for next year. Teachersproduced a handout for all parents. If you weren’t able toattend, see your child’s teacher for the handout.AssembliesWe have fantastic presentations by the students at Assemblies.We would love you to join us to celebrate your child’s greatachievements. On Tuesday we had “Beyond the black stump”by our Year 2’s. Our student leaders are doing an excellent jobat running Assemblies. Come along on Monday Year 4-Year 6 orTuesday Prep-Year 3 at 2:20pm.Academically Talented Development ProgramOn Monday we had 19 of our talented Year 6 students join20 students from Talara <strong>State</strong> School to be involved in a newscience program. They have been chosen based on their resultsfrom last year and their ability to increase their skills in science.Each Monday they will be mentored by Meridian Year 9 studentsin lessons led by our Middle School teacher. The program hasbeen developed by Heads of Curriculum Heads of Departmentin Science and our Middle School Principal. It is a wonderful<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletteropportunity for students to extend their skills through thisfocused and innovative program.PlanningTeachers have been involved in planning led by our wonderfulHead of Curriculum Julie Elder. They work through theexpectations of the National Curriculum to design engaging,motivating activities for your child. Our learning developmentCentre staff, Deputies and Support teachers Literacy andNumeracy attend to support class teachers with this. Teachersare very excited about the National Curriculum. <strong>Meridan</strong><strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> students are in a very good position to managethe expectations of this new Curriculum due to the lead inpreparation work done up to 2 years prior to this year.ScootersAll students riding bikes must wear a helmet at all times whilstriding to and from school. Students need to walk their bikesacross all roads and particularly at the traffic lights outside ourschool. We would prefer students not to bring scooters to school.They aren’t easily lockable and students don’t always wear ahelmet. Please assist us in keeping our students safe by keepingscooters at home.Sue EspositoJunior School PrincipalFree Parent Workshop – Maths –Place ValueParents,As you may be aware, <strong>2012</strong> marks the first year for<strong>Queensland</strong>’s implementation of the Australian Curriculum inMathematics, English and Science. Teachers are now planningand teaching to the new standards. The school recognisesthat some parents may appreciate more information about thecurriculum in Mathematics. Each term this year, we will offeran information session for parents in respect to one area of theMaths curriculum.The first of these sessions will run on Wednesday, 22 Februaryfrom 9.00 - 10.00am for parents of students in Years 3-6. Thetopic for this session will be ‘Place value: Understanding largernumbers and decimals’. The session will be non-threatening (notricky maths questions) and engaging, with plenty of opportunityfor discussion and questions. See below for further details.A flyer with this information has been sent out to all families ofchildren in years 3 to 6. We look forward to seeing you there.Topic:Year level focus: Years 3-6Venue:Date:Time:RSVP:Stars if the Week‘Place value: Understandinglarger numbers and decimals’Rainforest RetreatWednesday, 22 February9.00-10.00amFriday <strong>17</strong> February, enquiry@meridansc.eq.edu.au or 549<strong>02</strong>620Another wonderful week of students demonstrating amazingskills, whether it is academically, socially or physically. Asteachers, it is always difficult to pick one but once again, withoutfurther ado…. CONGRATULATIONS:Week 3Year 4 – Year 6, Monday 6 FebruaryYear 4 –Chelsea B. 4C, Dylan J. 4W, Jessica N. 4B, Errin B. 4FYear 5 – Rachel H. 5B, Jasmin W. 5LYear 6 – Leah M. 6SB, Evan K. 6DJ, Talia E. 6B, Jessica F. 6SA3

Year Prep – Year 3, Tuesday 7 FebruaryPREP – Rex D. PR, Makenzie B. PR, Lenni S. PG, Scarlett E. PO,Max F. PLJ, Lilly J. PLM, Freya J. PLM, Harmony C. PMP,Year 1 – Kelsey B. 1M, Seth P. 1G, Bowen H. 1B, Cooper M. 1P,Blake T. 1HLYear 2 – Ben D. 2G, Mikayla C. 2PM, Naomi V. 2PD, Gage P. 2BQ,Slater J. 2BL, Cooper S. 2BKYear 3 – Ellie B. 3V, Cain Mc. 3L, Madeline D. 3W, Carlie T. 3M,Clayton S. 3H, Dimitri W. 3IJ, Kayla S. 3RWeek 4Year 4 – Year 6, Monday 13 FebruaryYear 4 – Georgia B. 4C, Brendan S. 4F, Callum C. 4B, Ryan P.4W, Paige J. 4NYear 5 – Georgia B. 5M, Keenan B. 5B, Michelle S. 5M, Molly T.5M, Tayla K. 5L, Kade D. 5KYear 6 – Jesse F. 6SA, Tayla P. 6SB, Curtis A. 6DJ, Lachlan B. 6K,Alex V. 6B, Isaac C. 6HYear Prep – Year 3 Tuesday 14 FebruaryPREP – Aiden R. PMP, Emily G. PMP, Ava G. PO, Rosle W. PLM,Libby S. PR, Joshua K. PG,Year 1 – Dekota B. 1P, Hazley G. 1M, Noah W. 1HL, Harry W.1HK, Ashleigh J. 1B, Madeleine H. 1GYear 2- Cade C. 2BQ, Layla E. 2BK, Scarlett D. 2BL, Ruby I. 2G,Eden N. 2PM, Haillee W. 2PD,Year 3 – Callum P. 3W, Peyton D. 3H, Nikki I. 3R, Teia S. 3IJ,Savannah D. 3M, Sammi K. 3V, Zulema S. 3LYear 4- 6 Swimming CarnivalOn Thursday 2 February years 4-6 Junior Swimming Carnivalwas undertaken. The children competed in a number ofevents across the day. The children need to be applauded fortheir efforts over the day and thank-you to the teachers whoperformed their roles well.The Community placings are as follows:1st : Rafter2nd : O’Niell3rd: Bradman4th: Freeman9 recorders where broken over the day of competition. Max H,Aiden W, Mackenzie B, Elliot T, Caitlin H