Afghanistan Afghan Public Health Institute Strategic Plan - ianphi

Afghanistan Afghan Public Health Institute Strategic Plan - ianphi

Afghanistan Afghan Public Health Institute Strategic Plan - ianphi


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Transparency ‐ We believe in providing access to information about our budgets and makeinformation freely available about how we make decisions. For certain processes we identifyand follow specific published criteria (e.g. when selecting contractors through an RFP process)Sustainability – We believe in creating and supporting a health system that can, in time, besupported by <strong><strong>Afghan</strong>istan</strong>, both technically and financially.Dignity and Respect – We value everyone’s worth and believe in treating everyone with dignityand respect regardless of gender, age, race, religion, ethnicity and socioeconomic and politicalstatus.Equity – We believe in fairness and giving all <strong>Afghan</strong>s the opportunity to develop and maintaintheir health through just and fair access to resources for health.STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS<strong>Strategic</strong> Directions are areas of emphasis that are contained within an organization’s mission andenable it to move toward its vision. The following ten <strong>Strategic</strong> Directions were identified andreached consensus on at a national multi‐stakeholder workshop held in Kabul on December 7 and 8,2010. Their order in no way reflects their importance.‣ Improve the nutritional status of the <strong>Afghan</strong> population‣ Strengthen human resource management and development‣ Increase equitable access to quality health services‣ Strengthen the stewardship role of MoPH and governance in the health sector‣ Improve health financing‣ Enhance evidence‐based decision making by establishing a culture that uses data forimprovement‣ Support regulation and standardization of the private sector to provide quality health services‣ Support health promotion and community empowerment‣ Advocate for and promote healthy environments‣ Create an enabling environment for the production and availability of quality pharmaceuticals.This section will provide a brief description of each strategic direction including what itencompasses, the current situation related to it and why it is important, followed by <strong>Strategic</strong>Objectives and Priority Interventions for the next five years that were identified by relevant MoPHpersonnel and other key stakeholders through a highly participatory process. The strategic planningprocess will be followed within the next few months by an operational planning process where thepriority interventions and activities will be further “fleshed out” and indicators and desired resultsidentified to enable the monitoring and measuring of performance over time.Ministry of <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, 2011‐201521

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