Anglický jazyk A0 - VŠEM

Anglický jazyk A0 - VŠEM

Anglický jazyk A0 - VŠEM


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KeyChapter 1Introduction1. be, 3rd person, singular, negative - isn’t // 2. see structure summary // 3. 3rd person, singular; get, brush,have, take, leave, go // 4. doesn’t take; we use do/does // 5. present continuous, auxiliary verb – be,verb+ing // 6. see structure summary// 7. present simple; present continuousSection 11.1 2. he isn’t // 3. we’re // 4. they’re// 5. you aren’t// 6. I’m1.2 2. is // 3. am //, 4.is // 5. are // 6. are1.3 2. Diamonds are expensive. // 3. I’m tired/ I’m not tired. // 4. My hands are cold // 5. Paris isn’t in the UK.1.4 1. Are your friends here? // 2. Where are you from? // 3. Is the bank near here? //4. Are the shops opentoday?1.5 2. goes // 3. studies // 4. finishes // 5. has // thinks1.6 2. teaches // 3. opens, closes // 4. cost // 5. like // 6. meets // 7. wears1.7 2. We usually have dinner at 7. // 3. I often read in bed. // 4. Sue always enjoys parties. // 5. My fathersometimes walks to work.1.8 2. I don’t know your phone number. // 3. He doesn’t drink coffee. // 4. It doesn’t happen very often. // 5You don’t work very hard.1.9 2. Do they play tennis? // 3. Does she work hard? // 4. Does Tom live near? // 5. Do you speak three/ anylanguages?1.10 2. are sitting // 3. is waiting // 4. is having1.11 2. I am eating / I am not eating. // 3. I am listening to music / I am not listening to music. // 4. The sunis shining / The sun isn’t shining. // 5. I am wearing shoes / I am not wearing shoes.1.12 2. are you cooking // 3. is she crying // 4. is he looking1.13 2. don’t // 3. is // 4. do // 5. are1.14 2. is leaving // 3. am writing // 4. walks // 5. is going // 6. go // 7. goes // 8. are playing // 9. cries // 10.am not doing // 11. Does he watchSection 21.15 1. podstatné jméno // 2. zájmeno // 3. sloveso // 4. přídavné jméno // 5. příslovce // 6. spojka // 7.předložka // 8. jednotné číslo // 9. množné číslo // 10. otázka // 11. odpověď1.16 1. get up // 2. have a shower // 3. have breakfast // 4. listen to music // 5. have lunch // 6. get home //7. make dinner // 8. watch TV or read books // 9. watch TV or read books // 10. go for a walk // 11. do theshopping // 12. go out1.17 Possible answers 1. 7 a.m. // 2. bread // 3. bus // 4. 12 p.m. // 5. watch TV or surf on the internetChapter 2Introduction1. be, go – irregular, rent, arrive, want - regular // 2. auxiliary verb did + not (didn’t); didn’t smile // 3.did // 4. past continuous – auxiliary verb was/were, verb+ing; were swimming, was having // 5. past simple;past continuous

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