and Gabi W all set newrecords.The Age Champions are as follows:9 Years Boys: Max H and Ethan C9 Years Girls: Gemma C10 Years Boys: Elliot T and Aiden W10 Years Girls: Amanda S11 Years Boys: Sam P11 Years Girls: Mackenzie B12 Years Boys: NA12 Years Girls: Gabi WThe following students will now go and represent <strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>College</strong> at the Coastal District Swimming Carnival at Cotton TreePool on Wednesday 22 February.We were involved in all aspects from preparing the food priorto the event to organising the barbeque equipment on theday. Little did we know how much goes into feeding this manypeople.After this experience we are now on the way to achieving our 30hours of function work required to complete our Certificate 1 inHospitality and we are looking forward to our next event.Tiarn, Sali and ShyliciaLeap into ScienceThis week, academically talented students from our Year 6 and9 classes along with Year 6 and 7 students from Talara Primary<strong>College</strong> took a leap into science to test if it is really true that ifyou drop a piece of bread with jam it will always fall jam sidedown.Last year, <strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> and Talara Primary <strong>College</strong>created a submission for a grant to design a program for ouracademically talented science students. We received a grantof $10 000 and have designed an exciting program called LeapInto Science. This program is designed to extend our talentedscience students in Year 6 and 9.The purpose of the program is to:• Provide extension programs to our academically talentedstudents – programs that go beyond the core learningoutlined in the Australian Curriculum• To promote science as a field to pursue into middle andsenior school• Develop the capacity of staff to identify and provide foracademically talented students in science through theprovision of workshops, modelling and coaching.This week the students attended workshops in our MiddleSchool labs to learn about working in labs, the equipment andsafety rules. Of course, the lesson began with a bang when ourscience teachers demonstrated how to safely create a small gasexplosion using some water, detergent, some gas and a candle.Later in the day, the students had to design an investigation toprove or disprove the hypothesis that when you drop a piece ofbread it will always land jam side down. Things got a bit messywhen students carried out their own tests. Year 9 mentors wereon hand to offer advice, give feedback and mark students ownset criteria.Every fortnight the students will carry out workshop in ourmiddle school labs as they learn about the fields of scienceand how to design and carry out their own investigation. Nextterm the students will design their own scientific question toinvestigate and Year 9 mentors will offer advice on carrying outtheir investigation, reporting on findings and using scientificsetting out and reporting.Students will also have the opportunity to be part of an onlinecommunity where they can share ideas and findings with eachother, their mentors and scientists. This time students werestudying physics. Next time it will be chemistry or biology.Julie ElderHead of Curriculum Junior SchoolAiden W, Elliot T, Amanada S, Amelia T, Billie P, Jemma C, Sam P,Jack C, Max H, Mackenzie B, Brittney B, Caitlin H, Lucy H, GretaS, Nava Mc, Jordan C, Blair P, Lily H, Alex P, Tara E and Olivia H.Congratulations to these children and all the best at the titles.Year 10 Hospitality Help out at theYear 4-6 Swimming CarnivalOn Thursday 2 February, Tiarn, Sali and Shylicia from the Year10 Hospitality class helped at the Junior Swimming Carnival.Catering for hundreds of hungry Junior Students and teacherswas a great opportunity to experience the fast paced, actionpacked world of hospitality…….and boy were they hungry!<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter4

Junior School Swimming Term 1 –Change to TimetablePrep Music <strong>2012</strong>Hi there,My name is Megan Coles and I am the Prep Music Teacher forthis year. I will try and keep you up to date with the songs thatI will be teaching the children by putting them in our <strong>College</strong>Newsletter.Classroom DoorTap knees in beat as children count and say rhyme.1,2,3,4 Miss Coles is at the Classroom Door.5,6,7,8 now she’s at the school gate.Ideas for other versus.Mrs Low is at the Classroom Door.Jack is at the classroom door._______ is at the classroom door.10 Little Monkeys:10 Little Monkey’s jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mum called the doctor and the doctor said“THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR JUMPING ON THE BED”This repeats and goes down to no more monkeys jumping on thebed.One little doctor jumping on the bed.Staying healthySing to the tune “Here we go round the mulberry bush”This is the way we wash our hands,Wash our hands, wash our hands.This is the way we wash our hands,To keep ourselves healthy.IDEAS FOR OTHER VERSESThis is the way we clean our teeth.This is the way we brush our hair.This is the way we eat our lunch.This is the way we get dressed for school.This is the way we take a bath.Row, Row, Row Your Boat(Action song - children sit with feet together rocking back andforwards as they sing).Row, row, row your boat gently down the streamMerrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream (Repeat)<strong>Meridan</strong>’s Swimming Schedule at Caloundra Aquatic CentreDates Classes Departs<strong>Meridan</strong>Years 1 