Efficiency - SSI Schäfer

Efficiency - SSI Schäfer

Efficiency - SSI Schäfer

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CompanynewsProductnewsThe end customerstrategyWith a new department for automatedturnkey solutions, the <strong>SSI</strong> Schaeferheadquarters in Neunkirchen is takinga leap into the world of automation.The primary target market is SME.Until now, three <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer subsidiarieshave stood for complex automatedsolutions: <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer Noell,<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer Peem and Salomon Automation.And it will stay this way. Nevertheless,the intralogistics specialist hasdecided to expand its range of offeringseven further. With the new “Automatedturnkey solutions” sales department,the company headquarters in the Siegerlandregion is now also dedicated toautomation.With the new department, <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefercaters to the needs of medium-sizedcompanies finding themselves betweentwo worlds, with a particular question:Manual system or an automatedsolution? Whereas the subsidiaries primarilyhandle complex, larger projects,<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer, Neunkirchen offers semiautomatedsolutions as well as fully-automatedsystems for medium-sized companies.Above all, the offer is specificallytailored to the end user.In this way, <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer provides itscustomers with even more comprehensiveconsulting. Always with the objectiveof increasing efficiency.Automated turnkeysolutions increase your<strong>Efficiency</strong>Storage and order pickingwith an automatic unitLogiMat® from <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer is a storagelift designed to greatly improve thecapabilities of the warehouse and theefficiency and flexibility of the storageand order-picking processes. And itdoes this in the smallest of spaces.Storage lifts based on the vertical principleare an ideal solution whereverflexibility and optimum use of the availablewarehouse space are paramount.<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer‘s LogiMat® is a systemrequiring just 1/10 of the storage areaof a conventional static storage. The automaticstorage system uses the simplegoods-to-man principle and cuts traveltimes by more than 70 %. It also increasesthe speed of order picking six- to tenfoldby automating the process.In principle, the storage lift is similar toan oversized drawer cabinet with tworows of trays; one in the front, and onein the back. Between these rows is alift. This lift travels the whole height ofthe automatic storage system to removethe individual trays from their respectivepositions and to deliver them to the operatingwindow. The items required aredisplayed via a touch-screen and logical,user-friendly operating interface. Thewarehouse management system transfersthe orders directly to the storagelift where the respective trays of itemsare controlled and moved to the operatingwindow. The warehouse staff thenremoves the goods required at an ergonomicheight.The LogiMat® is extremely flexible andcan be adapted to any individual requirementbecause of its modular structure.There are no restrictions on how thesystem is installed; it can feature separatereplenishment and picking sides,replenishment on both sides or pickingone floor up, can be installed in thebasement or over two floors, as a systempenetrating the roof, countersunk in thefloor or attached with a casing construction.For example, it can be installed asa single storage lift or if required canbe easily combined with other deviceswhich are simply controlled by a warehousemanagement system. Each pickingwindow also has a very user-friendlymultifunction touch-screen and can beoperated autonomously.<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefertakes overHandler A/S<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer takes over Handler A/S(Humlebæk/DK) and thus adds to theproduct portfolio with the importantstorage lift segment.An initial project for joinery and carpentryFrom the end of 2011, a new, automatichigh bay pallet storage system from<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer, Neunkirchen will be providingefficient, space-saving goods storageat Rudolf Ostermann GmbH, Bocholt.The expanding wholesaler for carpentrysupplies is the European leader in mailorder joinery supplies and fittings withover 1,000 orders per day. The ever-growingrange also includes tools and machinery,design elements and installation andassembly articles.To increase stock reliability and shortendelivery times, Ostermann decidedin March 2011 to purchase a futureoriented,flexible storage solution from<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer. A key feature for the wholesaler,aside from the price/performanceratio, was the necessary experience andexpertise in providing consulting on SAPsolutions as well as implementing them.To store and pick semi-finished and finishedgoods, the Siegerland-based intralogisticsspecialist is currently implementingthe associated automatic highbay pallet racking system in a silo designwith 10,000 pallet storage spaces foreuro/industrial pallets and mesh boxes.The complete material flow control andwarehouse management system will beimplemented later on in SAP WM/TRM.The complete integration into the existingSAP landscape at Ostermann also savesthe customer additional interfaces andthe hassle of modifying them when processeschange. Performance and availabilityhave also been improved.Two Schaefer Compact Crane storageand retrieval systems with a constructionheight of approx. 24 m will in the futureperform goods storage and retrieval operations.The products are transportedvia pallet conveyor technology. In the process,the general contractor is supplyingall the components of the logistics centrefrom one source.With more than 2,500 references,Handler A/S occupies a strong marketposition in the storage lift market,particularly in Scandinavia. With theintegration of the Danish company,<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer completes its productchain as a full-service provider for intralogistics.Owing to the practically completecoverage of value creation by the<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer Group, it is expected thatsignificant synergies in production, distribution,project management as well asin customer service & support will beachieved.The LogiMat® storage lift is consideredfuture-oriented and extremely userfriendly.Thanks to the ergonomically designedcomponents, the LogiMat® integratesseamlessly into the <strong>SSI</strong> Schaeferproduct range ergonomics@work®.18 19

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