ROTTNE H-20 - dominga.lt

ROTTNE H-20 - dominga.lt

ROTTNE H-20 - dominga.lt

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TRIED AND TRUSTED HARVESTERRottne H-<strong>20</strong>, which has been on the market for several years, has proven itself to be a highly efficient harvester in large sized forest.Operational reliability, high productivity and low operating costs are characteristic of this large harvester, which has become verypopular. The 6-wheel robust chassis with front bogie and singlerear axle has large, wide wheels, a very low centre of gravity and thus excellentstability even when working on downhill slopes. The strong articulated joint with integratedarticulated frame lock has large steering angles, making the harvester flexibledespite its size. The design of the cab combined with its levelling andswivelling capabilities gives the operator a fantastic overview aroundthe machine, and if the harvester is equipped with a reversing camerathis improves the view to the rear.The transmission is rapid and precise with good tractive force, but also allowsgentle precision operation when required.Operation is simple and once drivingdirection has been selected the accelerator pedal is used as the drive pedal.When the pedal is pressed down, brakes and articulated frame locks areEGS 700released automatically and the machine starts to move. The speed increasesas the pedal is depressed further and the machine stops when the pedal is released,at which point brakes and articulated frame locks are activated. Steering is controlled via a joystick on the lever panel in the armrest.HARVESTING HEADStandard models of Rottne H-<strong>20</strong> have a head designated EGS 700 and acutting diameter of 75 cm. The head has five feed rollers, two of which arelocated in supporting wheel arms that push the stem in towards the framewhere the other three rollers are mounted. Using this principle the stemis held in a steady grip and supported by the rollers instead of the limbingknives. This allows the knife pressure to be lowered, which reduces frictionagainst the stem and ensures better utilisation of the feed force.The upper and lower limbing knives and wheel arms are jointly controlledinitially, but can also be operated individually. Diameter measurement isperformed via sensors in the lower knives and length measurement by aseparate free-running measuring wheel. Rottne H-<strong>20</strong> can also be equippedwith the slightly smaller EGS 590 head, which is bui<strong>lt</strong> along the same linesbut has three feed rollers and a cutting diameter of 65 cm.<strong>ROTTNE</strong> H-<strong>20</strong>WELL DESIGNEDA stable harvester with significant power resources and an appropriately-dimensionedhead is required to handle heavy final felling.The objective when developing Rottne H-<strong>20</strong> was to design a harvesterwith the properties required of an efficient large harvesteroperating in heavy forest. The chassis as well as the loader and headare designed to cope with this demanding work month after monthwhile yielding the same good level of profitability.The vital components in Rottne H-<strong>20</strong> have been selected with greatcare right from the start, and this is the reason why this harvesterhas an excellent track record when it comes toreliability and low operating costs.The H-<strong>20</strong> concept is also characterised by its swivelling andlevelling cab offering fantastic visibility and superb operator comfortas well as great ease of access for servicing and maintenance.

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