and 4(apart from4/3CS)Swimming – 8 daysTuesday 13 MarchWednesday 14MarchThursday 15 MarchFriday 16 MarchTuesday 20 MarchWednesday 21MarchThursday 22 MarchFriday 23 MarchSwimClass4 B 9:00 9:20 –10:004 C & 4 N 9:40 10:00–10:404 F & 4 W 10:20 10:40-11:20Bus DriverBreakSwimmingInstructorBreak1 HL &1 M11:40–12:1011:20–12:3012:10 12:30– 1:101 B & 1 P 12:50 1:10 –1:501 G & 1HKMIDDLE SCHOOL NEWSDear Parent and CarersPARENT PARTNERSHIP NIGHT1:30 1:50-2:30DepartsPool10:0510:4511:251:151:552:35It was wonderful to see over 120 parents in attendance at ourMiddle School Parent Partnership Night, last Wednesday evening.This event gave parents of our Middle School the opportunityto meet our Heads of Department to learn a little more aboutthe subjects students will study this year and to meet ourCommunity Leaders and hear about the organisational structureand support provided to students within the Middle School.For parents who were unable to attend, copies of curriculumsummaries that were handed out on the night have beendistributed to students to bring home, for your information. Onthe back of these summaries is the email and phone contactnumbers of our Middle School staff. If you were unable to attendthe Parent Partnership Night I encourage you to make contactwith your child’s Community Leader and/or Core Teachers assoon as possible to introduce yourself and discuss how yourchild has settled for the year. Below is a list of core staff for ourclasses for <strong>2012</strong>.MERIDAN STATE COLLEGE MIDDLE SCHOOL COMMUNITYTEACHING TEAM ALLOCATIONS <strong>2012</strong><strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter5

• Leadership is more than a badge or a title it is thequalities that you have that make you an effective leader• Great Leaders make the choice to;• Grab Opportunities• Seek Opportunities• Have a Positive Attitude• Give 110%• Be a Team Player• When working with others respect and acknowledgeeveryone’s ideas• Utilise the creative strengths of others in your team• The power of creativity is there as are opportunities tocreate things that not even you thought possible• When problem solving think creatively and outside thebox• Before taking action on a plan or strategy ensure allmembers of the team have clear clarification• Knowledge is power – ask questions to gain as muchinformation as possibleMIDDLE/SENIOR SCHOOL SWIMMINGCARNIVALCongratulations to all students who attend and participated inour <strong>2012</strong> Swimming Carnival. It was wonderful to see so manystudents joining in and showing Community Spirit through theirparticipation in competitive and novelty events on the day.Congratulations to our winning Community ‘O’Neill’ (must havesomething to do with who the Community is named after)! Welook forward to awarding our Age Champions at a Middle SchoolAssembly in the coming weeks.MIDDLE SCHOOL PHOTOSOur Middle School Photos for <strong>2012</strong> were held on Monday13/<strong>02</strong>/12. All students had an individual photo taken which willbe used for the ID Cards and to generate a class compositephoto, which is available for purchase. Any students who wereabsent on this day will be able to have their photos taken on ourCatch-Up Day which is scheduled for 21/<strong>02</strong>/12. Once studentshave received their ID Cards they are expected to keep thesewith them while at school to assist with signing in and out shouldthey arrive late or depart early during the school day.YLead “YEAR 9 LEADERSHIP DAYCongratulations to all Year 9 students, who, as the leadersof our Middle School, participated in this leadership trainingday recently. The students displayed enormous creativity asthey participated in a series of problem solving and leadershipchallenges. Below are the key principles that were stressedduring the day and will be followed up with students through theSteps to Success Program this year!• Leadership is any action that makes the world I touch abetter placeYEAR 9 LITERACY & NUMERACY BLOCKSOur Year 9 students have begun their 4 week rotation of Literacyand Numeracy Blocks as part of our program to enhance studentknowledge and skills in preparation for the Term 2 NationalTesting. Students have been grouped accordingly in relationto areas of literacy or numeracy skills in which they requirefurther development and will complete lessons tailored to theirneeds. Students’ performance on the PAT M and PAT R tests hasbeen used to determine these groups, with teachers carefullymatched to each group to ensure the best possible outcomes. Itis important all students participate with 100% commitment inthese sessions as the skills they acquire will continue to supportthem to succeed across all areas of the curriculum.If you would like more information about these programs, pleasecontact:• Sam Keller (Head of Department Middle Schooling)skell155@eq.edu.au for information about the LiteracyProgram.• Greg Blanche (Head of Department Mathematics)gblan9@eq.edu.au for information about the NumeracyProgram.WHAT’S COMING UP IN MIDDLE SCHOOL?Motivational Media “iRisk” – A multimedia presentationstimulating students to consider effective decision making,problem solving and risk minimisation in their lives. Year 8 and9 students will attend this performance on Wednesday 7/03/12during school time.Brainstorm Productions “The Hurting Game”This drama presentation presents scenarios and strategies forcombating bullying and highlights to all students the personalaccountability they have in ‘saying no’ to bullying! Year 7, 8 and9 students will attend this performance during school time onFriday 9/03/12.Lease SmithMiddle School Principal<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter6

