Contributors - CyberSecurity Malaysia

Contributors - CyberSecurity Malaysia

Contributors - CyberSecurity Malaysia


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14.7. A list of time zone properties option will be shown in(Figure 16)SuggestionsBased on my experiment and findings, I would like topropose a pre-analysis and best practice for analyzingevidence as displayed in Process Flow 1.StartFigure 16: Time Properties Option8. Select the proper time zone by matching the “Details”with the time zone setting found in step 2. In this case,all the time properties found inside the suspect harddisk matches (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.After setting up the right time zone environment,analyst can start analyzing the case.9. The same generated output as shown in Figure 14 willbe displayed.Obtain Exhibit ImageImageContainsOperatingSystem?YesNoNo need to change thetime zone setting ofthe EnCase ForensicSoftwareFind out the time zonesetting of the suspectChange the time zonesetting of the EnCaseForensic SoftwareaccordinglyStart AnalysisEndProcess Flow 1: Pre-analysis & Best PracticeConclusionEnCase Forensic Software uses examiner’s machine timezone setting to determine the time zone for the evidencefile. In order to protect the integrity of the evidence file,a mechanism has been suggested for analyst beforeperforming any analysis on the evidence file. •ReferenceEnCase ®Computer Forensic II-v6.10pvi (03.16.2009)Copyright ©2009, Guidance Software, Inc.

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