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pretty happy. Among Muslims ages 30 and older, 21% are unhappy with how things are in theirlives, while 74% say they are very or pretty happy. A similar age-related difference is evident inthe general public.Like other Americans, Muslims are generally pleased with the communities in whichthey live. More than seven-in-10 rate their community as an “excellent” (28%) or “good” (44%)place to live. In the general population, 41% rate their communities as excellent, and 41% asgood. Three-in-four Muslim immigrants (76%), compared with 65% of all native-born Muslims,rate their home communities as either “excellent” or “good” places to live.Contentment with their lives and communities does notextend to their views about the country. Most MuslimAmericans (54%) say they are dissatisfied with the overalldirection of the county – a critical view shared by an even largerproportion of the general public (61%).Hard Work Pays OffIf anything, Muslim Americans are more likely than thegeneral public to believe that hard work is the path to success:71% of Muslim Americans say that “most people who want toget ahead can make it if they work hard.” A somewhat smallerpercentage of the general public (64%) agrees with thisstatement.Notably, African American Muslims are less convincedthan other U.S. Muslims – both native-born and immigrants –that hard work brings success. Fewer than six-in-10 AfricanAmerican Muslims (56%) agree with this principle, comparedwith 75% of other native-born Muslims, and 74% of all foreignbornMuslims.The views of African American Muslims about whetherhard work leads to success are on par with those of AfricanAmericans more generally. When the same question was askedlast year in a nationwide Pew survey, 59% of AfricanAmericans agreed that hard work brought success.U.S. Muslims See HardWork Leading to SuccessMost can getahead w/hard work%All U.S. Muslims 71Men 66Women 7618-29 7630-39 6840-54 7155+ 64Native-born 64African American 56Other race 75Foreign-born 74Arrived pre-1990 691990 or later 76Self/Parents from…Arab country 78Pakistan 72Other South Asia 76U.S. general public* 64White 66African American 59Hispanic American 61Question: Which comes closer toyour view? (One) Most people whowant to get ahead can make it ifthey’re willing to work hard, or(Two) Hard work anddetermination are no guarantee ofsuccess for most people.* March 2006 Pew Research Centerfor the People & the Press nationalsurvey.30 MUSLIM AMERICANS

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