Swimming CarnivalThe <strong>2012</strong> swimming carnival was a huge success, with heaps ofcommunity spirit and cheering from our four communities. Thecarnival began with spectacular participation in the communityfree swim. Within the next hour the races were in full swing withour participants competing for places and community points.Each year level showed great commitment and participation andeveryone had a great time.Colours representing each house were worn proudly by manystudents. Many mascots, costumes and array of other colouredpieces were seen on everyone. Good spirits were displayedespecially when the war cries were belted out.Congratulations to our winning Community O’Neill!Emily StewartReflections on the Start of <strong>2012</strong>So here we are in <strong>2012</strong>. A new year, new buildings, newteachers, new student leaders, new students and our firstcohort of Year 12. It seems like 2011 flew by within a matter ofminutes.Although we’ve had a bit of a rough time these first two weeks,with the heavy rain and the flooding, everyone seems to befairing well. Going into Week 3, the sun is shining and theweather looks promising, allowing everyone to pick up wherewe left off 8 weeks ago and get on with our work for the yearahead.The year ahead, <strong>2012</strong>, promises to be a very exciting year forthe Middle School and the whole of <strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Sasha Lloyd-Jones“Leadership is any action thatmakes the world I touch a betterplace”“Leadership is any action that makes the world I touch a betterplace”Being a leader is not just wearing a badge or standing up infront of an assembly to give a speech, leadership is beingthere for other people, it’s standing up to the school bully andencouraging your peers to do things that there not confident in.Everybody can be a leader even if you’re not elected to be one;we have the potential to be the future leaders of our world, allwe have to do is try.Last week Grade 9 had the opportunity to come to Leadershipday run by Y-Lead. We discovered that we are all leaders in ourown way and that being a leader is not about wearing a badge itis about doing things for others and helping them expand theirskills. We learnt that the attitude we take will change the waythe people around us work and that it always shows in the end.Welearnt to stand up for what we are passionate about and tomake sure that our ideas are heard and taken into account.Y-Lead also taught us that everything is not about us, it’s abouteverybody around us and that if we work together to solve anissue we will always be able come up with a better solution. Soreally Leadership is any action that makes the world around us abetter place and everybody is capable of doing just that.Mitch T 9ASenior School Student PracticeAround the Use of Learning ToolsOur Heads of Department and Librarian have spent numeroushours investigating subject area texts which enable student’sflexible e-learning options.Our policy in the Senior School is to ensure that we select a text,where possible, that provides various options around flexibility.For example, in the case of MATHS/SCIENCE - all our texts havea CD that students have access to borrow from the ResourceCentre which means they do not need to carry books back andforth to school. Our teaching staff always provide students withthe option of keeping books at school in locked cupboards whenthey have finished using them in class. All students have beenadvised that if they take out a CD from the Resource Centre, itcan then be downloaded at home.In our Senior Sciences, all the relevant chapters from therequired texts have been uploaded to the virtual classrooms inEd Studio so students can access these on line. In the case ofMaths, we also chose a publisher who provides us with individualstudent access on line. Students punch in their individual code,change their login password to one they can remember, andthen have unlimited access to the text from school or home viathe internet. This is a very positive improvement to flexiblelearning options.In ENGLISH/HUMANITIES students will most of the time makeuse of in class text use. The predominant method of researchin the Humanites is on line, and through computer programssuch as GIS (Senior Geography). In VET, and PRACTICAL ARTSFACULTIES, their methods for research vary according to theunit being studied.Our new laptop program, rolled out for Year 11 and 12 students,and about to be accessed by Year 10 students, will only serve toenhance access to learning tools.We have 4 sessions each day, which alleviates the need forstudents who choose to bring their texts to and from school tohave to bring all texts on the same day. For students who donot have internet access, our Resource Centre will allow studentsto borrow two of the same text - so they can keep one at home,and not have to carry them to and from school each day. Pleaseensure students in this situation ask me for permission to borrowtwo of the same text. I then inform the Resource Centre whomake the appropriate arrangements.Our P&C continue to work towards policies which ensure studentsafe practices and I will continue to ensure that students areaware of their options for text / resource access. We are veryconscious as a community around the need to provide safepractices for our students, and if students in your opinion arenot choosing