Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - Tides Canada

Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - Tides Canada

Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems - Tides Canada

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Growing OpportunityConclusions & Next Steps‘Over the last 25 years,the citizen sec<strong>to</strong>r hasbecome as entrepreneurialstructurally as business inmost of the world — and,as a result, it has beenclosing the productivitygap with business veryrapidly. We now have theopportunity <strong>to</strong> end theaccidental divorce of thelast three centuries. Doingso represents a giganticproductivity opportunityfor business, for the citizensec<strong>to</strong>r, and for the ultimatecus<strong>to</strong>mer and citizen.’Bill Dray<strong>to</strong>n, Ashoka120www.iese.edu/research/pdfs/op-04-16-e.pdf121www.accenture.com/global/about_accenture/company_overview/corporate_citizenship/philanthropy/accenturepartnerships.htm122www.schwabfound.org/docs/web/linklaters_schwab_report.pdf123www.wikipedia.orgDon’t forget the social intrapreneur— Several interviewees also noted thatwe need <strong>to</strong> recall the potential of socialintrapreneurship, 120 with change agentsworking inside big organizations <strong>to</strong> drivesimilar agendas. One example of a socialintrapreneur we interviewed was GibBulloch, Programme Lead at AccentureDevelopment Partnerships. 121 He hasbeen part of a team for nearly five yearsthat has been working <strong>to</strong> switch thismajor consulting firm on <strong>to</strong> the potential<strong>to</strong> help NGOs, social entrepreneurs,and major businesses <strong>to</strong> understandand manage the world’s great social,environmental, and governancechallenges.— Many people still see such effortsas part of corporate citizenship.This, as Bulloch puts it, means thatthey think ‘in terms of groomingdonkeys, sponsoring the opera or, atbest, painting schools. Rather than,say, helping Oxfam <strong>to</strong> become a highperformance organization.’ In the contex<strong>to</strong>f Accenture’s 145,000 employeesworldwide, ADP’s 70-going-on-100 mayseem small beer, but the potential <strong>to</strong>catalyze change — both inside Accentureand among its clients — is considerable.— The key point, however, is that oneway of achieving scale with entrepreneurialsolutions is <strong>to</strong> switch largeorganizations on<strong>to</strong> the new challengesand exploit their much greater leverage<strong>to</strong> further evolve and deploy thesolutions.A growing need <strong>to</strong> focus on governmentresponsibilities and roles— Governments need <strong>to</strong> do more <strong>to</strong> shapepublic policy, public sec<strong>to</strong>r targets andwider incentives — for example, inrelation <strong>to</strong> tax breaks for the funding ofsocial enterprise — if the sort of venturescovered above are <strong>to</strong> reach their fullpotential. This is an area that has beencovered by people like Linklaters, 122 butwhere considerable further thinking —and action — is needed.Panel 6.2Next stepsAmong the next steps planned forSustainAbility’s Skoll program are thefollowing:— Skoll World Forum 2007We will present the results of thisfirst survey, and also test some ofour conclusions for the health sec<strong>to</strong>rin a dedicated session.— FeedbackWe will send the final report <strong>to</strong> allthose who <strong>to</strong>ok part, inviting theircomment. This will be used <strong>to</strong> shapefurther projects.— Roundtables and workshopsDuring 2007–08, we will organizeroundtables and workshops <strong>to</strong>debate, evolve, and communicatethe conclusions.47— Further deep/deeper divesWe aim <strong>to</strong> conduct at least two furtherexplorations in<strong>to</strong> our target sec<strong>to</strong>rsduring the coming 12 months.— Explore potential for developing‘Wiki-Manual’Given the interest in understandinghow <strong>to</strong> develop partnerships withmainstream business and otherpartners, we will consider developingeither a published Manual or evenan online manual along the linesof Wikipedia 123 on related themes.— BrokeringFurther develop our thinking, and over12–18 months, our offerings in thisarea.— Capital flowsInvestigate ways <strong>to</strong> increase the capitalflows in<strong>to</strong> the social enterprise space.— 2008 surveyTest themes for the next survey.

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