great beer, great responsibility - MillerCoors

great beer, great responsibility - MillerCoors

great beer, great responsibility - MillerCoors


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e t h i c s a n d t r a n s p a r e n c yGREAT PRACTICESGreat Beer, Great Responsibility means we arecommitted to growing our business the rightway. Ensuring ethical practices both withinthe organization and throughout ourentire value chain is a top priority.In 2009, we redesigned our Codeof Business Conduct and issued anew training tool to all employees,who affirm the Code annually. Wealso achieved our goal of issuingthe Code to distributors and top retailchain accounts. Furthermore, in everypurchase order and supplier contract we includerequirements to abide by provisions of our Code.<strong>MillerCoors</strong> plays an active role with externalorganizations, including the Corpedia AdvisoryBoard, the Corporate Executive Board Complianceand Ethics Leadership Council, and the Ethicsand Compliance Officer Association, to conductbenchmarking and maintain leading edgetechniques for ethics and transparency.Sustainable Leadership<strong>MillerCoors</strong> is a joint venture wholly owned byour parent companies, SABMiller and MolsonCoors. Both parent companies are global leadersin sustainable development and actively guide<strong>MillerCoors</strong> progress. <strong>MillerCoors</strong> Board of Directorsincludes members from both parent companies.One of three Board-level committees, CorporateResponsibility and Ethics, charts our progress andmeets at least three times each year.Our Sustainability Leadership Council includes 36employees from all functions of the business andmeets quarterly to set goals and guide <strong>MillerCoors</strong>sustainable development strategy. <strong>MillerCoors</strong> alsohas an internal Compliance Committee that meetsquarterly to review ethics issues.2015 goalImprove overallSustainabilityAssessment Matrix(SAM) scoresby 5%Members of our Sustainability Leadership Councildiscuss sustainability initiatives.Tracking Our Progress<strong>MillerCoors</strong> utilizes the Sustainability Assessment Matrix (SAM), ameasurement tool and benchmarking system based on inputs from theGlobal Reporting Indicators G3 guidelines and UN Global CompactPrinciples, to track its progress. Twice yearly, we complete a SAMassessment on 10 global sustainable development priorities, and theresults are sharedpublicly at www. THE FOUR LEVELSsabmiller.com/files/4reports/sdreporting.Each priority has a‘stairway’ that plotsa course throughfour levels ofperformance from 1minimum standardto best practice.During the most recent reporting period, <strong>MillerCoors</strong> overall SAM scoreimproved by 3.5 percent, from 3.08 to 3.19. In addition, more than60 percent of our scores are at a level three or higher.<strong>MillerCoors</strong> operations are governed by federal and state regulations.In 2009, we paid three environmental penalties from violations at ourCalifornia, Texas and Golden breweries, and received an OSHA citationregarding electrical safety standards at our Golden brewery. We havesince made improvements to ensure compliance.3best practiceAchieving what is currently considered to beglobal best practice in a particular field.developing leadershipApplying a comprehensive approach includinginnovative tools and widespread engagement.2 progressingEnsuring consistent performance is achieved in a particular field.Minimum standardAll operations must achieve level 1 as it represents management of the keysustainable development risks we are facing today. The Executive Committeehas mandated that where operations do not meet level 1 currently, they mustimplement a plan to reach this level as soon as possible.26looking back.We met our 2009 ethics and transparency targets. We furtherembedded sustainability into the business, established a crossfunctionalSustainability Leadership Council, as well as several workingsubcommittees. <strong>MillerCoors</strong> also improved its overall SAM score andestablished corporate and brewery “green teams.”looking ahead.Improve stakeholder dialogue through GreatBeerGreatResponsibility.com•Provide ethics advice to the field sales organization via townhall meetingsImprove and enhance Integrity Program through online training with•<strong>MillerCoors</strong> UniversityEngage employees in culture of sustainability

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