lis 217 stemming the tide - LISC

lis 217 stemming the tide - LISC

lis 217 stemming the tide - LISC

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In addition, <strong>the</strong>re are special rules for projectsthat participated in <strong>the</strong> federal preservationprograms or <strong>the</strong> Portfolio ReengineeringDemonstration Program, a predecessor of Markto-Market.Special rules also apply to propertieswith Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation contracts:renewal rents are <strong>the</strong> lesser of existingrents adjusted by OCAF, <strong>the</strong> Section 8 FairMarket Rent or <strong>the</strong> market comparable rent.Enhanced VouchersWhere owners choose not to renew a Section 8contract, but to "opt out" instead, MAHRA providesthat eligible tenants will receive EnhancedVouchers at <strong>the</strong> prevailing market rent. Vouchereligibility in opt-outs is limited to low-incometenants with incomes at or below 80 percent ofarea median; o<strong>the</strong>rwise, <strong>the</strong> same basic rulesapply as in <strong>the</strong> prepayment program. EnhancedVouchers are now available to eligible tenantsin any property where an opt-out occurred afterFY1994.Tenant NoticeOwners must give tenants notice at least oneyear prior to <strong>the</strong> opt-out date. If proper notice isnot given, <strong>the</strong> owner may not evict <strong>the</strong> tenant orincrease <strong>the</strong> tenant's rent share until <strong>the</strong> oneyearnotice requirement is met. (HUD will generallyprovide an interim contract extension tocover <strong>the</strong> notice period.)Pending Legislation: Federal Matching GrantsIn recent years, preservation advocates havefocused <strong>the</strong>ir legislative efforts on a campaignto secure federal matching grants for state andlocal preservation programs. While not yet successful,<strong>the</strong>se efforts are gaining momentumeach year. In 1999, a preservation matchinggrant bill passed both <strong>the</strong> House and Senatewith 50 co-sponsors. In 2001, <strong>the</strong> bill was reintroducedas (HR 425 and S 2733) along witho<strong>the</strong>r bills proposing a broader affordable housingtrust fund with potential preservation aswell as production uses. Advocates anticipate arenewed effort to secure passage of <strong>the</strong>se initiativesin 2002. 9 chapter one: Subsidized Housing Preservation: An Historical Perspective 7

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