Retreat 2 Day Trail Ride - SportingPulse

Retreat 2 Day Trail Ride - SportingPulse

Retreat 2 Day Trail Ride - SportingPulse


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Permit No. 40723V/R: 137Pioneer Valley Enduro Club Inc11 th and 12 th August<strong>Retreat</strong> 2 <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Trail</strong> <strong>Ride</strong><strong>Ride</strong>r’s Indemnity FormTHIS IS AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT, WHICH AFFECTS YOU LEGAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. READ ITCAREFULLY AND DO NOT SIGN IT UNLESS YOU ARE SATISFIED YOU UNDERSTAND IT.The <strong>Retreat</strong> 2 <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Trail</strong> <strong>Ride</strong> is run under Motorcycling Queenslands Regulations for trail rides.1. CONTRACT TO PARTICIPATE IN MOTORCYCLE SPORTING EVENT AND/OR ACTIVITYI hereby agree with the person, organisations and bodies corporate whose names appear in Schedule 1(hereinafter collectively called “the organiser”) that I am by this agreement entitled to participate in the PVEC<strong>Retreat</strong> 2 <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Trail</strong> <strong>Ride</strong> (hereinafter called “the meeting”) held on 11 & 12 th Augustat the <strong>Retreat</strong> Station, Nebo (hereinafter called “the venue”) on the terms and conditions set out in this document.2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISKS, DANGERS AND OBLIGATIONSI acknowledge that motorcycling sport is dangerous and that by engaging in the sport and participating in thismeeting I take and am exposed to certain risks and dangers and am under certain obligation as follows:a) That I may be injured, physically or mentally and may be killed;b) That my machinery or equipment may be damaged lost or destroyed;c) That other riders may ride dangerously or with lack of skill;d) That track or event conditions may be hazardous and may vary without warning or predictability;e) The organisers, officials, landowners/track operators and any agents or representative of those incharge of meetings are frequently obliged to make decisions under pressure of time and/or events;f) That any policy of insurance of or in respect of my life or physical or mental health may be avoided;g) That there may be no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured;h) That I have an obligation to myself and to others to participate safely and within the rules of this meeting.3. INDEMINITY GIVEN TO ORGANISERSIn consideration of the acceptance of me as an entrant in this meeting I AGREE TO INDEMNIFY the organisersand each of them in the following manner:a) that I participate in this meeting at my sole risk and responsibility;b) that I accept the venue as it stands with all or any defects hidden or exposed;c) that I indemnify and hold harmless the organisers, their respective servants, agents or officials against anyactions or claims which may be made by me or on my behalf or by other parties for or in respect of orarising out of my death or any injury, loss or damage caused to me or to my machinery or equipment,whether caused by negligence, breach of contract or in any other manner whatsoever.4. SCRUTINEERING DECLARATIONI declare that my machine is safe for use in the <strong>Retreat</strong> <strong>Trail</strong> <strong>Ride</strong>. I declare that the brakes, suspension, steeringand exhaust system of my machine are working effectively and that it has no external oil leaks.I acknowledge that my machine may be subjected to random scrutineering checks and that I may be required torepair or cease using my machine if it is found unsafe or unacceptable for any reason.Nomination Fee $Membership $Rec Licence $Total Price $SCHEDULE 11. Federation Internationale Motorcyclist2. Motorcycling Australia Ltd3. Motorcycling Queensland4. Pioneer Valley Enduro Club5. As per venue registration (Landowner)SURNAME: ……………………………………………. GIVEN NAMES: ……………………………………ADDRESS: ………………………………………………….. SUBURD …………………… P/CODE ………….PHONE: ……………………………….. DATE OF BIRTH ……..../…..……./………. GENDER: M / FNEXT OF KIN/EMERENCY CONTACT: …………………………………………………………………………...SIGNED ………………………………..BIKE :………………………………………….SIGNATURE OF GUARDIAN (IF UNDER 18)…………………..ENIGNE SIZE (CC)…………………… CLUB :………………………

- 2 -Pioneer Valley Enduro Club Inc.<strong>Retreat</strong> 2 <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Trail</strong> <strong>Ride</strong>.SATURDAY 11 thand Sunday 12 th August.Non Competitive, ride run under Motorcycling Qlds Regulations for trail rides.Saturday 11thSunday 12th<strong>Ride</strong>rs Briefing 09.00 am <strong>Ride</strong>rs Briefing 8.30 amRiding Starts 09.30 am Riding Starts 9.00 amEntry Fee for 2 <strong>Day</strong> <strong>Trail</strong> <strong>Ride</strong>$40.00 Juniors for 2 days plus MA Licence$25.00 for 1 day only plus MA Licence$70.00 Seniors for 2 days plus MA Licence$45.00 for 1 day only plus MA LicencePeewee track riders$20.00 for 2 days plus MA Licence$15.00 for 1 day only plus MA LicenceMust have a MA Licence to ride this event or obtain a 1 day licence on theday.$20 MA One Meeting Licence.Club Membership$40.00 Family$25.00 Senior$15.00 JuniorCamping will be available Friday and Saturday Nights.THIS EVENT IS SANCTIONED BY MOTORCYCLINGQLD, THEREFOR NO ANIMALS ARE ALLOWED ATTHIS EVENT (ONLY EXCEPTION ARE GUIDE DOGS).

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