to work more flexibly with resources, please let meknow so I can speak with students individually.Staff will continue to remind students again of their options relearning tool access and storage, as the year progresses. Weare currently looking into future options around laptop programsfor Senior students, or the use of electronic devices as storagefacilities for texts on line, which we hope will again change theway students interact with resources, and we look forward to allparents input as we move toward fully integrated Twenty FirstCentury Learning.Senior Parent Partnership EveningMonday 20 February 6 pm – 8 pmNew Senior Learning PrecinctInvitations sent home with your student last Wednesday.Karen McCordSenior School PrincipalWelcome to Year 10My name is Andrew Southey and I am the Year 10 Year LevelStudent Mentor for <strong>2012</strong>. It has been a great start to the yearand I am really enjoying my new role. I commenced teachingat <strong>Meridan</strong> at the start of 2011 following a move from my hometown of Townsville. My passion for teaching centres on theHealth and Physical <strong>Education</strong>, Science and Maths Faculties.The year 10 students in <strong>2012</strong> will begin planning their careersand enhancing their post-schooling opportunities. All studentswill be completing a Certificate II in Workplace Practices anda Certificate I in ICT. Completing these courses will not onlydevelop many personal skills but will also provide them witha valuable 6 points towards their <strong>Queensland</strong> Certificate of<strong>Education</strong>. The year 10 students will also be completing theirSET plans this year to ensure they are best prepared for theirchosen career pathways.I am excited about working with such a fantastic cohort ofstudents, I’m sure <strong>2012</strong> will prove to be a great year.<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter7

Yours Sincerely,Andrew SoutheyBrejetta AcresYear 12 Student MentorEarly Childhood StudiesOn Wednesday 8 February, nineteen Year 11 Students who arestudying Early Childhood Studies went to visit Mrs Low’s prepclass. The senior students ran a variety of learning activitieswith the prep students which focused on literacy and numeracyskills, shape awareness and physical skills. The activitiesincluded colour by colour, shape bingo, musical chairs, obstaclecourses and animal shapes. The senior girls were amazed at theenthusiasm of the prep students. Our Year 12 and Year 11 Earlychildhood students will continue to help out in our junior schoolclasses throughout the year.Mrs LehmannYear 12 Congrat namesBack Tobi F, Jesse M, Zane J, Jackson T, Mitch W, Lauren F,Grace M, Nick J, Jayden L, Nick L, John F, Zac W, RyanM3rd Adam W, Adam A, Amy D, Leah D, Emma A, Rachel S,Sophie W, Robbie B, Meshelle C, Helena B, Jessica B,Tijah B, Jake K, Alexander D2nd Dean B, Jordan M, Brock G, Jessie H, Shannon O,Lauren E, Tshara W, Layken G-F, Louise L, Kelsey O,Stephanie H, Rachael S, Jeremy CFront Josh C, Liam W, Nick B, Bailey C, Brittany E, Krista M,Taylor B, Ruby F-E, Nat A, Tom B, Zac BLaptop Program Commencementyear 11 and 12Prep children - Daniel S, Megan F, Ethan DYear 12 CongratulationsDuring the past two weeks, many Year 12 students have beenrecognised for their performance throughout their seniorschooling to date:Exceptional results, effort and behaviourDean BExcellent results, effort and behaviourLauren F, Adam A, Jessica B, Helena B, Meshelle C.Improved effort, results or behaviourChloe B,Natalie A,Taylor B,Tijah B, Emily B, Ruby F-E, Jessie H,Layken G, Chantelle G, Jake K, Jordan M, Kelsey O, Shannon O,Rachel S, Liana V, Rachael S, Mitch S, Emma A, Alexander D,Brock G, Louise L, Krista M, Nadia N, Jesse S, Courtney T-W, ZacW, Liam W, Josh C, Leah D, John F, Nick L, Samantha C, Tobi F,Aaron G, Tom B, Zac B, Nick B, Robbie B, Bailey C, Jeremy C,Amy D, Stephanie H, Ryan M, Zoe M, Sophie W.Significant improvement in effort, results orbehaviourLauren E, Mitch W, Grace M, Nick J, Chris C, Jacob H, Brittany E,Ben G, Zane J, Jayden L, Jesse M, Kyle S, Jackson T, Adam W,Tshara W.Congratulations to all students for your hard work last year. Ihope you continue with your demonstrated commitment for thisyear. Good luck!The <strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> take home laptop programcommenced last week with excited year 11 and Year 12 studentstaking home their Acer Aspire 1830 laptops. For just $190 peryear these students get exclusive use of a <strong>College</strong> laptop with2Gb of 3G internet access, Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7.They also can take advantage of accessing school based softwarewhile at home such as Adobe CS4 –including Dreamweaver,Flash and Fireworks and Autocad. The additional advantage ofhaving their work stored electronically wherever they go adds tothe benefits of this fantastic program. The program also offersfour year warranty and accidental damage protection along withadditional technical support.It was made possible by the Commonwealth GovernmentsDigital <strong>Education</strong> Revolution providing schools with access tolaptops as part of the National Secondary Schools ComputerFund. This program responds to the challenges 21st Centurylearners provide and recognises the need to embrace the digitalpromise that can propel student learning. The provision of the 1to 1 learning program enables students to engage in just-in-timelearning using innovative technologies providing greater globalawareness and collaboration skills.As