Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - Tides Canada

Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - Tides Canada

Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - Tides Canada

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Growing Opportunity1127www.grameenphone.com/index.php?id=6428www.ashoka.org29www.acumenfund.orgwww.fastcompany.com/socialwwwschwabfound.org;www.skollfoundation.orgTo our surprise, the entrepreneursinterviewed and surveyed weresignificantly more interested inresponding than we had imagined —and the thrust of our questions wasparticularly appreciated. Indeed, itsoon became clear that even the bestentrepreneurs are experiencing realgrowing pains, mainly in the field offunding — but also in a number of otherareas. For the sake of simplicity, let’sboil down the questions <strong>to</strong> three mainareas of interest:1 Who are these people, what are theytrying <strong>to</strong> do, how do they view theprospects for scaling what they do,and how optimistic/pessimistic arethey currently?2 What are the critical challenges theyface in replicating and scaling successfulsolutions <strong>to</strong> sustainability challenges?3 And how do they think of mainstreambusiness in all of this — whether as aroute <strong>to</strong> funding, a source of potentialpartnerships, or as a roadblock <strong>to</strong>progress?We cover the first two areas in Chapter 2,the third in Chapter 3.Panel 2.1Organizational missionEach organization was asked <strong>to</strong> identifyits ‘primary area of focus.’ Social equity,selected by most respondents, includesorganizations addressing poverty,economic development, and empowermen<strong>to</strong>f marginalized citizens. Notsurprisingly, a significant number ofrespondents selected ‘something else’ —an illustration of how social entrepreneurssee these challenges as interrelated andtheir solutions as out-of-the-box. Mostused the ‘something else’ response <strong>to</strong>signal ‘several of the above.’ The resultsare shown in Figure 2.1.1 Meet the entrepreneurs2 Survey FindingsWho are these people?For non-experts who know somethingof the field, Muhammad Yunus of theGrameen Bank is probably the first personwho comes <strong>to</strong> mind. But Dr Yunus is not atypical social entrepreneur, however muchmany entrepreneurs may see him as theirmodel. Not only does he now have a NobelPrize, but he has been working in the areafor over 30 years, his institution is large,successful and globally known, and alreadypartnering with a number of majorcorporations — including Danone andTelenor. 27 By contrast, perhaps the bestway <strong>to</strong> get a sense of the more typicalhigh-performance social entrepreneuris <strong>to</strong> take a look at Ashoka’s website. 28Or, <strong>to</strong> focus on people who have gonethrough further hoops, visit the websitesof Acumen Fund, Endeavor Global, FastCompany, The Schwab Foundation, andThe Skoll Foundation. 29

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