Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - Tides Canada

Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - Tides Canada

Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - Tides Canada

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Growing OpportunityForewords3Paul M. AchleitnerLinda Fisher8Note: unless otherwise stated,all $ references are <strong>to</strong> US$.Allianz forewordAs a leading financial services andinsurance company, Allianz is acutelyaware of how global trends such asaging populations, climate change andthe globalization of supply chains areaffecting our cus<strong>to</strong>mers and ourcommunities. The sorts of questionswe address on a daily basis include:How can people ensure that their lovedones and assets are protected from thefull spectrum of risks, including everincreasingmanmade and natural disasters?Do people have access <strong>to</strong> affordable andreliable health care — and, if not, whatcan be done <strong>to</strong> meet their needs?And where will the processes ofglobalization take our cus<strong>to</strong>mers, ourindustry and our company?We see it as our responsibility <strong>to</strong> empowerour cus<strong>to</strong>mers <strong>to</strong> prepare for and respond <strong>to</strong>these and other challenges. But we cannotdo this alone. While we bring significantexperience, knowledge and passion <strong>to</strong> bear,we also seek inspiration from partners whocan help us <strong>to</strong> think outside the box and actas catalysts for innovation.Social entrepreneurs are one potentialwellspring of insight and inspiration.Individuals from Bonn <strong>to</strong> Bangalore areseizing the chance <strong>to</strong> turn challenge in<strong>to</strong>opportunity, in the process identifying andpioneering new markets. Microfinance,as an example, is now a $9 billion marketthat is increasingly empowering citizens<strong>to</strong> realize their full potential in society.Our hope is that collaborating with creativethinkers will help our people <strong>to</strong> realize theirfull potential — and <strong>to</strong> better serve theneeds of present and future cus<strong>to</strong>mers.We are delighted <strong>to</strong> work alongside TheSkoll Foundation and SustainAbility. Thisproject has helped us <strong>to</strong> take a first lookat what collaboration between mainstreambusiness and social entrepreneurs mightlook like. While this is new terri<strong>to</strong>ry for us,it is exactly the sort of opportunity spacethat our business needs <strong>to</strong> explore. We lookforward <strong>to</strong> ongoing conversation on ways<strong>to</strong> develop and deploy new generations ofsustainability solutions.Paul M. AchleitnerMember of the Board of ManagementDuPont forewordThe need for truly sustainable optionsfor 21st century life remains one of themost critical challenges facing the globalcommunity. The work of the social andenvironmental entrepreneurs profiled inGrowing Opportunity is truly inspirational.As a science company, DuPont has aninterest in being part of the solutions byputting our science <strong>to</strong> work in ways thatcan design in — at the early stages ofproduct development — attributes thathelp protect or enhance human health,safety, and the environment. Throughour science, we will design products andprocesses that pass rigorous criteria for theuse of renewable resources, energy, water,and materials. We believe this is a directroute <strong>to</strong> a successful, profitable businessthat adds value <strong>to</strong> our cus<strong>to</strong>mers, theircus<strong>to</strong>mers, consumers, and the planet.DuPont has broadened its sustainabilitycommitments beyond internal footprintreduction <strong>to</strong> include market-driventargets for both revenue and researchand development investment. The goalsare tied directly <strong>to</strong> business growth,specifically <strong>to</strong> the development of saferand environmentally improved newproducts for key global markets, includingproducts based on non-depletableresources.And we are investing <strong>to</strong> ensure thatDuPont moves <strong>to</strong>wards sustainable growth.By 2015, we have committed <strong>to</strong>:— Double our research and developmentinvestment in environmentally smartmarket opportunities;— Double revenues <strong>to</strong> $8 billion 8 fromnon-depletable resources;— Grow annual revenues $2 billion ormore from products that create energyefficiencyand/or reduce greenhousegas emissions for its cus<strong>to</strong>mers; and— Introduce at least 1,000 new safetyproducts or services.Linda FisherChief Sustainability Officer

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