Anglický jazyk A0 - VŠEM

Anglický jazyk A0 - VŠEM

Anglický jazyk A0 - VŠEM


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9.2 your own answers9.3 2. can´t find// 3. couldn’t go // 4. couldn’t visit // 5. can´t decide9.4 2. It might rain today. // 3. We might go to Italy. // 4. He might not be here. // 5. I might be late. // 6. Hemight not have time. // 7. She might not like it.9.5 2. shouldn’t // 3. should // 4. should // 5. shouldn’t // 6. should // 7. should9.6 2. must see // 3. must clean // 4. must win // 5. must learn9.7 2. had to // 3. must // 4. had to // 5. must // 6. had to // 7. must9.8 2. don’t need to // 3. mustn’t // 4. mustn’t // 5. don’t need to // 6. don’t need to // 7. mustn’t9.9. 2. These stamps are sold in a post office // 3. This room isn’t used very often. // 4. How is this wordpronounced? // 5. It is made from glass. // 7. The house was built in 1922. // 8. I was woken up by the noise.// 9. How were these glasses broken? // 10. She wasn’t invited to the party.9.10 2. is cut // 3. were taken // 4. are educated // 5. was made // 6. was stolen // 7. is made9.11 2. is eaten in Italy // 3. was written in 1998 // 4. is sold every day // 5. was translated into 6 languagesSection 29.12 2. Rome is the capital of Italy. // 3. London is the capital of the UK. // 4. Berlin is the capital of Germany.// 5. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. // 6. Madrid is the capital of Spain.9.13 1d // 2e // 3f // 4a // 5b // 6g // 7c9.14 1. the Czech Republic // 2. Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Germany // 3. Czech // 4. the Czech9.15 sun f // snow a // lightening c // wind e // cloud b // fog g // rain dChapter 10Introduction1. uncountable; coffee, meat, fish, pasta, rice, fruit, chocolate, water // 2. a piece of chocolate // 3. countable//4. uncountable // 5. positive // 6. negatives, questionsSection 110.1 2. a // 3. an (pronunciation) // 4. a (pronunciation) // 5. an // 6. a10.2 a // 3. an // 4. a // 5. the // 6. an10. 2. feet // 3. children // 4. umbrellas // 5. keys // 6. men // 7. cups // 8. boxes10.4 2. some// 3. an // 4. some // 5. a // 6. some // 7. some // 8. some10.5 2. some, some, an // 3. any // 4. any // 5. any // 6. a, some10.6 2. How much // 3. How many // 4. How much // 5. How many // 6. How much // 7. How much10.7 2. 2. I don’t drink much Coke. // 3. She doesn’t eat much rice. // 4. They eat quite a lot of pasta. // 5.How much exercise do you do? // 6. I eat a lot of fruit. // 7. They drink a lot of milk.10.8 1c // 2d // 3f // 4g // 5b // 6a // 7eSection 210.9 fruit – pineapple, grapes, apple, strawberries, banana, pear, orange // vegetables – onion, carrot, garlic,tomato10.10 2. beer // 3. milk // 4. coffee // 5. wine // 6. juice10.11 2. sugar // 3. rice // 4. potatoes // 5. fish // 6. pasta // 7. salt, pepper // 8. chocolate

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