Rosh Hashanah 2009 - South African Jewish Board of Deputies

Rosh Hashanah 2009 - South African Jewish Board of Deputies

Rosh Hashanah 2009 - South African Jewish Board of Deputies

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JEWISH AFFAIRS ROSH HASHANAH <strong>2009</strong>RISING TIDE : HOW FREEDOM WITHRESPONSIBILITY UPLIFTS EVERYONE*David SaksOver the past two decades Jack Bloom, a seniormember <strong>of</strong> the DA caucus in the Gauteng Legislature,has acquired for himself a well-founded reputationas an astute, incisive thinker, one whose views aretaken as seriously by his political opponents as theyare within his party. The high pr<strong>of</strong>ile he enjoys in themedia is unusual for a regional-level politician,particularly for one in opposition, and is testimony tothe effort he makes to bring the matters he deals withto the public’s attention. His latest book, Rising Tide– How freedom with responsibility uplifts everyone,is the record <strong>of</strong> a working politician who cares aboutissues, and who wants others to care as well. As such,it is an antidote to the political apathy that characterisesall too much <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>African</strong> society, particularlywithin the white minority.Rising Tide consists <strong>of</strong> 46 essays, comprising ayear’s worth <strong>of</strong> Bloom’s thoughts on a wide range <strong>of</strong>relevant contemporary issues. These range fromcritiques <strong>of</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>African</strong> democracy to bread andbutter matters such as public transport, health careand job creation. They were originally sent out as aweekly e-mail column to senior media people andkey opinion-formers, and a number weresubsequently published in the mainstream press(mainly in The Citizen, for which Bloom now writesa regular column). Several sparked <strong>of</strong>f lively publicdebate over the airwaves, as well as generatingextensive email correspondence.The book contains a thoughtful foreword byPr<strong>of</strong>essor Seepe, President <strong>of</strong> the SA Institute <strong>of</strong>Race Relations, who commends Bloom for his energyand initiative in stimulating much needed publicdebate. For his part Radio 702’s John Robbie, quotedon the back cover, describes Bloom as “a perfectexample <strong>of</strong> what politicians should be”.What makes the essays easy to read, even whenthe subject matter might not be to a particularindividual’s taste, is Bloom’s lucid style <strong>of</strong> writing,combined with the skilful manner in which eachessay is structured. The author begins by introducinga problem or question and then proceeds to answer it,marshalling a series <strong>of</strong> facts and logical argumentand elegantly rounding the whole <strong>of</strong>f at the end. Abrief item <strong>of</strong> interest – usually the author’s sardoniccomments on some <strong>of</strong> the more bizarre statements bypublic figures – is appended to each essay. It certainlyhelps that Bloom, while arguing strongly againstthose trends and ideas he opposes, never resorts topersonal attacks or crude invective.The book’s subtitle can be seen as Bloom’s credoas a convinced liberal who nevertheless believes thattrue liberalism does not mean evading responsibility.As he writes in the introduction, “I believe inindividual freedom, but I have come to appreciatethat it can only endure when there is a degree <strong>of</strong> selfcontrol, which is the capacity to defer instinctualgratification”. This theme – freedom withresponsibility – recurs throughout the collection.Rising Tide – How freedom with responsibility upliftseveryone by Jack Bloom, Johannesburg, <strong>2009</strong>,138pp. Copiescan be obtained from the author at JBloom@jpl.gov.za.OUTWITTING HISTORY*Robert SchwarzFrom time to time, the media have been warningthe public <strong>of</strong> the peril <strong>of</strong> losing a number <strong>of</strong> animalspecies which had not even been on the endangeredlist for any length <strong>of</strong> time. It seems that modernhomosapiens begins to worry about the extinction <strong>of</strong>organic life when it is, as it were, five minutes tomidnight.What is true for approaching the inevitable andRobert Schwarz, a regular contributor to <strong>Jewish</strong>Affairs, is Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Emeritus <strong>of</strong> Philosophy andEuropean History at Florida Atlantic University.irrevocable moment when the last polar bear, the lasttiger, the last feral <strong>African</strong> wild dog, is gone foreveris also true <strong>of</strong> such treasurers as languages, culturepatterns, and even whole tribes. We wake up when itis too late.I am referring in particular to the real threat thatYiddish, as a spoken or printed tongue, is in danger<strong>of</strong> being a victim <strong>of</strong> the proverb “Use it or lose it”,unless people who care find a way <strong>of</strong> preventing itsdemise.What Outwitting History is all about is a splendidlywritten account <strong>of</strong> a team <strong>of</strong> dedicated <strong>Jewish</strong> young54

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