Journalism Ethical - Graines de Changement

Journalism Ethical - Graines de Changement

Journalism Ethical - Graines de Changement


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8Books, Movies, Reprints and CopyrightNewspaper Guild has questions about rights to payment forreprints of articles that the staff member has written, he or sheshould refer to The Times’s collective bargaining agreementwith the Guild. In general, this agreement calls for a 50/50split of the fees involved.87. In contemplating book projects — or other outsi<strong>de</strong> en<strong>de</strong>avors— staff members must never give an impression they mightbenefit financially from the outcome of news events. Staffmembers may not negotiate with any outsi<strong>de</strong> person orentity for any rights to an article or story i<strong>de</strong>a before thearticle has run in The Times. Staff members involved incovering a running story may not negotiate over books, articles,films, programs or media projects of any sort based on thatcoverage until that news has played out, unless they have writtenpermission in advance from the associate managing editor fornews administration or the <strong>de</strong>puty editorial page editor.88. No staff member may serve as a ghost writer or co-author forindividuals who figure in coverage they provi<strong>de</strong>, edit, packageor supervise or are likely to do so.89. No staff member will be given a leave of absence, paid or unpaid,to write a book without the explicit permission of the executiveeditor or the editorial page editor. I<strong>de</strong>ally, a staff member whofeels he or she will need to leave to complete a book projectshould inform The Times of the intention to seek a leave at thesame time he or she first makes the book project available forconsi<strong>de</strong>ration by The Times. A <strong>de</strong>cision to grant or <strong>de</strong>ny arequest for a book leave — like requests for most other leaves ofabsence — will be based on many factors, including previousbook leaves or accommodations the newspaper has granted tothe staff member; the impact the leave will have on <strong>de</strong>partmentalstaffing needs, and the <strong>de</strong>gree to which The Times believes thebook project will accrue to the newspaper’s interests. If a staffmember represented by the Newspaper Guild has a questionabout a leave of absence, he or she should refer to The Times’scollective bargaining agreement with the Guild.26E T H I C A L J O U R N A L I S M

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