Efficiency - SSI Schäfer

Efficiency - SSI Schäfer

Efficiency - SSI Schäfer

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UnternehmensnewsComputing and paper bestpracticeStoring cardboard with styleWith the commissioning of a new distributionwarehouse by the young corrugatedcardboard manufacturer Packnerin Schüttdorf, Lower Saxony, at the endof 2010, the starting signal was alsosounded for production. With the stateof-the-artsite close to the A 31 highway,the company is now one of Europe’smost modern processors of corrugatedcardboard.The general contractor was the Troisdorfbasedcompany SIVAplan, which signed<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer, Neunkirchen, for the establishmentof the fully automated high baywarehouse in a channel storage version.the corrugated cardboard directly followingits arrival from the neighbourhood. If bottlenecksoccur, the production departmentis able to access the goods directly from abuffer warehouse”, explains Frank Gausepohl,Managing Director at Packners.This small buffer warehouse is integratedinto the single-aisle channel warehouse ina silo design. With a length of 80 m, awidth of 28 m and a height of 34 m, it providesspace for 14,000 pallets for storingthe finished cartons in addition to the rawmaterials area. Until dispatch, the goodsare held in the fully automated high baywarehouse.UFP supplies retail chains, SMEs andpublic services across France with ITproducts. In total, over 10,000 pointsof delivery are supplied within 24 - 48hours. The basic requirement for this isan interlinked, powerful logistics system.“We wanted to utilise the services of asingle supplier to equip our warehouse”,explains Thierry Wolff, Director of theUFP site. “<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer, France, providedus with a quotation that met our requirementscompletely and in full.” Result:The new logistics system at SzerencsejátékZrt., Hungary has been in fulloperation since the beginning of June.Scratchcards, lottery tickets and poolscoupons can now be supplied efficientlyand uniquely identified in terms of logisticseach week to 4,500 sales points inHungary.The rapid route to asecure futureThe company UFP specialises in the sale of IT materialsand is relying on <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer to equip its entirelogistics platform in St. Léger, France.a tailor-made solution for controlling allgoods and data flows in the warehouse.In collaboration with <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer, Graz,the intralogistics specialist installeda turnkey system: from the racking – aPR 600 pallet racking system with20,000 pallet storage locations, adynamic live storage racking systemas well as a R 3000 modular shelvingsystem – to conveyor technologyand automated picking systemsAround 50 % of the Hungarian lotterymarket is controlled by SzerencsejátékZrt. The company sells mainly two lotterygames: Lotto and Tippmix.For more efficient shipping of the lotterymaterials, the company decided to modernisethe warehouse. The aim was todevelop a goods management systemand to combine the shipping of productsin a controlled way. Another goal was toreduce the operating costs. In this process,each shipment needs to be clearly(Pemat) right through to the softwareprograms for controlling the warehouseoperations. On an area of 29,000 m²,the company now stores, picks and dispatchesup to 3,500 items of freight anhour using the new solution.All types of freight are prepared on demandso that UFP can easily adapt to itscustomers‘ requirements. To increasethe accuracy and speed of order picking,the forklift drivers work using a pick-byvoicesystem. Among other equipment,an automatic storage system for labels,delivery notes and invoices, as well as aweight check of each consignment withphotographic registration of the cartoncontent ensure error-free deliveries toend customers.Not simply a question of luckidentified with the transfer time onthe documentation. The contract wasawarded to <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer, Hungary.The newly developed order picking systemfeatures a conveyor track of around70 m. In addition, <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer providedworkstations with a pick-by-light system,live storage shelving with 30 FiFochannels and containers for a transparentmaterial flow concept. An automaticaddress label printer adds a code to theorders, ensuring transparent tracking.From production through to shipment, thechoice of location was the key for rapid processes:to cut long transport routes, thewarehouse is directly next to their supplierof raw materials. “In general, we process<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer has just completed thedesign and installation of a three-tiermodular shelving system for STIHL inCamberley, Great Britain. The entirepallet racking on the site was also completelyoverhauled.STIHL is synonymous with chainsaws.One of the most popular chainsaw brandsin the world, STIHL develops, manufacturesand sells motor-driven equipmentfor agriculture, forestry and construction.The new R 3000 modular shelving systemfrom <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer, England, which hasThe savings Packners achieves with thisefficient intralogistics concept are happilypassed on to their customers. Additionally,the environment also profits.More flexibility for power tools and morebeen built to exact customer specifications,allows STIHL to develop the businessover time without worrying aboutadditional space.“The new multi tier shelving system, builtin line with current building regulations,has provided STIHL with a unique spareparts storage area able to accommodateall of the items previously stored in anumber of carousel machines. The flexibilityand adaptability of the shelving systemwill see us through the next phase ofbusiness growth”, summarises Paul Brennan,Project Manager at STIHL.Source: Peer Vespermann/SIVAplanPharmaceuticaldistribution on anew levelUTI Pharma, South Africa’s leadingpharmaceutical distributor, has chosen<strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer to supply and install theirbrand new national distribution centrein Johannesburg.The ground-breaking ceremony for thestate-of-the-art installation took place on23 May 2011. The installation consistsof a high-performance picking systemwith 24 Schaefer Carousel units anda fully automated high-bay pallet warehousewith 10 <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer storage andretrieval systems of 32 m in height.The fully integrated solution supports fullpallet, case and single piece pick operations,as well as the bundling of storeorders, within one system and will beable to process over 30,000 order linesper day.The project succeeded thanks to thenewly established office of <strong>SSI</strong> SchaeferSystems South Africa, in collaborationwith <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer, Graz. The new branchoffice in South Africa will provide the fullspectrum of <strong>SSI</strong> Schaefer Services toSouthern Africa including Local Maintenance& Support and a complete Sales &Engineering Office.22 23

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