Order of St. Gabriel Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

Order of St. Gabriel Study Guide - Magdalene Circle

Order of St. Gabriel Study Guide - Magdalene Circle


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When you speak, direct your words towards the Divine Light with full conscious intention, and so it willcome to pass as you speak it.Now if you turn to your right you will find another Throne <strong>of</strong> Light and above it will shine a light calledBahir Light, Brilliant Light; and opposite that Holy Throne and Bahir Light to your left you will findanother Throne <strong>of</strong> Light with a light above it that is called Zohar Light, Radiant Light.If you wish to discern and reveal things that are concealed or hidden, or find things that are lost, thenturn to the Bahir Light; if you want shift the flow <strong>of</strong> what is transpiring or want to manifest somethingnew, then you will turn to the Zohar Light.Above these Four Holy Light and in the center <strong>of</strong> them is a light called Kavod Light, Glorious Light; andsurrounding that Holy Light is another light called Hayyah Light, Living Light – above and beyond themis the Light <strong>of</strong> the Holy Crown pure and transparent, surrounded by Radiant Darkness.If you wish to enter into the Sphere <strong>of</strong> Divine Vision or Prophecy, you must know how to draw near andascend into the Divine Light above – let your soul take flight from your Body <strong>of</strong> Light, and in this wayrun and return in the presence <strong>of</strong> Ha-Shem.The Light <strong>of</strong> the Holy Crown is Ratzon which perfects the desires <strong>of</strong> the mind and heart, and illuminatesthe paths <strong>of</strong> the imagination, inspiring the soul and enhancing the radiance <strong>of</strong> Divine Vision. This HolyLight is without end, and there is no comprehending it. From Glorious Light <strong>of</strong> its purity and perfectioncomes all true willing or desires, blessings, grace, peace and life, and all that is good and true, and in itsleast form it is a glaring glow.Within the Dark Radiance the True and Supernal Light shines, but only the perfect shall behold it, thesouls <strong>of</strong> the children <strong>of</strong> the Great Seth (Shin-Tau).The Holy and Divine Light is concealed from those who turn away from it or who go astray from thePath <strong>of</strong> Beauty and Righteousness, and to those who go astray it transforms into its exact opposite,Klippah Nogah, the false lights <strong>of</strong> deceiving spirits that invokes the Judgment.The true path is in the middle and is straight, as Yohanan proclaimed, depending on purification, whichis to say kavvanah-concentration – to sojourn this straight and narrow path you must know how toconcentrate, and how to cleave with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and the Divine Light fromabove, the Mother’s Force, must bless you in order to accomplish this, for the spirit is willing but theflesh is weak.According to the strength <strong>of</strong> kavvanah and the force <strong>of</strong> devekut, you will transmit power through yourdesire, and you will desire through your knowledge, and you will imagine through your thoughts, andstrength will flow through your actions, and fortitude will be in your contemplation, primordial.34

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