BPS Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook

BPS Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook

BPS Procurement Directive Implementation Guidebook

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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Evaluation Methodology<strong>Directive</strong> Mandatory Requirement #10: Evaluation Process DisclosureCompetitive procurement documents must fully disclose the evaluation methodology and process to be usedin assessing submissions, including the method of resolving a tie score.Competitive procurement documents must state that submissions that do not meet the mandatory criteriawill be disqualified.Description of the evaluation methodology and process must include:1. Clear articulation of all mandatory requirements. Organizations must indicate that the mandatoryrequirements will be assessed on a pass/fail basis, outline how suppliers can achieve a passing grade, andstate that where a submission is found not to comply with a mandatory requirement, no further evaluationof this submission will take place;2. All weights, including sub-weights, for the rated criteria (where applicable);3. Description of short-listing processes, including any minimum-rated score requirements.4. The role and weight of other criteria, including reference checks, oral interviews and demonstrations; and5. Descriptions of the price/cost of ownership evaluation methodology, including scenarios of the evaluationprocess (where appropriate), to determine costs for specific volumes and/or service levels. This evaluationshould take place after evaluation of the mandatory requirements and rated criteria for all bids. Evaluation of Mandatory RequirementsThe evaluation process should begin with the assessment of submission compliance with mandatoryrequirements. Where a submission substantially complies, certain clarifications may be sought to confirmcompliance. To ensure that the above clarifications do not amount to bid repair, Organizations should seek legaladvice.Submissions that do not comply with one or more mandatory requirements must be rejected. Once all compliantsubmissions are identified, an Organization should proceed with the balance of the evaluation process. Evaluation Team<strong>Directive</strong> Mandatory Requirement #11: Evaluation TeamCompetitive procurement processes require an evaluation team responsible for reviewing and rating thecompliant bids.Evaluation team members must be made aware of the restrictions related to utilization and distribution ofconfidential and commercially sensitive information collected through the competitive procurement processand refrain from engaging in activities that may create or appear to create a conflict of interest.Evaluation team members must sign a conflict-of-interest declaration and non-disclosure of confidentialinformation agreement.Page 24

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