Anglický jazyk A0 - VŠEM

Anglický jazyk A0 - VŠEM

Anglický jazyk A0 - VŠEM


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Structure summary1 st conditionalIF + present, willEx. If it rains at the weekend, I will (’ll) stay at home.What will you do if you miss the bus?2 nd conditionalIF + past, wouldEx. If I won in a lottery, I would (I’d) buy a house.What would you do if a shark attacked you?1 st conditional vs 2 nd conditionalUse the 1 st conditional for possible future situations. (If I have time, I’ll help you – maybeI’ll have time)Use the 2 nd conditional for hypothetical situation. (If I had time, I would help you – Idon’t have time) 19Section 1 - conditional mode, conditional clauses8.1 Match the sentences halves1. If you leave now, a. if you go by car.2. It will be better b. if you don’t start right now.3. If it rains tomorrow, c. you’ll catch the train.4. You won’t have time d. will he pay me back?5. If I lend him the money, e. we’ll stay at home.19 1. kondicionál používáme pro situace v budoucnosti, které jsou za určité podmínky možné. (Jestli budu mítčas, pomůžu ti.) 2. kondicionál používáme pro hypotetickou možnost. (Kdybych měl čas, pomohl bych ti.)

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