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more religious say that is a good thing, while about half of those who say Muslims are becomingless religious view this as a bad thing.Other questions portray U.S. Muslims as a community inthe process of assimilating with the larger society. Nearly half(47%) report that all or most of their close friends are Muslims,while 51% report having relatively few Muslims in their innerfriendship circle. Muslim American women are particularly likelyto have mostly Muslim friends. A majority of Muslim women(56%) say that all or most of their close friends are Muslims,compared with 39% of Muslim men.For the most part, Muslim Americans say it is acceptablefor a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim, even though Islamic lawprohibits a Muslim woman – but not a man – from marryingoutside the faith. Overall, 62% believe it is “okay” for a Muslim tomarry a non-Muslim, while 24% say it is unacceptable; 11%volunteered that it depends. More than eight-in-10 (84%) MuslimAmericans with a relatively low level of religious commitment saythere is nothing significantly wrong with interfaith marriages,compared with just 45% of highly religious U.S. Muslims. Inaddition, many more men (70%) than women (54%) think it isokay to marry a non-Muslim.Men, Women Differ OnMarrying a Non-MuslimOK for aMuslim tomarry anon-Muslim%Total 62Men 70Women 5418-29 6430-39 6040-54 6455+ 59Native-born 61African American 58Other races 65Foreign-born 62Arrived pre-1990 641990 or later 59Self/Parents from…Arab region 48Pakistan 50Other South Asia 66ReligiouscommitmentHigh 45Medium 58Low 84Question: Do you personallythink it is OK or not OK for aMuslim to marry someone who isnot a Muslim?34 MUSLIM AMERICANS

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