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them but can one have fun even while doing maths or physics, history or geography? Canone be happy helping mother or a friend in trouble? Can one look after a plant or a gardenmost naturally and be happy? Think upon these things. How necessary are outward forms<strong>of</strong> entertainment for inward happiness? Does interest lie without or within? How can onediscover one’s own interests? At what age do you think interests are formed?Also consider the other question. What is energy? What are things that dissipate yourenergy? Do you know what ‘dissipate’ means? It means the wasting <strong>of</strong> energy. Forexample, observe how your body feels and what is the state <strong>of</strong> your mind after you haveseen a commercial film, full <strong>of</strong> action, <strong>of</strong> violence. Is there a difference between that stateand the way you feel when you are fresh in the morning after a night’s rest? Is it true tosay that too much <strong>of</strong> entertainment can dissipate energy?If that is so, how can you ‘conserve’ energy? Not by denying yourself allentertainment. That would be silly: but, perhaps, by choosing a form <strong>of</strong> entertainment thatrefreshes makes you feel joyous. Also, do you ever like to be alone by yourself justwatching nature - the sky or the birds or trees, not asking for pleasure. Try it sometime. Itmight give you a lot <strong>of</strong> joy.12. On People and Their WaysArun was asked to escort his masi back to her home which was about two hours fromtheir town by train. Arun felt absolutely elated, for that meant that he had grown up. Hewent to the station on his bicycle and bought two second class tickets and also got theseats reserved. He put them carefully into a small new wallet his mother had given himand came home. Revati masi who was his favourite aunt had come to spend about a weekat her sister’s place because she was lonely in her own home. Her eldest son was marriedand had gone to another city where he was employed. Her daughter was studying to be adoctor and was doing her house-surgeonship that year and so she was staying in thehospital and came home very rarely. Masi stayed with her younger son and daughter-inlaw,Sarika, with whom unfortunately she had problems <strong>of</strong> relationship. Sarika was abright, sprightly girl but man considered her too ‘modern’. Whenever she came to hersister’s house, Revati masi would narrate incident after incident to prove that moderngirls were very selfish, pleasure-loving, arrogant, and her sister would console her.Strange isn’t it, how we base our opinions about people on incidents <strong>of</strong> daily life, onpeople’s conscious and unconscious behaviour? Day after day, these incidentsaccumulate and the opinions get fixed and we form our own images <strong>of</strong> people. So Revatimasi had one image <strong>of</strong> her daughter-in-law and that young lady must have carried herown image <strong>of</strong> her mother-in-law — how old fashioned she was how possessive <strong>of</strong> herson, and so on. The son was in a dilemma for he was fond <strong>of</strong> his mother and his wife. Onmost days he pretended to be deaf and this instigated the two ladies. Life is like that, full<strong>of</strong> inner conflicts and man-made problems. It might have helped if they had talked thingsover, but they didn’t.At any rate, Arun was happy that he could make a trip with his aunt, may be for a dayand return. He took a set <strong>of</strong> clothes neatly arranged and a small bag with his soap,toothbrush, etc. Once in the compartment, he acted very responsibly and saw to it that his

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