a <strong>College</strong>, we need to exploit digital technologies to ensurewe deliver learning anywhere and anytime. We need to challengestudents to engage and learn in ways we have not used before.This program will allow students and teachers to meet thischallenge.Please read the FAQ for students and parents and the StudentCharter for further information.Michelle LyonsHead of Department ICT & BusinessSenior ShowcaseThree students in Year 12 have an individualised pathway whichis in-line with their career choice after graduation. Alli W wantsto be a hairdresser after leaving school so she is studying aCertificate 3 in Hairdressing.Casey H is passionate about boats and is studying a Certificate3 in Fibreglass Boatbuilding and Repairing. He said that anyonewith an interest in boats would enjoy doing this type of pathway.<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter8

Josh C wants to qualify as a builder after Year 12. He is studyingCertificate 3 in Carpentry. Josh is also looking forward toentering the workforce straight after Year12.Alli, Casey and Josh are well on their way to a fantastic careerchoiceafter school. We wish them the very best this year.<strong>College</strong> Captains’ address to<strong>College</strong>At our recent investiture, our <strong>College</strong> Captains addressed ourstudents. Their speeches are included below.L to RJess H, Chris C, Annie S, Sam P, Jordan M“I deem leadership to be a process bywhich a person represents the ideasand thoughts of others to accomplish acommon objective. As a <strong>College</strong> leader, Ibelieve this can be achieved by applyingmy leadership attributes of dedication,perseverance and motivation. In myposition as a senior leader I will act as avoice for the students and a face for the<strong>College</strong>.As one of the inaugural <strong>College</strong> captains,I feel that one of my responsibilities is to set the benchmark forthe student body and future senior leaders. In addition, I mustbe a positive role model for the younger students in the <strong>College</strong>.One of our main responsibilities as a senior leader is tocollaborate with the committee chairpersons, students andfaculty members. By acting as a liaison between students andstaff this year, I believe that I will be able to voice the concernsand needs of students at our <strong>College</strong>.I am ready to represent the <strong>College</strong> at both <strong>College</strong> andcommunity events in a way that embodies <strong>Meridan</strong>’s core valuesof choice, courage, compassion, courtesy and collaboration.I look forward to working in partnership with both staff andstudents to ensure a successful and rewarding <strong>2012</strong>.”Ayeesha Allen<strong>College</strong> CaptainL to RFront: Jess H, Nat A, Jess T, Adam A, Jan P, Nicolas A, Rebekahs, Denika S, Amy L, Krista M, Olivia H2nd: Lauren F, Taylah G-S, Jessica B, Jeremy C, Maddy D,Brittany E, Taylor B, Layken G, Tiarne J, Rachael S, Ryan KBack: Libby B, Brad FWell done Ayeesha!Ayeesha Allen has been studying Japanese through Distance<strong>Education</strong>. This involved Ayeesha logging onto a computerand a phone line twice a week to communicate with her onlineJapanese teacher in Brisbane. Through hard work andcompleting her tasks and case studies, Ayeesha was awardedthe special merit award for Year 11 Japanese. Congratulations.“I would like to start by saying howprivileged and honoured I am to be theinaugural <strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Captain.Not only does being a student at <strong>Meridan</strong>bring me a great sense of pride but torepresent this school at a community levelis something that I will remember for along time and I’m extremely proud tohave received this role.This year I intend to work cohesivelywith the Middle and Junior schools anddemonstrate that I am a positive role model for all students. Allstudents have different goals in life and I feel that by workingtogether we can achieve these goals.Both Ayeesha and I are determined to ensure that <strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>College</strong> remains one of the most respected schools in the stateand will work together with the <strong>2012</strong> leadership family to ensurethat this year is a memorable year for everyone.”Jordan McDonald<strong>College</strong> Captain<strong>Meridan</strong> Marvellous Moments:CrossFit CompetitionTwo of our teachers, Christine Vidlerand Shane Will competed in Brisbanelast weekend in a CrossFit competition!They competed as part of the CrossFitSunshine Coast Team with a total of48 teams in the competition. Theydid themselves, our <strong>College</strong> and theSunshine Coast proud!!! It was a true<strong>Meridan</strong> Marvellous Moment!<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter9

