Incorporating Emotional Intelligence into the Preparation and ...

Incorporating Emotional Intelligence into the Preparation and ...

Incorporating Emotional Intelligence into the Preparation and ...


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Continued/Table 2: Ten Suggestions for Increasing <strong>and</strong> Practicing <strong>Emotional</strong> <strong>Intelligence</strong> duringInternational Travel6. Work to connect with each fellow traveler. Avoid splitting yourself off from <strong>the</strong> group withone or two special friends. This reduces your resources <strong>and</strong> limits your future options while itundermines group process.7. Write a journal. Writing is a tool that can help surface feelings <strong>and</strong> ideas about how tomanage <strong>the</strong>m. Keeping a journal can serve as a practice <strong>and</strong> reminder of <strong>the</strong> physical <strong>and</strong>emotional journey you are taking8. Be wary of <strong>the</strong> results of alcohol consumption. Often traveling adults who don’t know eacho<strong>the</strong>r well socialize with alcohol. When tired, stressed, <strong>and</strong> in unfamiliar surroundings, drinkingmay depress your ability to exercise EI competencies.9. Adopt a Live <strong>and</strong> Let Live philosophy. Your engagement with your fellow travelers, whileintense, is time limited. Try to shrug off o<strong>the</strong>rs’ idiosyncrasies if <strong>the</strong>y don’t overtly intrude onyour experience.10. Schedule a trip de-briefing session before traveling. Everyone should know that <strong>the</strong> groupwill ga<strong>the</strong>r on return to review <strong>the</strong> trip, settle outst<strong>and</strong>ing issues, <strong>and</strong> share improvement ideas for<strong>the</strong> next course. This also gives participants <strong>the</strong> opportunity to self-regulate <strong>and</strong> delay workingout some problems until return. Also assess <strong>the</strong> EI process. How can skills learned by applied indaily life?The Post Travel PeriodIn terms of group development, now is <strong>the</strong> time for adjourning <strong>and</strong> parting. Inasmuch as <strong>the</strong> group hasworked closely toge<strong>the</strong>r under intense conditions, <strong>the</strong>re may be unfinished business in terms ofunresolved conflict. Additionally, <strong>the</strong>re is likely to be some letdown <strong>and</strong> sadness because a remarkableexperience has come to an end. It may be necessary to deliberately seek emotional closure amongparticipants, particularly since new tasks <strong>and</strong> old responsibilities are pulling everyone in differentdirections. Some ideas to promote <strong>the</strong> exercise of EI competencies at this stage include <strong>the</strong> following:For participants.• Exorcise left over emotions by talking to family <strong>and</strong> friends. Use reflection time to betterunderst<strong>and</strong> how <strong>the</strong> practice self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, <strong>and</strong> social skillscan boost personal performance.• Meet for <strong>the</strong> previously scheduled debriefing session for <strong>the</strong> purpose of discussing anyproblems, issues, or conflicts unresolved during travel.• Don’t expect to completely resolve all differences of opinion. In wrapping up <strong>the</strong> activities of atemporary group, final resolution on certain conflicts may carry too high a price to be worthwhile.For <strong>the</strong> institution.• Maintain an institutional underst<strong>and</strong>ing of emotional intelligence training for internationaltravelers. Share feedback from students who have used <strong>the</strong> curriculum with administrators <strong>and</strong>professors. Share material with a broad faculty base whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y are travel leaders or not. (Mostnotably, professors of organizational behavior are likely to be receptive).• Ask all trip leaders to routinely integrate EI training <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir course plans. An EI lesson plancould be generically prepared for all faculty responsible for travel courses.• Identify EI experts on your faculty <strong>and</strong>/or staff <strong>and</strong> broadcast <strong>the</strong>ir talents. Extant trip leadersmay not be familiar with EI concepts <strong>and</strong> may need to be trained. If EI work is deemed valuable buttrip leaders are not interested or able to train students, facilitators can be brought <strong>into</strong> <strong>the</strong> class tohelp complete this work pre-travel.<strong>Emotional</strong> <strong>Intelligence</strong> Competency Building for International Travel Course Participants 10

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