Rosh Hashanah 2009 - South African Jewish Board of Deputies

Rosh Hashanah 2009 - South African Jewish Board of Deputies

Rosh Hashanah 2009 - South African Jewish Board of Deputies

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JEWISH AFFAIRS ROSH HASHANAH <strong>2009</strong>“But Rabbi, is there a Biblical source whichindicates that women have a part in the world to comeand therefore go to heaven?” (Dawn was thinking toherself, “I must show my Christian friends a pro<strong>of</strong>from the ‘Old Testament’ that their assumptions andpresumptions about <strong>Jewish</strong> women are unfoundedand wrong”.)“There certainly is - not just one source, but eventwo. It is striking that both sources also form part <strong>of</strong>the Haftarahs on the two days <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rosh</strong> <strong>Hashanah</strong>. Inthe first Book <strong>of</strong> Samuel, Chapters One and Two, weread that when Chanah came to the sanctuary <strong>of</strong> theLord in Shiloh, bringing her little son Samuel, sheaddressed Eli the priest and said, ‘I prayed for thisboy, and the Lord has granted me what I asked’. Thenshe prayed to the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord causesdeath and bestows life, He lowers to the grave andbrings up’. Thus we learn from Chanah that Hashemresurrects the dead, and <strong>of</strong> course that includes all <strong>of</strong>Israel, both men and women”.“In the Haftarah <strong>of</strong> the second day <strong>of</strong> <strong>Rosh</strong><strong>Hashanah</strong>, we read from Jeremiah, Chapter 31, ‘Thussaid the Lord: A voice is heard in Ramah - lamentation,bitter weeping; it is Rachel weeping for her children;she refuses to be comforted for they are away. Thussays the Lord: Restrain your voice from weeping,your eyes from tears; your work shall have its reward,says the Lord; they shall return from the land <strong>of</strong> theenemy. There is hope for your future, says the Lord;the children shall return to their own land’. Whatbetter pro<strong>of</strong> is there that <strong>Jewish</strong> women have a placein Heaven? Here the Tanach records that many,many years after Rachel died and was buried in Efrat,her spirit revived and she wept for the <strong>Jewish</strong> peoplewho were going into exile in Babylon”.“Oh Rabbi, how grateful I am!” exclaimed Dawn,“I am so proud to have become one <strong>of</strong> Am Yisrael,and today you have strengthened my faith. I feel nowwhat Ruth spoke to Naomi: ‘Your people are mypeople and your God is my God’”.MR. THOMAS SAID*John YarbroughMr. Thomas said it was ok if I sat in the corner <strong>of</strong>his neighborhood grocery and read comic books aslong as I was careful not to bend the pages so theylooked used. Miss Wison who worked the cashregister said an eight-year-old boy shouldn’t be outrunning the streets unsupervised all summer even ifhe did have a dog which I did name Pokey who satoutside the store until I came out no matter how longthat was. Mr. Thomas said he would rather have a kidreading comics and not bothering anyone than onewho came in running and breaking things and lookingto steal candy bars. Miss Wilson said none <strong>of</strong> the kidshad to steal anything on account <strong>of</strong> Mr. Thomasletting us sell him coupons from the newspaper atone-half their value. Mr. Thomas said he only boughtcoupons for items he carried in stock so what was theharm. Freda Walker who had finished paying for ahalf gallon <strong>of</strong> milk and some potatoes said she wouldcome back and sit with me but first she had to take theJohn Yarbrough is an award-winning poet andshort story writer and a frequent contributor to<strong>Jewish</strong> Affairs.groceries home because the milk needed to be put inthe ice box. Miss Wilson said its funny how kids callrefrigerators ice boxes when they never even saw anice box. Mr. Thomas said it’s just language kids pickup from their parents and grand-parents and that onetime Freda’s dad asked where were the goobers andit took a minute to remember that is what old peopleused to call peanuts. Freda came back and said mydog was still sitting outside the store which I alreadyknew. She said when I was alone looking at Lulu shewould like to see it and she sat down and folded herknees under her dress and started reading Nancy.Mr. Thomas said we could have a soda pop if wepromised to both bring in a coupon worth at least tencents because pops cost five cents each. Freda saidwe would and she drank a Mission Orange. I had aNehi Grape. Miss Wilson said don’t spill your drinkson the comic books and if your hands get sticky thereading is over for the day. Freda said we had readlong enough anyway, and I should walk her homebecause that’s what a gentleman would do. Mr.Thomas said come back and don’t forget about thosecoupons.52

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