Support your child to use readingstrategies.Reading Strategies help our children to understand the meaningof the text and not just read the words.Another word for understanding is comprehension. This is aword used to describe how children understand and make senseof what they are reading. Good readers use reading strategies tocomprehend the meaning of the text.At <strong>Meridan</strong> we want all of our students to be the best they canbe at understanding what they are reading.Two reading strategies we can help our children to use from theprep year right through the phases of schooling are Inferringand Building Vocabulary KnowledgeInferring is being able to ‘read between the lines’, whenthe author implies something but doesn’t exactly state it.You need to use the clues in the text and your own priorknowledge to help you understand.For example a reader may read“Sarah’s mouth was dry and she had a big knot in her stomach.She wished today was already over.”and make the inferenceI think Sarah sounds really nervous about giving her speech tothe whole school.Building vocabulary knowledgeGood readers notice words. They especially noticewords they don’t know the meaning of. They know it isimportant to find out what these words mean.They also know that you can use the words around theword you don’t know – the context – to help you work outwhat the word means.The more words you know the meaning of the easier it isto understand the text!For example a reader may read prolificProlific . . . I’ve seen that word before but I’m not sure what itmeans.It says here “Shakespeare was a prolific playwright, havingwritten over 36 plays in his lifetime.”and look for clues in the surrounding text to work out themeaning.That’s quite a lot of plays. I think prolific must mean producinglots of something.‘Read between the lines’ with your child. Talk to yourchild around what the text is really meaning and theirthinking.Discuss new, rare or unfamiliar vocabulary with yourchild.something from our own café? Staff and parents can be servedfrom the ‘Senior’ side of the Café.School CrossingOur school crossing in front of the Middle School operates at thefollowing times:Mornings: 8.15am – 8.55amAfternoons: 2.45pm – 3.20pmOur Supervisors on this crossing are Debbie and Kara.The times at our ‘AV Jennings’ Crossing (near Ivadale Lakes) willremain the same as last year.Mornings: 8.00am – 8.45amAfternoons: 3.00pm – 3.30pmOur Supervisors on this crossing are Lisa and Helen.We are very proud of the work of our Supervisor in keepingour students safe. Please contact Colleen Bryce (our BusinessServices Officer) via email cbryc1@eq.edu.au if you areinterested in a School Crossing Supervisor position.ParkingIt is of vital importance that our students, your children, aredelivered and picked up safely from our <strong>College</strong> each day. Haveyou organised a safe place to meet your child/ren? Please notethe following:• you are not permitted to drive onto <strong>College</strong> groundswithout the permission of our <strong>College</strong> Director – pleasenote that some parents have permission to pick up theirchildren from the Learning Development Centre (theymust display a parking permit on their windscreen) andwe have taxis that need to access this area for studentsas well• you must not leave your vehicle if you are parked in the‘Stop, Drop and Go’ section in the Junior School ParentCarpark – this must be kept as a ‘moving area’ forvehicles• please be patient – it is going to take time with all thetraffic so please avoid a tight schedule• no parents are to park in the Staff Parking areas, in turnwe ask that our Staff avoid parking in parent parkingareas• please respect the work of our School CrossingSupervisors – they have had specialist training and willalways ensure that our students cross our very busyroads safely• it is a traffic regulation that you are not able to makea U-Turn at any traffic light unless it is sign postedotherwise – this means that you are unable to do this atour traffic lights!Carolyn ErvinSupport Teacher Literacy and Numeracy -<strong>Meridan</strong>New Café TeamMeet the amazing ladies who cook for your children!!! As our<strong>College</strong> numbers grow so do the Rainforest Cafe Staff numberstoo! Why not go and spend some time volunteering in our Cafe -you will be guaranteed a fun time!!!P&C – LOOKING FORWARD TO OUREASTER FIESTANext meeting:- Tuesday 6 March 6pmFeista meeting:- Tuesday 6 at 9:30am & 5:30pmParents, please don’t forget that you too can purchase food fromour Rainforest Café – if you happen to be on site volunteeringyour precious time don’t bring your lunch, why not selectWOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET OTHER PARENTS AND FIND OUTFIRST HAND FROM OUR PRINCIPALS WHAT IS HAPPENING INTHE COLLEGE?<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter10

The P&C invite you to enjoy light refreshments from 6.00pmin the Rainforest Retreat on Tuesday 6 March. The AnnualGeneral Meeting of our P&C will follow from 7.00pm. It will bea wonderful opportunity to see first hand what happens behindthe scenes of our <strong>College</strong> and to meet other parents. We lookforward to welcoming you on Tuesday 6 March!We would like to thank everyone who is assisting with theEaster Fiesta – we are only a few weeks away from one of thehighlights of our <strong>College</strong> year!!!MERIDAN EASTER FIESTASaturday 24 March – 10:00am to 4:00pmThank you to all the wonderful parents who are coming forwardto offer their assistance for our Easter Fiesta. The word is gettingout that this will be one of the greatest events that <strong>Meridan</strong> hasheld so far!! It certainly will be one of the best fun days that ourchildren will have had at the <strong>College</strong>! Helpers are still requiredfor all stalls. Just 30 minutes of your time is all that is needed.Please check out your child’s classroom to see if the rosters arefull! There will be lots more details soon about the purchase ofride bands etc, watch for all the notes on orange paper, they willbe Easter Fiesta notes!Please email us your details to pandc@meridansc.eq.edu.au ifyou would like to support your child’s class roster and we willpass your details along to the