Download PDF - Zeitgeist - LIGANOVA

Download PDF - Zeitgeist - LIGANOVA

Download PDF - Zeitgeist - LIGANOVA


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Festival Special<br />

fEsTival dE la mOdE<br />

& dE la phOTOgraphiE<br />

Carlo Van Der Roer<br />

“the portrAit mASchine project”<br />

VAn De roer’S portrAit mAchine<br />

project exploreS the iDeA thAt A<br />

portrAit photoGrAph cAn reVeAl<br />

An otherwiSe unSeen AnD<br />

AccurAte inSiGht into the SuBject’S<br />

chArActer. uSinG A polAroiD<br />

AurA cAmerA DeVelopeD in<br />

the 1970‘S By An AmericAn ScientiSt,<br />

VAn De roer hAS AttempteD<br />

to recorD whAt A pSychic miGht<br />

See.<br />

Robin Schwartz<br />

“AmeliAS worlD”<br />

hilAriouS, touchinG AnD DiSturBinG<br />

SerieS lookinG At the relAtionShip<br />

Between SchwArtz’S<br />

DAuGhter AnD VAriouS AnimAl<br />

frienDS.<br />

16 ligavision 17<br />


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