book for PDF - John Snow International Europe

book for PDF - John Snow International Europe

book for PDF - John Snow International Europe


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Crop/ Uses Cultivation tipsNutrientsSoya BeansProtein, mostvitamins andminerals especiallycalcium andvitamins B and E.Dried beans aresoaked thencooked.Usually a field cropbut can be a usefulintercrop in thevegetable garden <strong>for</strong>soil preparation. Canbe planted in rowswith maize.Inoculation may berequired <strong>for</strong> soilimprovement.Harvest when the heads are 15-20 cm across. Further smallheads are produced. This cropprefers cool, moist conditions.Protect seedlings from chewinginsects with plant collars. Protectfrom grey aphids, caterpillars,Downy mildew and black rot.BeetrootProtein, mostvitamins andminerals especiallycalcium andvitamins B and E.Vitamin A.BroccoliCalcium, vitaminsC and K,magnesium.CabbageFor best nutritionalvalue eat cabbagesliced raw as asalad with gratedcarrot. Calcium,Vitamins C and K,iron andmagnesium.Beetroot help tosoften compactedsoil. The globularroots are eatencooked. The leavesmay be eaten asspinach. Cook theroot until soft (usuallyabout 45 minutes).Beetroot can besliced and preservedin vinegar.The green heads areeaten. Break theheads into piecesand steam in a littlewater <strong>for</strong> 5 minutes.The green, flat headsare eaten.Susceptible lack of nutrients andpests especially slugs, snails,caterpillars, cutworms andaphids. Once the plant hasreached a good size gently lift upand tie together the outer leavesto encourage blanching.Plant these heavy-feeders inrich, loamy soil and give plenty ofwater. They do not like acidconditions so use lime. Overwateringonce heads are setcauses splitting.Broccoli is tougher and easier togrow than cauliflower.Cabbage are heavy feeders andneed very fertile soil. This croptakes up a lot of space. Theheads can reach 3.5 kg - 4.0 kg.Same pests as broccoli. Makeslug traps in wet weather.Chinese Cabbage is a highvalue,quick-maturing crop.90

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