ideas and outreaches - Rhema

ideas and outreaches - Rhema

ideas and outreaches - Rhema

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Whether it’s people you work with orpeople you work for . . . people youminister to or people who minister toyou . . . people in your own familyor complete strangers . . .Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been aroundawhile, you have to know that people are going to beone of the biggest challenges you face in life <strong>and</strong> ministry.Even if you’re an outst<strong>and</strong>ing leader or helper, there’s noguarantee that others are going to hold up their end of thebargain. Even in Jesus’ ministry, the multitude left Him, the 12ran away, the three went to sleep, the one denied Him, <strong>and</strong> theone betrayed Him. He wasn’t at fault, but it still happened.So be ready. While you’re doing your best, there will behumans who let you down. That’s part of life. If you’re aware ofthat going in, you will survive how others treat you, disappointyou, or surprise you, <strong>and</strong> it won’t derail you from keeping yourjoy <strong>and</strong> fulfilling your call.Those You Work WithIt is said that people oftenleave a job not because of thework, the pay, or the conditions,but because of coworkers.Rev. Joe Duininck, head ofthe RHEMA School of WorldMissions at RBTC, says that oneof the main reasons missionaries leave the field is because oftrouble with people.“We don’t expect to have a problem with our fellowministers, so it catches us off guard,” says Joe. “We think, I graduatedwith this person. They’re a friend. They’re a RHEMA graduate.Let’s work together. We don’t expect it to be frustrating—just aspeople don’t go into marriage planning for it to be somethingthey have to work hard at. But often they do.”According to Joe, awareness is a huge part of the answer.“Just know to expect challenges,” he says. “I think that studyingdifferent personality types can be a helpful tool in learninghow to get along—to underst<strong>and</strong> that there are differences inthe way we all perceive things.”For example, Joe says, “Most often it would be beneficialfor missionaries to study what another culture is like beforeDon’t Let PEOPLECatch You bySurprisethey go live there. But if they don’t think they’ll have trouble withthe culture, they don’t study it. In the same way, if you don’t thinkyou’ll have trouble with people you work closely with, then youdon’t plan for it. Anything you don’t plan for can catch you offguard. Be forewarned that even in the best situations, you’ll havechallenges with people.”Learning to deal with people is vitally important. “If we’regoing to make disciples <strong>and</strong> evangelizethe world,” says Joe, “our strongesttestimony is love within the Body.Unless we’re better than Jesus, thereare going to be people who hurt us,intentionally or unintentionally. Sowe need to use wisdom <strong>and</strong> growup. It’s hard <strong>and</strong> challenging, but wedon’t have a license to get bitter.”“Be forewarned thateven in the bestsituations, you’llhave challengeswith people.”—Rev. Joe DuininckThose You Minister ToHumans can be fickle. Often it seems as if those you help most,or the ones you’re closest to, are the ones who turn on you. So when(not if!) that happens, what can you do? Here are some tips:1 Lean on God. He is always faithful, always trustworthy. Henever leaves you, never forsakes you, <strong>and</strong> always upholdsyou. Your strength lies in Him (Isaiah 41:10).2 Pray for those who hurt, disappoint, or harm you(Matthew 5:44; 1 Peter 3:9). God’s Word says that ratherthan ignore, retaliate, gossip, or suffer in silence, we musttake action when people treat us badly. We must love,bless, do good, <strong>and</strong> pray. These are not passive things.3 Forgive <strong>and</strong> forget. Don’t let someone else’s actions havepower over the rest of your life. Forgiveness is freedom(Mark 11:25–26).4 Remember that no one can steal your joy unless youallow it. Determine that no person, no matter what thatperson does, can steal your joy (Nehemiah 8:10).5 Stay open, don’t get hard, <strong>and</strong> keep loving people. IfJesus did it, you can too (Hebrews 12:4).Wisdom Keysrhema.org | 9

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