coordinator. Notes should be nowfiltering home to you with details about what you can do to helpmake this event a huge success. Remember, without help, wecannot hold our <strong>Meridan</strong> Easter Fiesta. A little help goes a longway. All proceeds raised will go towards buying resources foryour children. We aim to make this a fun family day for all.The organizing team for the Easter Fiesta are:Fiesta Chairperson – KerrieFiesta Coordinator – LeeSite Manager - ThorAdvertising/Media Liaison – KrisTreasurer - JoStalls and Coordinators for Year Levels• Prep - Gift baskets – Jess• Year 1 – BBQ & Drinks – Amanda• Year 2 – Lollies & Snacks – Jenny• Year 3 – Silent Auction – Debbie & Rachael• Year 4 – Novelties – Denise• Year 5 – Gooey Golf Balls – Megan• Year 6 – Preloved Clothing - Julie• Middle School Rafter – Homebaking – Lois• Middle School Freeman – Showbags – Allyson• Middle School O’Neil – Crazy Hair• Middle School Bradman – Helium Balloons• Senior School –Business Enterprise• Chappy Kell – Sponge a FacePlease contact pandc@meridansc.eq.edu.au or Lee on 0408 067652 if you have any queries or just want to offer your help.Register now to secure your market stall<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> P&C Association would also like to offerour <strong>Meridan</strong> families and the community the opportunity toapply for a market stall space at our Easter Fiesta. Registeryour interest now. Don’t miss out! The Fiesta is a great way toincrease your business in the community.What else do we do?Did you know that our P&C Association also has a preloveduniform shop? Do you have any uniforms your children haveoutgrown? Don’t leave them at home; bring them down to thePreloved Uniform Shop to be sold for you. School approved hairaccessories are also now being sold in school colours. Do youhave other uniforms for sale with us? Maybe it is time to checkif there is any money for you to collect – monies available forcollection during shop opening hours. Tuesday and Thursdayafternoons 2-3.30 and Friday mornings 8.20 –10am.ThankyouP&C Executive Committee:President Amanda GibbsVice President Lee BundgaardSecretary Thor McElligottTreasurer Jo GrubbHINTERLAND BMX NATIONALSIGN-ON DAYSUNDAY 26TH FEBRUARY2 SESSIONS: 10AM-12 NOON OR 2PM-4PMMOOLOOLAH CONNECTION ROAD, MOOLOOLAHCold drinks & sausage sizzle free on the day for participants!What to bring: Any BMX bike, water bottleWhat to wear: Long pants, long sleeve shirt, joggers, full facehelmet & gloves(Helmets & gloves are available to borrow on the day)JOINING FEES: $40 FOR A 4 MONTH TRIALCONTACT: Tanya, 041 2866 401, Secretary/RegistrarSuncoast Hinterland BMX Club Inc.PO Box 6299Mooloolah QLD 4553http://suncoasthinterland.bmxa.com.auFREE COACHING COURSES -BrisbaneThere is a Get Active Qld Accreditation Program being heldin Brisbane South on Saturday 24 March <strong>2012</strong>. If you areinterested in attending one of the courses, please see attachedflyer and register on line.What is GAQAP:The GAQAP provides teachers, school sport volunteers, tertiaryand senior secondary school students throughout <strong>Queensland</strong>with FREE training that can ultimately lead to recognisedaccreditation in coaching, officiating and sports first aid.The courses are FREE to attend on the day. Some coursesrequire the participant to pay a post-course accreditation fee tothe <strong>State</strong> Sporting Organisation to gain the certificate.Registrations close Friday 9 March January 2011.Places are still available for FREEsport and recreation workshopsbeing held in Brisbane this month:Off Field Success – Ethics in SportWhen and where:Tuesday 28 February <strong>2012</strong>6pm – 9pmSports HouseCnr Caxton St & Castlemaine Rd, MILTONIn this session you will learn:• Harassment & Discrimination – laws, strategies, resourcesavailable and contacts• Child Protection – laws, support and resources available,contacts• Complaint management (includes the area of MemberProtection)• Sport and Recreation initiatives - Positive or it PointlessPresenter Steve Connelly is a Director of CPR Group. He isqualified in environmental planning and specialises in assistingcommunity, sport and recreation organisations and Councils tocarry out effective planning projects.Register onlineNOW at:www.communities.qld.gov.au/sportrec/community-programs/education-and-training/regional-workshopsLight refreshments are provided at all events!<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter11

Sign on Caloundra Sea Hawks <strong>2012</strong>Time SlotsEvery Monday afternoon4:00pm til 5:00pm(Touch football fields at Kawana Stockland Park Western FieldsMain Drive)Age Groups10year and under, 11 years and over boys & girls(Please note this may be subject to change depending on teamnumbers)Fees$70.00 per personThis includes player fees and insurance and playing shirt andqualified coaches/ refereesCome and be part of a team and have some fun!For any inquiries, please contact Kawana Touch on 0407 645203gary@austouch.com.auWIN a Deadly ExperienceKawana Touch AssociationJunior Touch Football Competition Sign on Monday 20 February<strong>2012</strong> from 4 to 5.30pm – refer to attached flier for more detailsKawana Touch AssociationJunior Touch Football CompetitionSign on Monday 20th February <strong>2012</strong>4:00—5:30pmGames commence the following weekPLEASE sign on, on this date to avoid competition / game delays<strong>Meridan</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter12

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