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<strong>CHRISAL</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>HORSES</strong>Chrisal PIP (Probiotics-In-Progress) products are used in over fifty countriesaround the world, providing horse owners with a proven, highly effective solutionfor improving the environment in which the animals are raised and housed.Chrisal PIP products include live, beneficial bacteria that colonize the surfaceswith a stable, healthy micro-flora.PIP PROBIOTIC BACTERIA:Cleans and remove biofilm down to the microscopiclevel, and prevent its return.Competitively exclude pathogenic and other bacteriafrom surfaces.Provide true on-going protection for days after eachapplication.BENEFITS OF USING <strong>CHRISAL</strong> PIP CLEANING PRODUCTS:Maintain a healthy environment without using harmful and caustic chemicals.Reduce the occurrence of all types of bacteria, regardless of antibiotic resistance.Greatly lower the risk of infections, while reducing or eliminating the need forantibiotics.Significantly reduce the offensive odors in the barn.Easy to use for workers- no gloves, masks, or eye protection needed.<strong>CHRISAL</strong> PROBIOTIC PRODUCTS ARE SAFEThe proprietary bacterial strains used in Chrisal PIP products are all naturalstrains and have not been subject to gene splicing or recombinant technologies(NO GMO). They are beneficial and classified as Type 1 (harmless organisms).All strains are listed on the AAFCO Approved List.Approval as an organic input is approved with a number of organizations.The same Chrisal PIP products are also used globally inhospital and medical institutions where they haveproven to be highly effective cleaners and deodorizerswhile reducing the occurrence of pathogenic bacteriaand hospital acquired infections.<strong>CHRISAL</strong> for Horses Page 1 of 2

<strong>CHRISAL</strong> for HorsesPIP HORSE BARN CLEANINGApply to the floor, walls, and equipment as needed.Dilute in a range of 20 to 30 to 1 depending upon the conditionsin the stalls.Spread with a standard foamer such as the one in the illustration.1 liter of concentrate can cover about 100 m 2 (4000 ft 2 per USgallon of concentrate).It is not necessary to use gloves or protective clothing whenusing Chrisal products.Foaming ApplicatorPIP WATER PLUS <strong>FOR</strong> CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE OF PIPINGAdd to the feed water to clean water tanks and supply lines where it breaks downbiofilm in the water storage and distribution systems and prevents future build up.Dilute in a range of 5,000 to 10,000 to 1.The pH of the water should be kept in a range of pH 5.0 to pH 9.0.The chlorine concentration should be less than 5 ppm.PIP PROBIOTIC ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLThe Chrisal PIP Probiotic Environmental Control (PEC)probiotic suspension establishes a healthy and stable microbialcommunity in stalls, stables, and barns resulting in the totalenvironment being protected by Chrisal PIP.In the first week after birth, mist foals with PEC daily, and then decrease to threetimes per week for the next 4 weeks.Mist both the stalls and the animals for optimum results.For adult horses, mist the stalls and animals daily for the first week, then decreasingto 2 times per week thereafter.If this protocol is followed, the horses will be healthier, grow faster, and offensiveodours in the barn will be markedly reduced. Antibiotic use will be reduced.For more information, contact John Edwards, the Chrisal Ltd. agriculture representative.JohnEdwards@Chrisal.cawww.chrisal.ca<strong>CHRISAL</strong> for Horses Page 2 of 2

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